
Tesla automatically plays a thriller female voice late at night: I died so wrongly... Mother and daughter abandoned the car and fled! Response

Tesla automatically plays a thriller female voice late at night: I died so wrongly... Mother and daughter abandoned the car and fled! Response

According to Red Star News, on April 27, Ms. Zheng of Chengdu picked up her daughter who had finished her English class outside the home. After driving on the road for about 5 minutes, Tesla automatically launched the "Himalaya" APP and played a historical story. At this time, the air conditioning panel began to automatically turn on and off repeatedly, and the Himalaya APP also automatically switched other stories to play. "The air conditioning panel on the screen, the Himalayas, and the map are all 'always jumping, always jumping', and I think there is something wrong with the system."

So, Ms. Zheng called Tesla customer service. She said: "Customer service told me to restart it, I was afraid that my daughter was not safe in the car, so I said to stop the car and then restart." ”

Tesla automatically plays a thriller female voice late at night: I died so wrongly... Mother and daughter abandoned the car and fled! Response

At about 9:30 p.m., Ms. Zheng took her daughter back to the residential area and parked the car in the parking space of the underground parking garage. The restart button of the Tesla Model3 is located on both sides of the steering wheel, and the two buttons can be started by pressing and holding two buttons with both hands at the same time.

Then, there was the desolate female voice, "I died so unjustly."

Tesla automatically plays a thriller female voice late at night: I died so wrongly... Mother and daughter abandoned the car and fled! Response

Ms. Zheng's Tesla

"Like a horror movie, my daughter told me, 'Mom, I'm so scared.'" Ms. Zheng said that although she was also frightened at that time, she still suppressed her fear in her heart and pretended to be calm, just to bring a sense of security to her daughter, "I am afraid that this matter will bring psychological shadows to her daughter." ”

Ms. Zheng quickly turned off the vehicle and left with her daughter. Ms. Zheng said that she did not believe in ghosts and gods, but she inevitably had palpitations in her heart and described this as a supernatural event.

At noon on April 28, Ms. Zheng continued to communicate with Tesla customer service. Customer service asked her if she had used the screen film, whether she had wiped the screen with detergent, and Ms. Zheng said that she did not.

Customer service said that it may be that its car screen is malfunctioning, because the background detects that the screen has a large number of clicks in a short period of time.

Customer service also provided a very key piece of information: on the evening of April 27, its car Himalaya APP played an audio called "Evil Heart", and the playback time also corresponded to the time of "haunting". It was later confirmed that in the 8th second of the audio, the desolate female voice appeared.

Tesla automatically plays a thriller female voice late at night: I died so wrongly... Mother and daughter abandoned the car and fled! Response

In the process of driving to the 4S store, Ms. Zheng's car screen repeatedly appeared to automatically turn on the air conditioning panel and turn off, automatically open the Himalaya or QQ music App to play audio, automatically open the map and other phenomena, and the screen often failed and could not be operated.

Tesla automatically plays a thriller female voice late at night: I died so wrongly... Mother and daughter abandoned the car and fled! Response

Ms. Zheng's Tesla central control screen appeared abnormal

At about 3 p.m. on April 28, Ms. Zheng arrived at a Tesla 4S store outside Chengdu's South Third Ring Road, and the staff immediately overhauled her vehicle.

"Whatever the cause of the [failure], I'm very sorry." Tesla customer service apologized to Ms. Zheng.

After the overhaul, Tesla staff told reporters that the car's driving recorder would automatically overwrite the previous content every hour without manual preservation, so Ms. Zheng's situation that night could not be viewed now.

Finally, after the on-site inspection of the staff, Ms. Zheng's Tesla car showed that the touch screen was faulty. Because the vehicle is still under warranty, the store replaces the central control touch screen for her free of charge.

According to The Times Weekly, in 2021, China's new energy vehicles will sell 3.3 million vehicles, and the champion is BYD, which is close to 600,000 vehicles, 20,000 more than tesla, which ranks second. This is the data released by the China Passenger Car Association in February this year.

From the numbers alone, it can be interpreted that Tesla is not the most popular new energy vehicle in China, but the industry has another way of looking at this data - Tesla's sales are subject to its production.

In 2021, Tesla's Shanghai Gigafactory delivered 484,130 vehicles throughout the year, twice as many as in 2020 and more than half of the world's total Tesla production (Tesla delivered about 936,000 vehicles worldwide in 2021).

The full text is synthesized from: Nine Factions News, Red Star News, Time Weekly, New Evening News, etc


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