
I didn't expect the combination of "boiled carrots with maple syrup and tofu cashew butter" to be so delicious

I didn't expect the combination of "boiled carrots with maple syrup and tofu cashew butter" to be so delicious

I once went to a friend's house for dinner, and they made a dish I'd never seen before, with a plate spread of white sauce and something like that, topped with roasted carrots, and topped with red pomegranates. The whole dish is as dazzling and beautiful as a ruby, and when you take a piece of bread and eat it, you will be amazed as soon as you eat it.

The spread sauce is rich and creamy with a natural aroma, the carrots are caramelized with sugar for a sweet taste, and the fresh red pomegranate bursts the juice between chews and kneades it into a sweet and sour layer. This dish is so delicious and special, I immediately asked for a recipe, and my friend said that she learned it from a well-known European and American food KOL Stephanie Manzinali:

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"Maple carrot x tofu cashew butter" will be so delicious

This dish has been liked by more than 170,000 people on social platforms, and it may seem complicated, but it is actually super simple.

The milky white spread at the bottom is Vegan Ricotta, which is made with tofu, cashew nuts, garlic, lemon, spices and other ingredients added to a blender until the texture is creamy.

The method of roasting carrots with maple sugar is also very simple, put the carrots on a baking sheet, sprinkle with olive oil, cinnamon, salt, cumin, etc., and then drizzle maple sugar with boldness, and bake them in the oven to complete. All that's left is plating and sprinkling red pomegranates.

I never thought that it could be matched like this, the point is that after the actual trial, it is really delicious, and it is not grandstanding!

This dish is great whether you make it yourself or invite friends to your home for a party. It's just that I don't have an oven at home, and the nearby supermarkets rarely sell pomegranates, so after many attempts, I created a simpler and improved version, which I will share with you below.

A simple and improved version of what I created,

Every friend who has eaten it wants to ask me for a recipe

If you don't have an oven at home and find it difficult to buy pomegranates, please refer to the simple and improved version I created. Although some steps were omitted and some ingredients were changed, so far every friend who has eaten it says it is delicious, and they all asked me for a recipe to make at home.


I didn't expect the combination of "boiled carrots with maple syrup and tofu cashew butter" to be so delicious


Maple carrots:

1/ Cut the carrots into large pieces and boil them in boiling water to soften them (but not too soft, as they will be boiled in syrup later)

2/ Once the carrots are soft, take them out and cut them into small cubes

3/ Heat the olive oil in a pot, then add the diced carrots, then add an appropriate amount of maple sugar, cinnamon powder, salt, a little cumin powder, stir-fry over low heat, stir-fry until the diced carrots are colored, and the maple sugar becomes darker and condensed

I didn't expect the combination of "boiled carrots with maple syrup and tofu cashew butter" to be so delicious
I didn't expect the combination of "boiled carrots with maple syrup and tofu cashew butter" to be so delicious

Cashew tofu spread:

1/ Whisk tofu, cashews, garlic, olive oil, salt, cinnamon, lemon juice or apple cider vinegar in a blender. I don't really focus on the exact amount, and everyone's favorite flavor is different, so I recommend that you try the flavor slowly until you like it

2/ Beat all ingredients into a thick and silky texture

I didn't expect the combination of "boiled carrots with maple syrup and tofu cashew butter" to be so delicious
I didn't expect the combination of "boiled carrots with maple syrup and tofu cashew butter" to be so delicious
I didn't expect the combination of "boiled carrots with maple syrup and tofu cashew butter" to be so delicious
I didn't expect the combination of "boiled carrots with maple syrup and tofu cashew butter" to be so delicious

Assembly & Plating:

1/ Take a large plate and spread the spread

2/ Sprinkle with diced maple carrots and finish with a little cinnamon for garnish and you're done!

I didn't expect the combination of "boiled carrots with maple syrup and tofu cashew butter" to be so delicious
I didn't expect the combination of "boiled carrots with maple syrup and tofu cashew butter" to be so delicious

Thinking about it later, I think this dish is actually very similar to the "American Carrot Cake" (which does look like a cake) in the "vegetarian salad version", but the dish is refreshing, healthy and delicious, and full of nutritious protein. However, it should be noted that after cooking, try to eat it as soon as possible in one meal, otherwise it will be iced, otherwise it will be sour after a long time. Since I learned this dish, I have to cook it almost every week, and sometimes I will fry a baked egg with assorted vegetables for lunch, cut a few slices of bread, and eat it together, and then make a cup of hot coffee after the meal, and I feel very light all day long!

I didn't expect the combination of "boiled carrots with maple syrup and tofu cashew butter" to be so delicious
I didn't expect the combination of "boiled carrots with maple syrup and tofu cashew butter" to be so delicious
I didn't expect the combination of "boiled carrots with maple syrup and tofu cashew butter" to be so delicious

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