
The original baby's "difficult sleeping position" is on fire, the mother lifts the quilt, and the baby's movements are comparable to acrobats

Indeed, the perfect funny is not the kind of humorous routine that the parties have planned for a long time, and the expressions and actions that are inadvertently revealed are the most funny.

The parties themselves did not know what they had done, and the crowd of onlookers laughed badly, which was itself very funny.

The original baby's "difficult sleeping position" is on fire, the mother lifts the quilt, and the baby's movements are comparable to acrobats

Because of this, the strange sleeping position is very effective in making people laugh.

The sleeper obviously has no intention of making people laugh, but this natural sleeping position, with a pleasant expression of sleeping peacefully, is really funny! At the same time, the deeper the sleeper sleeps, the happier everyone tends to laugh.

The original baby's "difficult sleeping position" is on fire, the mother lifts the quilt, and the baby's movements are comparable to acrobats

As we all know, the little cute babies will show the unique style of doing things in many things. The same is true, including in the sleeping position.

Like Guo Degang's spit on Uncle Qian's sleeping position that can be sunburned by the sun and his ass at the same time, in the baby's place, it is just the least "technical" action. After feasting on the magical sleeping position of Meng Wa, many netizens sincerely sighed: they can't do one!

The original baby's "difficult sleeping position" is on fire, the mother lifts the quilt, and the baby's movements are comparable to acrobats

1. The eighteenth style of gymnastics competition

Bao Mom did not pay attention for a while, and the baby secretly fell asleep. By the time Bao Ma lifted the quilt to see that the little one had already participated in the Olympic Games in his dream.

Looking at the girl's posture, she is probably participating in an important gymnastics event. Look at this difficult gymnastics posture, the small foot is hooked in reverse, directly above the head, presumably the referee will see it and will definitely give a full score.

The original baby's "difficult sleeping position" is on fire, the mother lifts the quilt, and the baby's movements are comparable to acrobats

2. Alare running style

The little girl next showed us a posture of traveling thousands of miles a day.

She raised her calves and looked into the distance, her two forearms slightly spread, like the posture of Alare in the anime when she ran. Such a cute gesture, after being shared by Bao Ma, made many netizens laugh.

The original baby's "difficult sleeping position" is on fire, the mother lifts the quilt, and the baby's movements are comparable to acrobats

3. Yoga style

The little boy's sleeping position was even worse. The layered and twisted sleeping position like a yoga master cannot be done by adults who have not undergone flexible practice.

Looking at the baby's expression, it is obvious that this twist-like action is not difficult for the child. The baby's relaxed expression seems to be saying "this is not a thing", which has attracted netizens to admire in addition to laughing.

The original baby's "difficult sleeping position" is on fire, the mother lifts the quilt, and the baby's movements are comparable to acrobats

4. Superman Flying Style

The sleeping posture of this cute baby makes many netizens can't help but marvel, the children are young, they have to take on the heavy responsibility of protecting the earth?

Look at this take-off posture, coupled with a red cape, and wear the iconic blue uniform, it is clear that Superman is reborn! Yes, the heavy responsibility of fighting against the Evil Empire, leave it to him!

The original baby's "difficult sleeping position" is on fire, the mother lifts the quilt, and the baby's movements are comparable to acrobats

For adults, the choice of sleeping position is inseparable from the efficient operation of physical functions.

Long-term use of a good sleeping position can effectively reduce the burden on the heart and lungs, so that the circulatory system and respiratory system are always in a good operating state.

So in the matter of caring for the baby's sleep, as parents, what situations should we pay attention to?

The original baby's "difficult sleeping position" is on fire, the mother lifts the quilt, and the baby's movements are comparable to acrobats

1. Before going to bed, calm the baby's emotions

Babies after the full moon are more active. Although the child at this time cannot express it, the curiosity is already very strong. Any small object in life can make your baby excited.

Falling asleep with too much excitement is obviously not conducive to the quality of sleep, so before going to bed, the mother should pay attention to calming the baby's emotions.

The original baby's "difficult sleeping position" is on fire, the mother lifts the quilt, and the baby's movements are comparable to acrobats

2. After falling asleep, ensure the tranquility of the environment

The nerves of small children are very sharp, and if there is a harsh sound around them when sleeping, the stimulation of children is also very large. When choosing a place for their baby to sleep, moms must pay attention to the sounds that may be made around them.

It is best to choose a more peaceful room and let your baby sleep peacefully.

The original baby's "difficult sleeping position" is on fire, the mother lifts the quilt, and the baby's movements are comparable to acrobats

3, close to sleep, do not let the baby eat too much

Finally, there is another thing to note, before going to bed, the mother should not feed the baby to feed and eat. We must also have a deep understanding in our daily lives, if you eat too much before going to bed, you will often be particularly uncomfortable when you sleep.

For babies, the same is true. On the one hand, the swollen stomach after eating will make it difficult for the baby to fall asleep, and after the baby falls asleep, it will also affect the comfort of sleeping.

The original baby's "difficult sleeping position" is on fire, the mother lifts the quilt, and the baby's movements are comparable to acrobats


Some mothers may worry that the baby's posture is too strange, is it not good for the development of the body? There is no need to worry about this, the children's physical flexibility is very good.

Those extremely difficult sleeping positions can play a role in stretching muscles. We just need to pay attention not to let the baby stay in the same strange position for a long time.

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