
When Vietnamese female soldiers are captured by the U.S. military, they will be tortured by the U.S. side with animals to extract confessions. The first way, leeches, the U.S. military takes leeches that occur frequently in the rainforest and places them in a bundle

author:Liu Baixi

When Vietnamese female soldiers are captured by the U.S. military, they will be tortured by the U.S. side with animals to extract confessions.

The first way, leeches, the U.S. military took the leeches that frequently appeared in the rainforest, put them on the bound them, let the leeches suck their blood, and the Vietnamese female soldiers, who were powerless to resist, could only feel the animals sucking their own blood bit by bit until death ended their pain.

The second way is to apply salt to the soles of the feet and lick the goats. Salt is a very important thing for goats and can promote the growth of goats. Therefore, when the goats see the salt, they are bound to rush to lick it. The goat's constant licking of the soles of the Vietnamese female soldiers' feet caused them to laugh continuously, and the non-stop laughter could lead to death from lack of oxygen in the brain. In the face of the "drama" of the goats, they can only end up dead.

When this earth survived two world wars and thought that a peaceful world was in front of us, I did not expect that there were always countries that were still making waves with war, so that weak and small countries suffered from it - Vietnam.

Who would have thought that escaping French colonization would be able to regain a new life, who would have thought that once again it would fall into the pocket of another country.

Vietnam was colonized by the French and was humiliated.

After the outbreak of World War II, it was briefly ruled by the Japanese army. The tenacious Vietnam struggled to resist and wanted to achieve Vietnamese independence on its own, but unfortunately, the powerful French invaders obstructed everywhere, making it difficult for Vietnam to move forward.

Fortunately, with the help of China, Vietnam won a weak victory, and the two sides temporarily reached a boundary of 17° north latitude, forming a situation of division between north and south. After fending off France and wanting to catch its breath and rest, Vietnam "ushered" in the invasion of american troops.

But really, the iron Vietnam, the flowing enemy army, took turns to fight.

Presumably, everyone knows that the United States has always liked to use other countries to play with the cannon and use other countries as pawns. Vietnam, a small developing country, has become a pawn used by the US military to expand its own advantages in the context of the Cold War.

To this end, the United States, which has not given up on its goal, began to instigate Vietnam to carry out provocative acts against NATO. The stupid Vietnam thought that with a strong backing, it would not be afraid of anything, so the Vietnam War broke out completely.

In the early days of the war, NATO had the upper hand with the help of China and the Soviet Union, and the cunning United States feared that Vietnam would be completely reduced to a red world and had to fight in person.

At first, because the equipment of the Vietnamese soldiers was not as advanced and perfect as the armed soldiers of the US army, they were not opponents of the US army at all, so they were defeated and retreated, and suffered heavy losses.

Fortunately, thanks to China's warning, the US military has been able to restrain a lot and dare not cross the 17° north latitude line.

Later, with the support and guidance of the Soviet Union, Vietnam launched a widespread guerrilla war against the US army, and the US army fell into the sea of people and could not extricate itself, and eventually failed.

The Vietnam War, which has been fought for 20 years, is the nightmare of countless Vietnamese people, with 1.4 million Vietnamese soldiers dying on the battlefield and even civilian casualties reaching 2 million. It can be seen that the pain caused by war to mankind is unforgettable and devastating.

In this war, the sacrifice of a large number of male soldiers led to a greater unity of the Vietnamese people, the gradual lack of male strength, and many women fought bravely to become Vietnamese female soldiers.

Vietnamese female soldiers fight, no different from male soldiers, and even more sensitive.

Vietnam's dense forests and shrublands are abundant, making them ideal for guerrilla warfare. Vietnamese female soldiers took advantage of the way the US military was not familiar with jungle warfare to deal with the US army, and gained unexpected results.

What is even wiser is that Vietnamese female soldiers are good at approaching the US military by camouflage, and when they are not ready to shoot, the US army is invincible.

The U.S. military lost a lot of money by underestimating the Vietnamese women soldiers, and when the Vietnamese women soldiers were captured in the later stages, in order to wash away the shame, the United States began to take inhumane measures against them.

The US military used various cruel means to torture Vietnamese female soldiers to extract confessions, but it was difficult for men to resist fear and resistance, and sooner or later the inner defense line would be broken.

Obviously, in the eyes of the US military, there is no distinction between men and women, only to torture the enemy, cause his death, and obtain intelligence in its favor.

For its own selfish desires, the US military has caused indelible harm to Vietnam and has laid down its unforgivable crimes against the Vietnamese people without repentance. Even now, the US military still self-righteously wants to dominate the world and dreams of one side dominating.

Presumably, the United States has forgotten that today's human beings sing peace and put an end to war, because the world has already experienced devastating wars, and mankind knows that wars can only bring destruction, and harm is irreversible.

But history does not lie, and the damage it has experienced in war will leave traces.

When Vietnamese female soldiers are captured by the U.S. military, they will be tortured by the U.S. side with animals to extract confessions. The first way, leeches, the U.S. military takes leeches that occur frequently in the rainforest and places them in a bundle
When Vietnamese female soldiers are captured by the U.S. military, they will be tortured by the U.S. side with animals to extract confessions. The first way, leeches, the U.S. military takes leeches that occur frequently in the rainforest and places them in a bundle
When Vietnamese female soldiers are captured by the U.S. military, they will be tortured by the U.S. side with animals to extract confessions. The first way, leeches, the U.S. military takes leeches that occur frequently in the rainforest and places them in a bundle

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