
Ma Jinxiu: Watch the water boiling | poets choose themselves

Editor's Note On January 31, 2021, the Fourth National Member Congress of the Chinese Poetry Society was successfully held, and 170 people were elected as members of the Fourth Council of the Chinese Poetry Society. This WeChat public account will select the selected poems of directors and members on the basis of merit for the benefit of readers.

Ma Jinxiu, female, born in 1970. He is a member of the Fujian Poetry Advanced Study Class in the New Era, a member of the Fujian Writers Association, a member of the Chinese Poetry Society, and a director of the Zhangzhou Writers Association. The poems have been selected into the "Selected New Poems of China in the Past Century" and "Selected Works of Contemporary Chinese Poetry". His poems have been published in Poetry Journal, Poetry Tide, Yangtze River Poetry Journal, Fujian Literature, Selected Literature of Taiwan and Hong Kong, Xiamen Literature, Quanzhou Literature, etc., and his personal poetry collection Splendid Poetry has been published.

Watch the water boil

Ma Jinxiu

Meet Pine Creek

Fujian-Zhejiang border, Songxi County, she has

Beautiful name, "Baili Pine Meng Bichang Creek"

The sound of flowing water, the sword of Cham Lu, can ripple by the stream

Reflection of the Wuyi Mountains, Zhu Xi "Yin Room"

Lang Lang LiXue Qiankun traveled with the stream

Camphor replaces josson and everything recovers

The robes of time wash the stream

We visited this small city in late autumn

Linger in the Kuiguang Pagoda, the beauty of Wenxiu Lake

Marvel at the casting of the zhanlu sword, the history of the sword and light sword shadow of the next life

Look down and meet the residual lotus, lotus root, and century-old cane

Winter shoots that precede the season, flashing their words

So we opened the stomach bud of poetry, and we poured ink

Practice rhetoric, drink wine, fly flower order

When you meet Pine Creek, you will also meet the most beautiful self

Meikou Port Endowment

Eighteenth Street Alley, enigmatic cobblestone polishing time

The alley mouth into the river stone dare to dang, a thousand years of ancient crossing

The river is leisurely, the prosperity is over, and the stories of the rivers and lakes are endless

Treasured in the Sword of Cham Lu

Tall camphor trees grow along the shores and flourish with their leaves

A sea of flowers travels through time and space, drunk on the riverbank

Mottled stone walls carry history in silence

Majestic green mountains, peaks and loops

Longer than flowing water are the vicissitudes of the world

On the cool water of the river, egrets stand

Someone takes a picture, someone turns into a landscape

Someone wanted to fight the sword at the ferry

Waiting to return, and I was just a passer-by

Photo by Yang Chao

Centennial cane

Feng shui cane planted by the Wei family in the Qing Dynasty

Stand in the scenery that people look up to today

These two hundred and ninety-year-old birthday stars

Achieve a century-old cane's immortal reputation

The roots are tough and grow non-stop, passing through the depths of the land

The dense sugarcane forest, Tingting, beckoning in the wind, born to the sun

When the sugar cane is ripe, the sweet juice overflows the atrium of the earth

The heart of grass and wood, it works its way:

Meet the fate of being crushed every time it is harvested

Crushed bones metamorphosed into sugar, in the earthly world

Dominate yourself and share the sweetness of medicine.


Hourglass of time, unlimited traffic

Hidden in the interlacing of light and shadow

To possess and to lose, like a pendulum tirelessly

The man who plays in the storm

Reluctant to say the lonely anger

The nameless boat has a shore that does not want to turn back

In the sky, a snowflake holds a white seal

She was unwilling to lose her bones in the snow

A man with a lantern was silent in the darkness

But he was in tears

O fictional human world, everything is in the commentary

Alpine flowing water, white clouds and dogs

In the Tale of Everything, there are always ants running around for food

Rub shoulders with the spring breeze and reunite with you

Dongshan Island. Rock Ya

Yanya is the name of a village that waves beat

The rocks by the sea, the graceful curvature of a village

Isolated in the Sufeng Pass, awake in the deepest sleep

The wind of the four seasons nests on the rocks, and the fish swim in the blue

You can faintly see the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty sheep herding, facing the sea

A bamboo forest planted on the hillside, then called "Bamboo Village"

What a poetic name, there are no shepherds today

Only to see the white clouds leisurely, wildflowers blooming all over the hillside

