
9 things that children should not learn too early, parents must pay attention!

9 things that children should not learn too early, parents must pay attention!

Parents should pay special attention to the growth of their children, learning to exercise various abilities is very important, but some things for children should not be done too early. It is only right to do things at the right age that are conducive to the physical development of the child. Here are 9 things you must know!


It is not advisable to learn to write too early

In fact, writing is an extremely delicate skill.

It requires intentional observation and analysis of the text, decomposing the text into a variety of strokes, and then synthesizing and summarizing its stroke order and structure, transmitting information and instructions to the hand by the brain, and combining various strokes into words under the synergy of the hand, brain and eye.

For young children under the age of 6, it is difficult to complete this complex process correctly.

From the perspective of the physiological and psychological development of young children, the neuroleptic function of children in early childhood is still very poor, and they cannot inhibit their own actions for too long, or engage in excessively meticulous homework activities;

In terms of perception, they often show general and inaccurate characteristics, and it is more difficult for them to distinguish similar words; in terms of spatial orientation perception, young children are not yet able to grasp the relativity and angle of the left and right orientations, and the mastery of the upper and lower positions of 3-4-year-old children is not very stable;

In terms of the movement of the hand, the bone and arm muscles of the young children's hands are far from reaching the level of maturity, the ossification process of the hand joints has not yet been completed, and the strength of the hand muscles is also very poor, and they are not competent for the actions that require long-term force.

In addition, the coordination of children's hands, eyes and brains is also poor, and when they write, their eyes always have to stare at the tip of the pen. In order to see the nib movement, he tilted his body, tilted his head sideways, and tried to make the right shoulder, elbow, and wrist forward.

Therefore, it can be said that it is also difficult to prematurely require young children to write with the correct posture and stroke order (from left to right, top to bottom). If you insist that a child write, it can only be a drawing. The characters they paint are inevitably crooked, lack noses and eyes, and people are extremely tired.

In this case, parents often tire of teaching hand in hand, but the child can't write well, so angry that parents blurt out: You are really stupid, you didn't show up... Of course, the child himself is also discouraged and depressed. In the long run, I lost interest and confidence in writing, so that I had fear.

According to the survey, 90% of children aged 2 to 4 are in a doodle state; 95% of children aged 5 can accurately copy and draw, but 75% of children cannot write simple Chinese characters (such as "mouth" and "white") with correct stroke order and posture steadily; children over 6 years old can basically write simple Chinese characters accurately with correct posture and stroke order.

However, the requirements should not be too high, the writing time should not be too long, and it is also necessary to help young children master the correct writing movements and maintain the correct writing posture at the beginning. Later, with the development of children's hand movements, the coordination of hands, eyes and brains will gradually increase the requirements.

Writing too early in young children is prone to fatigue and deformities of the phalanges

Writing is mainly through the coordinated movement of the small muscles of the fingers, the phalanges and the knuckles to complete the hand-eye coordination of grasping the pen and controlling the strokes. Because small muscles develop later, therefore, the fine movements of young children's hands are more clumsy and uncoordinated, and young children must use more force to hold the pen when writing, and smaller children even hold the pen in their entire hands.

Therefore, young children will feel very difficult when writing. Writing has almost become a physical activity, coupled with the poor muscle strength and endurance of young children, the bones are also very soft, if young children write for a long time, it is easy to cause fatigue and finger bone deformities.

Writing too early in young children may also hinder the normal development of the spine

The physiological curvature of the spine of young children has not yet been formed, the ossification process has not yet been completed, and the bones are easily deformed, so it is very important to cultivate various postures such as correct standing and walking in young children at this stage.

If young children write for a long time, it is difficult to maintain a correct sitting posture, and it is easy to form poor sitting postures such as bow waist, arch sitting and twisted sitting, which may lead to spinal deformation.

Early learning to write is prone to myopia

Early writing in young children has a great impact on the eyesight of young children. Because young children's optic nerve focal length is not yet concentrated, they often have to put books close to the eyes to see clearly. And because the eyes are generally concentrated in and around the nib when writing, coupled with the low degree of eye-hand coordination, young children must keep a close eye on the nib to write a word.

Therefore, the eyes will soon become astringent and tired, and over time, the eye's focal length adjustment ability will decrease and cause myopia. I think children can read early, but don't be too hasty about writing with your children.

9 things that children should not learn too early, parents must pay attention!


It is not advisable to learn sketching too early

The so-called sketch: Simply put, a monochrome painting is a sketch. Sketches as we generally understand them are realistic sketches drawn with chiaroscuro pencils or charcoal.

In the West, children generally learn to draw around the age of eleven or twelve, the mainland is slightly earlier than in Western countries, if it is a child who has undergone early systematic art learning, he can learn to draw after about ten years old (actual age), but he must be assisted by a lot of practice to improve.

Children of different ages have different cognition, expression and psychological reactions to things, and if there is no difference, letting children learn things beyond their age range and understanding ability will stifle a child's original interest in painting.

Drawing is not only difficult to understand compared to a seven- or eight-year-old child, but also makes him uninterested, not only wastes the child's precious time, but the more terrible result is that the child loses interest in learning to draw.

If you do not understand, just use the pencil mechanically to copy those dry cylinders, cubes, children are difficult to experience the joy of painting and the pleasure of success, it will not be long before the original interest in painting will not only disappear without a trace, but also suppress the child's character development, which is not conducive to cultivating self-confidence and a sense of achievement.

At the same time, sketching is a skillful training, which is quite boring, which will make children lose interest in learning to draw and even hinder the cultivation of children's imagination and creativity.

