
America's first female spy, Agent 355 mystery. The world-famous female spy is the Dutch dancer Marta Harry who was active in France, seducing men during the First World War


America's first female spy, Agent 355 mystery. The world-famous female spy is the French-based Dutch dancer Marta Harry, who seduced men during World War I, leaked state secrets to Germany, was arrested, convicted and sentenced by the French army.

But a truly good spy must never let the world know his true identity.

The female spy codenamed "Agent 355" is known as the earliest female spy in the United States, and it is said that her identity has not been known since the American Revolutionary War until now, so her true identity is not yet clear.

But according to rumors, she relayed an important piece of information during the American Revolution, revealing the betrayal of American Major General Benedict Arnold, who was supposed to fight for the colonies but later fell to Britain.

It is generally believed that only a good spy will reveal the other party's spy without revealing his true identity, but today, more than two centuries later, it should be okay to tell the secret of who she is. Who the hell is she?

When it comes to espionage, Agent 355 is truly impeccable, and only once does her codename be mentioned directly in letters between Abraham Woodhall and George Washington, the leaders of the spy network "Calpa Lin" operating during the Revolutionary War.

The group used secret passwords and unseen ink to publish encrypted messages in newspapers, and Woodhall said she "played a big role in the communication."

So what exactly does Agent 355 swear allegiance to?

Here, to briefly explain the historical background, in the mid-18th century, the 13 colonies of the United States were tired of British rule. At the Second Continental Congress, George Washington formed the Continental Army and was appointed commander of the attack on Boston.

Experts believe that British officers in high positions discussed freely issues such as the deployment of troops near Agent 355. Because she is a woman, she is not taken seriously. But while she has always been considered transparent, she has always been there.

General Washington, together with Major Benjamin Talmet, established the spy network Calpa Lin, whose mission was to spy on the movements of British troops in New York City, the stronghold of the United States, and whose members were most active from October 1778 to 1783, when the British retreated from New York.

The condition for a good spy is not to let people know his true identity, but the important thing is that the existence of Calpa Lin was not known to the world until the 30s of the 20th century, that is, the patriot spies of Calpa Lin were almost unknown for 150 years and were good at espionage.

Now that the identities of several members of Calperring have been exposed, nothing is known about the identity of Agent 355, and the number 355, cracked from the cipher system used by Calpa Lin, only knows that it means "lady".

So who is the female spy who brought victory to this revolution? People speculated about a woman named Anna Strong. Although there is no conclusive evidence, according to oral legend, Anna was a neighbor of Abraham Woodhal, the leader of Calpa Lin, who used a black blouse hanging from a clothesline to send a signal to the whaling ship smuggling across the Long Island Strait. Anna also said that Woodhal, in order to meet the envoy, used a handkerchief to tell the envoy where to park the ship in the six bays.

But other historians believe that the likelihood that Anna Strong was a member of Calpa Lim is low. In the hit TV series Turn Around: Washington's Spy, Agent 355 was once a slave to Anna Strong.

Another suspected candidate for 355 was Lydia Dara, who was attending a secret assembly at her home during the British occupation of Philadelphia in 1777. It is reported that she warned Washington of an impending attack, and later learned that the information reached Washington, and the head of the British spy department, Major John André, launched a leak investigation.

Because the rally was hosted by Lydia's husband at home, Andre had no suspicions about Lydia, she was convinced that all women had the same political views as her husband, and did not think that Lydia was a spy who leaked information.

Lydia is likely to be the family of Robert Townsend, Kalpa Lin's most mysterious and very dedicated agent, who Townsend told no one, not even Washington, his real name.

In 1780, when Benedict Arnold betrayed American patriots, Agent 355 was arrested and imprisoned inside HMS Jersey. There is a theory that she gave birth to a boy who later died on the ship, and that boy was Robert Townsend Jr. However, because there are no birth records, there is no conclusive evidence for this clue.

Who is America's first female spy, Agent 355? Although the decisive thing is not yet known, there is a lot to say.

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America's first female spy, Agent 355 mystery. The world-famous female spy is the Dutch dancer Marta Harry who was active in France, seducing men during the First World War
America's first female spy, Agent 355 mystery. The world-famous female spy is the Dutch dancer Marta Harry who was active in France, seducing men during the First World War
America's first female spy, Agent 355 mystery. The world-famous female spy is the Dutch dancer Marta Harry who was active in France, seducing men during the First World War
America's first female spy, Agent 355 mystery. The world-famous female spy is the Dutch dancer Marta Harry who was active in France, seducing men during the First World War

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