
Gold can not only hedge, but also become a "life-saving money" for some countries. Since Switzerland's major banks do not usually publish the number of gold bricks they store, the world's largest gold is available from publicly available data

author:Huang Jianbo chased the shadow

Gold can not only hedge, but also become a "life-saving money" for some countries. Since The major Swiss banks usually do not disclose the number of gold bricks they store, the world's largest vault is the underground vault of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (hereinafter referred to as the New York Fed).

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is one of 12 Federal Reserve Banks in the United States, located at 33 Liberty Street, New York City, New York. Its area of responsibility is the Second Federal Reserve of the Federal Readiness System, which includes New York State, Northern 12 Counties of New Jersey, Fairfield County of Connecticut, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Operating under the Federal Readiness System, the bank implements monetary policy, supervises and regulates financial institutions, and assists in maintaining the operation of the national reimbursement system

The New York Bank of the Federal Reserve is the actual controller of the Federal Reserve system, and today I saw a 14-story building built of boulders not far from Wall Street in New York, that is, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which looks like an old building, but the masses should not be confused by its appearance, look at the police cars parked around it, you know that there is treasure hidden here.

More than 20 meters deep under the building, sits the world's largest "gold treasure house", storing a total value of more than 400 billion US dollars of currency and gold, is a full-fledged vault. The entire underground vault is about half the size of a football field, surrounded by the hard rocks of Manhattan Island; Divided into 122 warehouses, the largest warehouse can store about 107,000 gold ingots, stacked up to 3 meters high, 3 meters wide, more than 5 meters long, the market value of more than 15 billion US dollars; It can be immediately closed within 28 seconds, and the air inside is only enough for one person to survive for 7 to 8 hours; The withdrawal of gold must be supervised by a team of three, who belong to the accounting, management and security departments. Each storeroom has 3 locks, which must be opened by these 3 people. What is less well known is that the vault does not even have a "gate" to the outside world, but can only be entered and exited through a 90-ton steel mechanism.

The vault is surrounded by hard bedrock that supports the countless skyscrapers on Manhattan Island. In the "abnormal passage" of the US media's supposed arrival at the vault, the nearest route is from the Fulton subway station closest to the New York Fed, and obliquely digs a passage about 300 meters long in the direction of the New York Fed. However, it is said that in order to dig such a tunnel, even with the best equipment, it will take two months to dig. According to information released by the New York Federal Reserve in 2019, there are currently about 497,000 gold bricks in the underground vault, weighing about 6,190 tons, accounting for about a quarter of the world's total official gold reserves. At $2,000 an ounce, the total value of this gold is more than $386 billion. At its peak in the 1970s, the Reserve Bank's underground vaults stored 12,000 tonnes of gold. Jumbo Huang's Ancient Architecture Collection Jumbo Heritage List

Gold can not only hedge, but also become a "life-saving money" for some countries. Since Switzerland's major banks do not usually publish the number of gold bricks they store, the world's largest gold is available from publicly available data
Gold can not only hedge, but also become a "life-saving money" for some countries. Since Switzerland's major banks do not usually publish the number of gold bricks they store, the world's largest gold is available from publicly available data
Gold can not only hedge, but also become a "life-saving money" for some countries. Since Switzerland's major banks do not usually publish the number of gold bricks they store, the world's largest gold is available from publicly available data
Gold can not only hedge, but also become a "life-saving money" for some countries. Since Switzerland's major banks do not usually publish the number of gold bricks they store, the world's largest gold is available from publicly available data
Gold can not only hedge, but also become a "life-saving money" for some countries. Since Switzerland's major banks do not usually publish the number of gold bricks they store, the world's largest gold is available from publicly available data
Gold can not only hedge, but also become a "life-saving money" for some countries. Since Switzerland's major banks do not usually publish the number of gold bricks they store, the world's largest gold is available from publicly available data
Gold can not only hedge, but also become a "life-saving money" for some countries. Since Switzerland's major banks do not usually publish the number of gold bricks they store, the world's largest gold is available from publicly available data
Gold can not only hedge, but also become a "life-saving money" for some countries. Since Switzerland's major banks do not usually publish the number of gold bricks they store, the world's largest gold is available from publicly available data
Gold can not only hedge, but also become a "life-saving money" for some countries. Since Switzerland's major banks do not usually publish the number of gold bricks they store, the world's largest gold is available from publicly available data

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