Children's education is like planting vegetables: what kind of vegetables should be planted in any season, if you must take the winter vegetables to the spring to plant, I think the growth trend is not optimistic. Even if it is planted in a tent, the nutritional value of the vegetables will certainly be different from the season.


It is not advisable to learn piano too early

Recently, citizen Xiao Zhang (pseudonym) took his 5-year-old son Bin Bin (pseudonym) to the Xiamen Eye Center affiliated to Xiamen University for treatment, and when he first heard the doctor's diagnosis, he was very dissatisfied, and only after listening to the doctor's explanation did he pay attention to it. The doctor pointed out that according to Bin Bin's current reduction in hyperopia, he will definitely develop myopia before the fifth grade.

Clinical experience: Children who play the piano are more myopic.

After analyzing Bin Bin's eye habits, the doctor pointed out that one hour of piano practice every day is the cause of Bin Bin's myopia. "Playing the piano can easily lead to myopia, it is already a foregone conclusion, from our clinical experience, 8 of the 10 children who play the piano are myopic."

Bin Bin's mother told reporters that Bin Bin began to learn piano from the age of 3, practicing at least one hour a day, and more than two hours. Previously, my family didn't know that playing the piano affected my eyesight.

The doctor pointed out that the speculation of Bin Bin's myopia was judged by his decreased farsighted vision. Judging from Bin Bin's current situation, his farsightedness has decreased relatively quickly, so from his current age and degree of hyperopia, doctors speculate that he will be short-sighted in the fifth grade.

9 things that children should not learn too early, parents must pay attention!


It is not advisable to learn to walk too early

Normal time: around 1 year old

Premature hazards:

Affects the child's physical development

Baby bones in the gum more, less calcium, soft bones, lower limb muscles and small muscle groups that maintain the arch of the foot are not yet developed, too early to let the baby learn to walk, the weight of the body will inevitably increase the burden of the spine and lower limbs, over time it is easy to deform the spine and lower limbs. Fat children should not learn to walk too early.

Affects children's learning to crawl

Crawling exercises have many benefits for the child's development, but crawling is harder than walking, and the vision is not as high as walking to see far, if the child learns to walk too early, the child is not willing to crawl and choose to walk, so that the golden age of the baby crawling practice is missed.

Affects your child's vision development

Because the baby's vision development after birth is not yet sound, can only see the near object clearly, learn to walk prematurely, the child can not see the distant object, need to work hard to adjust the diopter and focus of the eye to look at the scene, which will produce a fatigue damage to the child's delicate eyes, repeated can damage the vision.


It is not advisable to ride a bicycle prematurely

Normal time: 5-6 years of age

Premature hazards:

Young children's bones are in the development stage, highly malleable, and the strength of the muscles is very weak, riding a child's bicycle, the lower limbs are very laborious. If the legs are in a state of muscle tension for a long time, and the bones of the lower limbs are also stressed for a long time, it is very unfavorable to the growth and development of the bones.

At present, the children's tricycle sold on the market has a wider distance between the two pedals, and the distance between the seats and the foot pedals is too long, and some cars cannot adjust this distance.

In this way, when the child rides up, the foot and lower limbs are very hard, and after a long time, the inner side of the two knees is protruding and expanded, and the two lower limbs are excessively expanded outwards, forming "X" shaped legs, and even some children form the inner figure eight feet.

9 things that children should not learn too early, parents must pay attention!


Do not learn pulleys too early (single row)

Normal time: After the age of 7, it is suitable for single row skating

Premature hazards:

The legs can easily lead to deformation

Because single row roller skating requires the legs to be skimmed outwards, the bones of children under 7 years old are not yet mature, which can easily lead to X-shaped legs; Can learn double row skating before the age of 7;

Easy to get hurt

When playing roller skating, the waist, knees, and ankles need to support the body with force, and once the force is not used properly, these parts are very easy to injure. Therefore, in general, children under 12 years of age should play roller skating with caution, with professional guidance, and it is not suitable to play roller skating for a long time.


It is not advisable to learn to draw circles too early

Normal time: After the age of 1 and a half, start drawing continuous circles, and seal the circles before the age of two and a half

Premature hazards:

A child's circle drawing is actually a kind of graffiti, which is a spontaneous act of the child. Do not teach your child to draw circles and other shapes in advance, otherwise it is likely to hinder your child's enthusiasm for creation and restrict your child's imagination.

9 things that children should not learn too early, parents must pay attention!


It is not advisable to divide around prematurely

Normal time: School age

5-7 years old can establish a self-centered left and right, 7 years old can distinguish between the left and right of the person standing opposite him; 7-9 years old, children can distinguish the left and right spatial relationships for intuitive, image things, forming an intuitive appearance; 9-12 years old, children can form an abstract concept of left and right orientation, can establish their spatial relationships according to appearances and memories.

The harm is not to be discussed, but there is a disadvantage of wasting time. Teach children too early to distinguish between left and right, children can only mechanically remember, if you do not insist on strengthening, you will forget after a while.


It is not advisable to learn painting techniques too early

Normal time: after 8-9 years of age

Premature harm: Children reach the age of 9 or so, enter the "visual realism" stage, this time the child's perspective of observing things is close to that of adults, and it is more appropriate to learn painting skills at this time.

Before the age of 9, especially before the age of 6, the child is in the stage of "feeling realism", and at this time the painting is what the mind thinks. Children express their thoughts through painting, telling about their feelings and discoveries in their hearts. If children are taught to learn adult painting techniques too early, it may hinder children's enthusiasm for creation and is not conducive to the cultivation of imagination.

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