
What is Wu Han's character? After his tragic death, Qian Zhongshuyun's light and breezy words were the answer

author:The wind whistles

Mr. Yu Qiuyu said: "Some people confine their lives to mutual voyeurism, mutual supervision, mutual guessing and mutual loss, and some people release their lives on the earth and the long sky, distant mountains and seas. "Facing up to the mistakes of others, we can get the understanding of life, and we can better walk our own path."

Wu Han was born in Yiwu, Zhejiang In 1909, Wu Han showed his extraordinary talent as a teenager, and he had a strong interest in history since he was a child, and went to Jinhua at the age of 12 to study and read a group of books. While reading the ancient and modern history books, he also absorbed Liang Qichao's new ideas on the new reform method. At this time, Wu Han had sprung up like mushrooms of his own ideal ambitions. In 1925, Wu Han graduated from high school and became a primary school teacher because of his family's helplessness, but he knew that he was not here. In 1927, he was admitted to Hangzhou Zhijiang University, but a year later the school suddenly ceased operation, and fortunately a year later he was admitted to the Chinese public school.

What is Wu Han's character? After his tragic death, Qian Zhongshuyun's light and breezy words were the answer

1930 was a turning point in Wu Han's life, he had the privilege of getting to know Hu Shi and was deeply liked by Hu Shi, and when Wu Han encountered problems when he was sorting out the "Book of the Buddha's Kingdom", he wrote to Hu Shi for the first time: "I know that you are very busy, but I can no longer think of anyone else who can solve this problem except you." It can be seen that he was greatly influenced by Hu Shi on the road of Wu Han's scholarship. In 1932, Hu Shi went to Peking University to serve as the dean of the Faculty of Letters, and Wu Han immediately went north to follow in the footsteps of his mentor.

However, due to his serious partiality in mathematics, he was not admitted to Peking University, but was admitted to Tsinghua under the recommendation of Hu Shi. In the subsequent study at Tsinghua, Hu Shi not only helped him solve academic problems, but also took the initiative to help him contact work-study to help him solve problems in life. It can be said that Hu Shi is a nobleman in Wu Han's life, and a guiding lamp in Wu Han's confusion and darkness.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Wu Han, as a hot-blooded young man, was also the hot blood in his heart, and in 1937 he was recruited as a professor at the Southwest United University to continue his research on Ming history during the war-torn years. However, when the scandal of government corruption was spreading at the time of national disaster, Wu Han gradually became dissatisfied with the relevant authorities, and the unfortunate death of his friend Zhang Yinlin deepened his resentment against the authorities.

What is Wu Han's character? After his tragic death, Qian Zhongshuyun's light and breezy words were the answer

Hu shi

In July 1943, Wu Han officially joined the Democratic League, which was the standard for him to formally part ways with Hu Shi's "theory of reading to save the country". Wu Han transformed from a historian into a social activist. He began to devote himself to various anti-Chiang Kai-shek activities, and the criticism became more and more intense, and since then Wu Han has never written a decent historical work.

After the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Wu Han returned to Shanghai and saw that Hu Shi at this time was inevitably unhappy and dispersed due to the difference in thinking between the two.

After returning to Tsinghua, Wu Han vigorously promoted the CCP's ideas, and many well-known professors were influenced by him and their thinking gradually changed. By this time, Wu Han had become a trusted friend of the CCP.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Wu Han served as the vice mayor of Beijing, and then presided over the excavation of the Ming Tombs, wu Han joined our party in 1957, and in 1960 wrote a new historical drama "Hai Rui Dismissal" to promote the spirit of telling the truth. In 1965, his masterpiece "The Biography of Zhu Yuanzhang" was revised and released, which reached a new height in the study of history using the perspective of historical materialism.

What is Wu Han's character? After his tragic death, Qian Zhongshuyun's light and breezy words were the answer

In 1965, Yao Wenyuan accused Wu Han of being an anti-party and anti-socialist tumor, so Wu Han was charged with "traitor" and "secret agent". In 1966, the special period began to be fully destroyed by Wu Han from spirit to body, and in the days of "Three Family Villages", Wu Han's family was often startled by the rapid knocking on the door at night.

