
The greatest fear of life is that there is no direction

The greatest fear of life is that there is no direction

The most frightening time

There is no direction when there is no direction

At that time, I drove from Xi'an to Urumqi, Xinjiang, with Wang Shi. Going to the Gobi Desert, the car suddenly broke down. The phone had no signal in that place. The ground in the Gobi Desert, all pebbles, is so hot that it can almost bake tires. We couldn't connect with anyone, and we became more and more frightened and even became anxious.

At this time the driver got out of the car, and he kept turning, constantly looking underground. What is he looking at? He was looking for ruts. The driver finally spotted a new rut, and we worked together to cross the rut. Then the driver said: "The rest of the things, can only wait, do not have any extravagance." ”

Then we started waiting. An hour later, a particularly large van stopped in front of us. Our driver wrote a phone number and asked the truck driver to call someone to rescue us after leaving the Gobi Desert.

After the big truck drove away, we began to mutter in the car: "Is this reliable?" Will people help make this call? Our driver said: "Where there is no direction, when life is the only choice, trust is the most precious." "As a result, we waited for more than an hour, and the person who saved us came.

After this happened, I kept thinking about a question – when was the most frightening? Not when there is no money, not when there is no water, not when there is no car.

The most frightening time is actually the time when there is no direction. With direction, in fact, all difficulties are not difficulties. I always wondered that the ideal thing was equivalent to suddenly finding a direction on the Gobi Desert.

Directions are made from the heart

Values are determined

But how is the direction determined? Direction is the value in the heart. This value is the judgment of right and wrong. If you have any ideal, you must stick to it to the end, and you must keep your promise. And what are these values? It's honesty and morality.

Driven by values, people will have a sense of direction. Everyone's values are different, and the values of each era are different.

Society is changing, and now the ideal of the state has become the ideal of the individual. For example, if a person likes to fly a kite, he wants to be the first person in the world to fly a kite, which is an ideal; for example, if someone wants to marry a good wife and live a good life, this is also an ideal. I am not in favor of any society allowing governments, leaders, adults to teach children, little people, and young people to follow the ideals they impose.

I advocate that we should determine our pursuits in an era and an environment, according to reality and values, and put forward our own ideals. People have a sense of direction, they will be happy, life will become simple, and they will change from "tangled brother" to "calm brother" in reality.

Be optimistic about life

Unsure of the troubles

There are three most distressing things in a person's life: first, how much money you will make in the future; second, how much happiness and pain you can't calculate; and third, when and how you will leave this world. But if there are values and ideals, accounting becomes very simple, and people live very well.

I often calculate accounts every day, but I do three things myself: first, to see where others can't see; second, to calculate accounts that others can't calculate; and third, to do things that others don't do.

Who is happiest? People with faith are happy, and people with a sense of direction in their hearts are happy. The ideal is a sense of direction, like a little light in front of a dark tunnel. If there is no light, people will be afraid and will die; and with this light, people will act and move forward. This is the meaning of ideals in life.

The ideal is the "Tao"

Reality is "art"

Of course, the ideal thing cannot be exaggerated to the point that anything can be solved. It belongs to the "health care product", not the "quick-acting heart-saving pill". So the ideal is a sport that increases the probability, people with ideals are better than people without ideals, but the probability of success is a little higher, the degree of happiness is higher, the perseverance is stronger, go a little farther, and be down-to-earth in your heart.

When we talk about ideals, we must inevitably talk about reality. Now there is a popular saying - the ideal is very full, the reality is very bone. We are always talking about ideals, but we can never embrace ideals. I see it this way, ideals are always conceived from reality. Because of dissatisfaction, there are dreams; because there is no, it is needed; because it is very weak, so I want to be strong.

Ideals simply tell people where to go, and as for how to go, it is everyone's business. Therefore, it can be summed up simply: reality is the problem of "art", and ideal is the problem of "Tao". In other words, where to go and why to go are answered by the "ideal"; how to go and when to go, whether to arrive, this is the problem to be solved in reality.

In addition, we must see that in the long-term development process, the people who can really adhere to the ideal are after all a minority. Most people are destroyed by reality in the process of realizing their ideals, and then compromise.

It's like talking about love at 18 and living at 38. There are very few people who can really live a lifetime in the way of love, and there is only one Aunt Qiong Yao in our Chinese area who is a true believer in love, nourishing herself with love, nurturing herself, and achieving herself and enriching herself.

When we talk about ideals together, it is like walking down a mountain, and everyone swears "I will go to the top of the mountain." Everyone looked closely, walked for a while, there were half of them left, and then walked, and at the end, there were five or six people left. No one else knew where they had gone.

Perhaps in the middle of the mountainside, some people will say cool words: "Go up to do it, go up and come down, with this work, it is better to go to a movie and talk about a love trip." ”

Many people are making excuses for themselves. In the end, there was only one person left, and they climbed to the top of the mountain. This person told everyone that I saw a lot of scenery. But maybe there are still people who disagree, saying that the photos are different from what you say? Or say, I didn't go up, I don't believe what you saw.

However, that is someone else, you just need to do a good job of yourself, stick to your dreams, and go step by step.

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