
The five greatest lies in the history of the glory of kings, many players have been deceived, and may still be in the dark

Hello everyone, I'm Bells~

I don't know if you have been deceived by some players when playing the glory of the king, bells themselves have been deceived many times before, and now they are almost numb, in fact, many times some of the statements or lies, in fact, when our game understanding is relatively shallow, it is possible to take advantage of it, but now bells also belong to the old fritters in the game.

So this time to debunk a rumor for everyone, expose all kinds of classic lies in the game, some even exist for a long time, but there are still players who will be convinced, and now they are still in the dark, looking at it is really unbearable.

The five greatest lies in the history of the glory of kings, many players have been deceived, and may still be in the dark

For example, many low-level players often think that if it is V10, it will match to a good teammate, think that as long as there is a recharge in the game, and recharge more, then the matched teammates will be better, in this way to let the player recharge, in fact, this is not the case, if the real recharge will affect the match, then it is also the more charged the more miserable the arrangement.

Every player has a size number, the large number is more charged, the trumpet may be almost not charged, but from the same segment to the same segment, the bell has done a comparison, the recharged large is more difficult than the trumpet, perhaps because the hidden score is higher, perhaps for other reasons, but the recharge will match the teammates, obviously not valid.

The five greatest lies in the history of the glory of kings, many players have been deceived, and may still be in the dark

What skin is not bonused, this is actually also wrong, the bell is not to tell everyone to buy skins, but the game is as it is, maybe some heroes do not have particularly good skins, will give people a feeling that there is no skin gap, but once a hero has high-quality skin, once you have used it, it is difficult for you to return to the state of no skin.

The skin bonus is not only a few attack power or health, in fact, the skin is a larger bonus, lies in the feel and special effects, some skin feel is that it will be better, if the feel is good, your combo moves will be more smooth, and the special effects are gorgeous, which will cause visual confusion, when your special effects are fancy, the opponent may judge the mistakes leading to operational errors, defeated by you.

The five greatest lies in the history of the glory of kings, many players have been deceived, and may still be in the dark

There are even many players who say that the difficulty of the game in the middle and low levels is higher than that in the high position, which many players believe, which is actually a big lie, such as diamonds or star shines, which is more difficult to fight than the king or the glory king, which is simply impossible, why?

A player in the Glory King's rank will eventually have a winning rate of about 50%, but a Player of the Glory King's rank will eventually hit the king from diamond to king, including diamonds and star shines, and the final win rate will be higher than 60%, if the difficulty is higher, why is the winning rate higher? This is not true. Because most players will pay great attention to the losing game, or be impressed, and win but feel taken for granted.

The five greatest lies in the history of the glory of kings, many players have been deceived, and may still be in the dark

This fourth is to play more to prove that the player has no strength, is the king of points, in fact, there is a misunderstanding of the king of points, why? Because everyone is gradually improving their level from the rookie play, no one is born, the first game is the big god, this is the first point.

The second is to play more, the winning rate tends to be 50%, for example, a player plays a thousand games to reach the glory of the king, indicating that the player does not have a level? If you go to play the low Star King Game or star glory diamond, everyone may be MVP, play more, the win rate is low to reach the level, can only explain that the upper limit of the player is the current level, rather than saying that the player is not worthy of their own level, which is a fundamental difference.

The five greatest lies in the history of the glory of kings, many players have been deceived, and may still be in the dark

Finally, there are no weak heroes, only players who can't play, which is actually a lie, there is a strength gap between heroes, which is also a balance problem that cannot be solved, so there is also a call-up mode in the game, before choosing heroes, ban heroes, and there are hero adjustments for each season.

Many players will feel that there are no weak heroes, so why are there almost no such heroes in high segments or professional games? It is because the strength of the hero itself is not high, and the shortcomings of the hero's skills are relatively large, so there is a distinction between strong and weak. But if it is a low-level position, the player can not play each hero to the extreme, it is indeed negligible, and even can not look at the lineup.

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