
Glory of kings: Why is the low-segment wind evaluation of the peak game so bad, saying that even the match is not as good?

Hello everyone, I'm Bells~

I believe that many players usually have the habit of playing the peak game, when our dan position reaches the strongest king, then you can enter a mode, in theory, the peak game has the lowest dan standard, so the quality of this mode will be relatively high, but in fact, it may not be like this.

The basic score of the peak game is 1200 points, that is, each player starts from 1200 points, if you play a relatively high segment, then the next peak game you play, the quality will be relatively high, not that each one is a quality match, but the probability of quality match will be very high.

Glory of kings: Why is the low-segment wind evaluation of the peak game so bad, saying that even the match is not as good?

But the basic score of the peak game is 1200, and the minimum score is not 1200 points, so in fact, in addition to 1200 points, there are more than 1000 points, or even less than 1000 points, maybe you will feel that if you can play the peak game, it proves that the quality of the game will be relatively high, because everyone is a player above the king, but as long as your score is about 1200 points, it is actually the opposite.

Because the peak game mode is not linked to the rank, so no matter how much you lose, it will not affect your position, then in the low segment, there will be a large number of players playing at will, that is, not to win the game, the game environment is not even as good as the matching mode.

Glory of kings: Why is the low-segment wind evaluation of the peak game so bad, saying that even the match is not as good?

Matching mode is that any level of the game may be matched together, and many players who play the matching mode are practicing heroes, but the low segment of the peak game may be more torturous than the matching mode.

Because of the matching mode, you know that the game environment will be very poor, but the peak game has the lowest standard, that is, the strength of the strongest king duan, so you will think that your teammates should have the king level, but the low segment of the peak game, maybe the teammates you meet may not even be as good as the players of the diamond rank, so that you are tortured, why?

Glory of kings: Why is the low-segment wind evaluation of the peak game so bad, saying that even the match is not as good?

Because of the low-segment peak game, gathered all kinds of "elite" players, such as being brought to the strongest king duan position after not daring to play qualifying, afraid of falling rookie players, they will go to play the peak game, but because of the limited level, so generally hover around 1200 points, sometimes fall to more than 1000 points, good times is 1300 points, has been struggling in this range.

There is also a kind of player who likes to play casually in the peak game, such as deliberately losing, playing when you can't get a position, and practicing heroes like crazy, because it doesn't affect your own position, and the quality of the game is relatively high compared to the matching mode, so there are a large number of such players in the low segment to play.

In addition, the peak game mode can only be a single row, so once it falls into the quagmire of low segments, then it is really what players may encounter, and the quality of the game is ridiculously poor, which is why many players in the low stage of the peak game say that it is better to match.

Although playing the peak game is the most important way for the glory of the king to prove the level of strength at present, it does not mean that those who play the peak game are all masters, because in the low segment, the complexity is no less than that of the diamond and star shine at the beginning of the season.

This is why Tianmei will start from 1350 points when counting the peak game data, because there are many players below 1350 points, and the quality of the game is also extremely poor, they are all playing blindly, if they are calculated together, the data is very inaccurate.

Glory of kings: Why is the low-segment wind evaluation of the peak game so bad, saying that even the match is not as good?

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