
Mother, my life navigator

If you do the math, it's been 10 years since I left home from college in 2011. The time spent with my mother went from winter and summer vacations to returning home for two weeks a year, and now we are in different countries, because of the epidemic, we can't get together.

In fact, I don't have much time with my mother in my memory, but she has always been my pride, my idol. When I was in elementary school, my mother was studying for a master's degree in Beijing, and the family letters connected the thoughts of the two places. As long as I can find time, she will tutor me in my composition. She seems to have a bit of a stone-to-gold skill. Once, one of my essays was read as a model essay in the class, and the class teacher read it and said, "I'll read it to you again. "This article was corrected by my mother. So, in that moment, I felt like Mom was such a magical magician! The articles she had clicked on shone like a transformation. Under the guidance of my mother, I fell in love with writing, and the articles published in newspapers and magazines as a child made me earn my first fortune. Because my mother studied in Beijing, every time she came back from vacation, she would bring me a lot of novel toys, such as tangrams, nine rings, and various books. In small cities, these things seem particularly magical, and it was my mother who opened up a wider horizon for me. She brought back a desktop computer from Beijing early on, connected to the Internet cable, and taught me to browse and query the web. Now that I think back on how happy I was, my mother did not hesitate to take me to explore new things and let me follow her to visit some famous scholars. Although I was very young and not very impressed, I am full of curiosity and endless desire to explore now, all of which stem from the words and deeds of my mother when I was a child.

According to my father, I was very timid when I was a child, and my friends got together to perform separately, and when it was my turn, I cried nervously and "wow". From "coward" to "speaker", mom is indispensable. She encouraged me to participate in the school speech contest, and at first I was timid, but seeing my mother's confident speech at the unit, as her daughter I felt that I also had this talent. So I started practicing constantly, and then I represented the class in every speech contest. In elementary and junior high school, I also worked as a class leader and a school-level student leader, and these experiences made me throw away the label of timidity very early. Nine years of compulsory education soon ended. High school years are even more hurried in a tense atmosphere. In my junior year of high school, my mother was studying for a Ph.D. in Beijing, and I often received snacks, counseling materials, and warm letters from her. When I volunteered, I set all 6 options in Beijing, just to be closer to my mother.

The college time spent with my mother was truly a wonderful day in my life. When we went to the lecture together, watching my mother sitting in the front row tirelessly taking notes, and the wonderful questions asked during the interactive part of the lecture, it made me both admire and proud. In addition to studying, we went to listen to cross-talk, concerts, dramas, puppet shows, vegetable markets, and book markets. It was as if she wanted to make up for the lack of companionship in her childhood.

Since I was a child, my mother has been very good at listening to my ideas and respecting my choices. When I couldn't make up my mind, she always gave me helpful guidance. I remember that in my junior year, I hesitated on the issue of whether to go abroad as an exchange student, on the one hand, I wanted to see the outside world, on the other hand, I was reluctant to give up the opportunity to study and graduate school in the core curriculum of domestic schools. So my mom and I sat in the school cafeteria discussing, and that midday conversation completely changed the trajectory of my future life. Mom said: "Yes, you can go abroad at the age of 30 or 40, but the way you see the world at that time is very different from what you see when you are 20 years old, and the impact and impact of the outside world are also far different." "Although the family conditions did not allow it, my mother had a far-sighted vision and fully supported me to go abroad.

Unexpectedly, this step out of the country, it is getting farther and farther away from home. Mom has always been low-key, I often hear from other people, public accounts interviews and news reports that my mother has won so many honors and completed more important scientific research projects. Dad complained to me: "Your mother always comes home from work in the early hours of the morning, and the prepared meals will never wait for her to come home to eat." "Yeah, that's my mom. The backs of those mothers who read and prepare for classes until late at night seem to be vividly remembered. The bag she carried was always large enough to hold a stack of books. I remember that her bag had been broken several times. In the year of graduation, my mother sent back more than a dozen boxes of books, which were all her treasures. Every room in the house, including the garage and storage room, contained my mother's books. Although Dad complained in his mouth, he couldn't help Mom. Because each book has its own story, or it is found in bookstores, found on the Internet, and signed and given by the author, this is the most precious treasure of the mother. Unfortunately, the treasure in front of me, I do not cherish, my mother's book I rarely read! In the past two years since the epidemic, I have only begun to concentrate on reading, and I suddenly realized how enjoyable it is to read books! My mother had enjoyed it for so many years, and I was just getting started.

In fact, I was not at all surprised that my mother could achieve these results. Because apart from her, I have never met anyone who loves and clings to this cause so much. She would give up watching the Spring Festival Gala with us on Chinese New Year's Eve night and continue to study the project in the office alone. I also admire her passion for learning new skills. In the winter vacation of 2019, my mother asked me to teach her to use excel programming to calculate test scores and rankings, I just carefully demonstrated to her, she couldn't remember in a blink of an eye, begged me to teach again. Although she is in her 50s, my mother is never afraid to learn new things. Although she is not as young as a young person, her tireless attitude of keeping pace with the times makes me feel that there is never a generation gap with my mother. I can talk to her about cutting-edge AI technology, my work, and she can always quickly understand and provide me with new perspectives. The contradiction between other mothers and daughters never seemed to exist in us, and the topics we talked about were rarely discussed by others.

Last year, I helped my mother proofread the manuscript of "Lu Xun's Biographical Research", and I really understood some of my mother's research, and I was amazed that she alone could complete such a comprehensive and profound work under such limited research conditions. Behind this biographical study is the chewing and polishing of tens of millions of books, countless visits and interviews with writers, and the result of so many Chinese New Year's Eve returning at night. Reading the arguments for the details of the problem in the book, looking at the meticulous and dense literature notes and the statistical list of Lu Xun's biographies with dozens of pages in the appendix, I was surprised, shocked, and distressed. The heartbroken mother typed the keyboard word by word, and she was distressed to stay up until the eyes of the old flower, and the two sideburns that were dyed and dyed but still difficult to cover were white hair. However, reading her book was like talking to her mother, or following her to watch her do research. How meaningful and valuable it is that she can contribute such a comprehensive work in Chinese biographical research and leave such precious and detailed information to future researchers!

A good mother is better than a good teacher, how happy I am, there is such a mother teacher. She gave me the best education and influence on my way to growing up. Her persistence and persistence, self-confidence and bravery, exploration and innovation have profoundly influenced me, shaped me, and achieved me. Thank you, my beloved mother!

WeChat Editor: Lv Yimeng

Second Instance: Cong Ziyu

Third trial: Ren Jingjing

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