
Pistachio green cake|spring fresh|rich and fragrant fresh and refreshing, sunshine rose with pistachio sauce cream rich in texture, sweet and juicy, crisp and full flesh, come to taste the spring green

author:Snow Ducks

Pistachio Green Cake|Spring Fresh|Rich and fragrant

Fresh and refreshing, sunshine rose with pistachio sauce cream rich texture, sweet and juicy, crisp and full flesh, come to taste the spring green flavor (the recipe can be made 6 inches).

Ingredient preparation:

Cake rolls:

3 eggs, 35g corn oil, 50g milk, 50g gluten flour, 40g sugar, 15g pistachio butter, 1.5g lemon juice.

Chantil cream:

200g light cream, 10g pistachio sauce, 白️ 15g sugar.


170g light cream, 10g pistachio sauce, 10g sugar.


(1). Corn oil + milk emulsification.

(2). Add pistachio sauce and stir well.

(3). Sift into the z-shaped low-gluten flour and stir well, add egg yolk and mix well (the batter state flows in a stacked and not easy to break the line).

(4). Preheat oven to 145°.

(5). Freeze the egg white until there is ice residue on the edge of the basin, beat at medium and high speed until large bubbles and add a little sugar.

(6). Beat until the large bubbles disappear and add sugar for the second time.

(7). The meringue is gradually delicate and the remaining sugar is added.

(8). Sort out the basin side meringue at low speed, beat until the egg head is lifted, and there are small sharp corners upright.

️ (9). Take a spoonful of meringue and egg yolk paste and mix well, pour into the remaining meringue and mix well (the fewer times you mix, the better).

(10). Pour the mold into a high place, shake out large bubbles, and stir out bubbles with toothpicks.

(1) (1). Oven at 145 degrees for 60 minutes, put the middle and lower layers.

(1) (2). Shake out the hot gas, immediately buckle, completely cool and demolded.

(1) (3). Cut into three thin and uniform cake embryos, assemble the cake, one layer of cake embryo + one layer of cream, spread a layer of fruit, and so on.

(1) (4). Spread the cream into a large curved hook.

Pistachio cake embryo has been full of fragrant aroma, pistachio fruit aroma with green lift, sunshine rose, full of each bite!

#Food# #Dessert# #Fruit# #Fruitcake# #Pistachios# #Qingti# #Cream# #Cream Cake# #蛋糕 #

Pistachio green cake|spring fresh|rich and fragrant fresh and refreshing, sunshine rose with pistachio sauce cream rich in texture, sweet and juicy, crisp and full flesh, come to taste the spring green
Pistachio green cake|spring fresh|rich and fragrant fresh and refreshing, sunshine rose with pistachio sauce cream rich in texture, sweet and juicy, crisp and full flesh, come to taste the spring green
Pistachio green cake|spring fresh|rich and fragrant fresh and refreshing, sunshine rose with pistachio sauce cream rich in texture, sweet and juicy, crisp and full flesh, come to taste the spring green
Pistachio green cake|spring fresh|rich and fragrant fresh and refreshing, sunshine rose with pistachio sauce cream rich in texture, sweet and juicy, crisp and full flesh, come to taste the spring green
Pistachio green cake|spring fresh|rich and fragrant fresh and refreshing, sunshine rose with pistachio sauce cream rich in texture, sweet and juicy, crisp and full flesh, come to taste the spring green
Pistachio green cake|spring fresh|rich and fragrant fresh and refreshing, sunshine rose with pistachio sauce cream rich in texture, sweet and juicy, crisp and full flesh, come to taste the spring green
Pistachio green cake|spring fresh|rich and fragrant fresh and refreshing, sunshine rose with pistachio sauce cream rich in texture, sweet and juicy, crisp and full flesh, come to taste the spring green

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