
#14 Days To Learn Punch Card Challenge #These kinds of flowers are rarely seen, do you know the exact name? After consulting Baidu Search, the first is a lantern flower full of strong Chinese style; the second

author:Classic old song 721

#14 Days Learning Punch Card Challenge # These flowers are rarely seen, do you know the exact name?

After consulting Baidu search for all things, the first is a lantern flower full of strong Chinese style; the second is a purple-red Lingjian lotus; the third is a purple flower plate, a clematis lotus in the middle; the fourth is a lilac-red fairy ball that wants to open; the fifth is a crimson jade with bright red petals; the most eye-catching and dazzling is the sixth flower, Baidu knows that everything is said to be "ephemeral flower"

The second could be a dragon flower, with golden petals, filamentous buds, and a small golden and silver flower growing in the middle, which was so beautiful! The similarity is more than ninety percent, and it's really hard to tell. Dear friends, do you know what kind of flower this is? [Rose] [Rose] [Rose] [Rose] [Rose]

#14 Days To Learn Punch Card Challenge #These kinds of flowers are rarely seen, do you know the exact name? After consulting Baidu Search, the first is a lantern flower full of strong Chinese style; the second
#14 Days To Learn Punch Card Challenge #These kinds of flowers are rarely seen, do you know the exact name? After consulting Baidu Search, the first is a lantern flower full of strong Chinese style; the second
#14 Days To Learn Punch Card Challenge #These kinds of flowers are rarely seen, do you know the exact name? After consulting Baidu Search, the first is a lantern flower full of strong Chinese style; the second
#14 Days To Learn Punch Card Challenge #These kinds of flowers are rarely seen, do you know the exact name? After consulting Baidu Search, the first is a lantern flower full of strong Chinese style; the second
#14 Days To Learn Punch Card Challenge #These kinds of flowers are rarely seen, do you know the exact name? After consulting Baidu Search, the first is a lantern flower full of strong Chinese style; the second
#14 Days To Learn Punch Card Challenge #These kinds of flowers are rarely seen, do you know the exact name? After consulting Baidu Search, the first is a lantern flower full of strong Chinese style; the second

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