An island of love under the sun, stone lane stone house stone pillar stone

The grass is overgrown and baptized by the wind and waves

Dozens of homes, watching and staying away

Yan Ya lovers in a painting, become someone else's landscape

Deep, superficial, loving, hateful

They are all innate sentences, a village's spring dictionary, in the cat's joy

The quaintness of the village, the goodwill, the past and the present

In the boat stranding, in the mountains and rivers

At a fisherman's house full of bougainvillea, sip a cup of kung fu tea

Listen to the old man slowly tell the story of the village

Yan Ya is half bright and half vicissitudes


Lonely mountains are thin, and the moss on the stones is full of rhetoric

Love and humility, simplicity and straightforwardness

Converge in the spring breeze, abrupt blank space

When the rain ticks, who is playing a nursery rhyme of their own

On that day, I hid the moonlight on the rice paper of spring

Paint clouds, bees, peach blossoms

Draw another empty palanquin

On the pier in the spring

Waiting to be returned


Dew dripped on the bridge, and the moss fell silent

The stream is clean and the small fish under the bridge are alive

The water surface is safe and orderly, and witnesses come and go, gathering and dispersing

The bridge stuck to its place and worked tirelessly

Laborers carry tools across the bridge

His weight is also the weight of the bridge

People on bamboo rafts cross under the bridge

Paddling down the water or going up against the current is hard to describe

All things have spirits, white clouds are leisurely, and the wind weaves a net

Under the bridge, pilgrims are full of kindness on their way

Winter said

Many things have blurred in the wrinkles of running water

I can't see your face clearly, and I can't see your own face

Dew on the petals of daffodils last night woke up from a dream

It's clear and stares out the window at the sea

And the little ants on the windowsill melt themselves in the sun

Some solitude and spirits salt and brown sugar

Stir the scrawled time the sky is getting higher and higher

There are clichés in the vastness of the online world

There are always reports of traces of derailment

And the game of the human world can not evaporate

I live in my hometown in a small town called Dongshan Island in Tongling

The sea breeze often lights up the sea in winter when there are no snowflakes

Hiding my breath, I saw waves writing broken lines of poetry

It has a salty taste

Light sits quietly like Zen

Inner landscape hidden Birds open their wings in the water

The crisp chirps ripple away like the wind

Casually flip through the scriptures and walk out of the lines

Some of the emotions pile up in time meditation like Zen

I sank into a cup of tea and meditated, remembering its aroma

Remember its warmth, such a night

Suitable for shouting out the moon with you, shouting out of the sea, facing the fireworks of the world

Clean face, like the first full moon shining on the sea


The mist still lingered in the sea, and schools of fish jumped out of the water

Meditate and breathe the sea water flashes its words in calm

The fishing boats in the distance have not yet reached everything in the fog

There is compassion surging during the fishing moratorium

Tropical storms can also pass by in the peaceful sea

More often than not, it's peaceful, and I'm thankful for the fish

The world is a big bed the sea is in need of rest

We let the fish grow, swim, and let them go home

Just let yourself go home


Twilight falls on the surface of the water in autumn

Cool in the mirror Some of the ripples gathered in the pond

Fate swirled in circles, chasing each other's shadows of fallen leaves

And at this moment, the sorrow is bright

The wind spreads its wings and the autumn water imitates the stars of last night

Time is like an arrow, some love and hate are intertwined

Thin as cicada wings falling in the shadows

The cheongsam in memory Swimsuit in the hot spring

They were already stored in the cupboard of that fall

Growing obsolete

Before I leave this fall, I'm going to learn to leave myself

Hide in a leaf and write a poem

Send it to yourself that year


The bird is gone, and the distance sinks into the sound of torn horses' hooves

More faces appear in the water and the lotus flowers fall

The lotus heart has frosted and the persimmons are red

Inner softness freezes on the branches

The edges of the earthly world are rusty and indescribable

The afterglow of the setting sun summons the coming of the night and the ten thousand arrows pierce the heart

Someone sneered at the void of the world with a lion roar

Duckweed dinner in ten fingers

More twilight spread in the bells

The floating tower shadows of the sea sway in the waves

Whose skin bag is tied in a flat leaf boat and drifts away

Watch the water boil

Boil a pot of water, and I sit next to the water

Look at its excess overflow

Spread over the lid and gradually boil

Could have poured it out, but I didn't

It was an early winter afternoon

I don't talk and look at it

Wait for it to boil itself and meditate in time

Outside the window the sea and sky are colorful under the sun

The sea is also burning itself

Look at those snow-white salts

Learned to melt, and I didn't

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