On March 19, 1969, Wu Han's wife was persecuted to death, and on October 11 of the same year, Wu Han was also persecuted to death. Before his death, his hair had been stripped naked and his whereabouts are still unknown. Soon after, his children also committed suicide in prison. In 1980, Liao Mosha, a friend of Wu Han and one of the authors of "Three Family Villages", inscribed a poem on a photograph of Wu Han taken in 1964: "The ghost worm has been cute for the disaster, and the innocence is still smiling; the poor Jinling dream is left behind and the name behind him." ”

In 1990, at a gathering of literary scholars, someone talked about Wu Han's deeds after tea and dinner, and Qian Zhongshuyun, who has never made a statement, said lightly: "In 57 years, he would be quite cruel to others. From Qian Zhongshu's words, we can feel that although Wu Han's life end was rather tragic, his deeds will not be forgotten by history, and it is not a comment of his own descendants.

What is Wu Han's character? After his tragic death, Qian Zhongshuyun's light and breezy words were the answer

Looking at Wu Han's life, it is not a legend, but it is also a magnificent wave. So what kind of person is Wu Han, now most of the judgments on him are positive evaluations, and the state has also made him a false accusation in the special period. But there must be something hateful about the poor. It is true that Wu Han has made great achievements as a generation of literati, but as a revolutionary, he has mixed too many personal emotional factors and his own serious left-leaning ideas, and finally fell into the name of deceiving teachers and destroying ancestors.

Before Hu Shiyuan left his hometown to board the plane and went south, he couldn't help but sigh: "It's a pity that Wu Han is sorry, he took the wrong road." When Wu Han broke with Hu Shi and took another path, Hu Shi still felt sorry in his heart, Hu Shi knew that Wu Han was a talented literati, but not an enlightened revolutionary.

After bidding farewell to Hu Shi, Wu Han also drew a clear line with Hu Shi in all aspects, and publicized his achievements to the outside world that he had nothing to do with Hu Shi, and it is no wonder that he treated his teacher so ruthlessly. Thinking back to the young student who was enthusiastic about knowledge and learning from Hu Shi, the scholar who stayed up late and worked hard to implement the teacher's ideas, with the break with Hu Shi, the young and spirited literati Wu Han who was a classmate was gone.

What is Wu Han's character? After his tragic death, Qian Zhongshuyun's light and breezy words were the answer

At the beginning of the revolution, Wu Han was still a passionate young man full of ambitions, but when he was a teenager, he experienced the fall of the family road, and he was too eager to change his fate through the revolution, completely abandoning the arrogance of the literati for the sake of glory and wealth, and in the face of power, Wu Han quickly transformed into a flattering appearance. After successfully sitting in the position of vice mayor of Beijing, in order to speed up the progress of his revolution, he disregarded the friendship he had once made, and took the letters of his former friends as perjury to insist on an anti-special, giving these former friends the most fatal blow.

In the folk, it is also rumored that Wu Han forcibly purchased the private collections of others at a very low price, which is really insulting to the name of historians. Regarding archaeology, his act of disregarding the dissuasion of others to excavate the ming dynasty imperial tomb for his own personal merits brought great losses to the later archaeological community.

All kinds of behavior truly reflect Wu Han's unscrupulous face for the sake of the end, not to mention the appalling behavior of falsifying history and forcibly demolishing the Beijing city wall in order to prove his historiography, lin Huiyin, who has always been gentle, was really angry at a meeting but directly scolded him at the dinner table. Therefore, the world's insults against Wu Han are definitely not empty, and Wu Han has indeed done too many heinous ugly things in those years of politics.

What is Wu Han's character? After his tragic death, Qian Zhongshuyun's light and breezy words were the answer

Putting aside secular comments, to be fair, Wu Han is a major problem, but it will not be scolded by the world, how many people in that chaotic era can insist on their inner beliefs and not be moved by worldly fame and fortune? In terms of character, he has made quick gains, framed others, and hurt many people, and Wu Han's biggest mistake is that he did not know that he had embarked on a path that should not have belonged to him.

Turning to the books left by Wu Han, we can find that he is a very talented historian, and his unique and sharp vision can often analyze history to the point. We often say that reading history makes people wise, and Wu Han, whose home is full of history books, finally embarked on a wrong path, which really makes people lament that those history books were read in vain.

Looking back on the past, that chaotic era has gone far, we have ushered in the prosperity of the new era, open the history books of the years, one by one vivid characters jump on the paper, like Wu Han, the inspirational model of the first half of life, the second half of the life of the typical figure can give us enough vigilance. No matter what kind of situation you are in, deep down, don't give up your pursuit easily.

Text/Wind groans and howls

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