
Selected poems | born in the wind

Good poems of the day

Selected poems | born in the wind

Born to the wind

Text/Ma Zhijun

What a joy to live in the wind

Run against the wind and cry in the wind

When it hurts, it is left to the wind

Let her heal

The wind splits through the valley and caresses it too

She swept everything

Then you love rivers, you love clover

What a great thing the rivers are

And rhetoric

After that, he secretly loved a surname of the opposite sex that was hanging on the edge of the distance

For example, the surname of "Wang" or something

Say it out loud if necessary

Then in the strong wind, he spoke to her

Blow, make up big lies

These joys are born in the wind

There is no reason

He who speaks of nations is the world

Then yours is the national one

You are born to the wind, and the wind is deliberate

It's yours

And there's no reason for that

Then, except for the wind

That's it

There is no reason

Selected poems | born in the wind

Facing the sea, look for light with black eyes. Founded on November 16, 2015, the Poetry Club takes "giving voice to grassroots poets" as its mission and carries forward the "spirit of poetry" as its purpose, that is, the pursuit of the truth, goodness and beauty of poetry, the artistic innovation of poetry, and the spiritual pleasure of poetry. He has published a collection of poems co-authored by poets, "Spring Warm Blossoms of Reading Sleeping Poems" and "Grass Long Warblers Flying in Reading Sleeping Poems". The poets work tirelessly, the poetry club forges ahead, constantly innovates, recommends excellent poems, produces high-quality poetry collections, recites excellent works, recommends poets' works in various forms, lets more people read excellent works, appreciates poetry culture, we are on the move!

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