
Is your child "introverted" or "extroverted"? Which personality is better?

A friend went to the child's parents' meeting, and the teacher talked to her alone and said: "Your child has performed very well in physical fitness, intelligence, beauty, etc., that is, his personality is more introverted, and he hopes that parents can be more enlightened and enlightened, and usually be active and lively." All parents should be able to understand that this teacher is out of consideration for the students, and there is no malice, but they are worried that the child is introverted and is not conducive to getting along with the classmates.

Is your child "introverted" or "extroverted"? Which personality is better?

Therefore, whether a child prefers to be alone or lively is the result of character formation, which is innate and not something they can choose, although they can slowly change it the day after tomorrow. But if you want to change your personality, you need to make a lot of efforts. Is it really better to be extroverted than introverted? I would like to make a few comments:

1. Introverts and extroverts have their own advantages.

In the eyes of the world, extroverts may be more likeable, and the public generally feels that they are more able to break out of their own world. Because extroverts are better at dealing with others and are sociable when they get along with others, extroverts have a sunny, confident, cheerful and lively personality, and are easily remembered by others. People with such a personality are more leadership and more convincing.

Is your child "introverted" or "extroverted"? Which personality is better?

But this is not the case, and a large number of research data show that the two personalities in each class of leaders are basically half-divided. A well-known foreign professor published an article on the theme that introverts lead more than extroverts.

Because introverts will give subordinates more room to play, while extroverts mostly have the desire to control, more is to convey orders that easily limit the innovation of subordinates.

2. It is forbidden to label children as "introverted".

When everyone was a child, they should have resisted the psychology of meeting guests, at which time parents would explain to the guests: "My children are not very polite, too shy!" In short, it is the depreciation of the child, the child is randomly labeled as "introverted", such words, the child is easy to put on the heart, give the child the wrong guidance, originally just like quiet, slowly have to inferiority. We should not force children to change, we should obey the child's personality, give patience and tolerance, and let them shine in their own way.

Is your child "introverted" or "extroverted"? Which personality is better?

3. Face up to your child's position

Each child's personality is very different, parents should be taught according to their aptitudes, let go of anxiety, let the child live out themselves, in the right environment to give full play to themselves.

If it is out of fear that the child suffers from social phobia, then the correct guidance and encouragement should be given, effective communication should be done, and the child's unsocial personality should be changed step by step. But if the child is really very resistant, prefers to be alone, does not have to force, respects the child's wishes, and slowly changes.

Is your child "introverted" or "extroverted"? Which personality is better?

I remember my college counselor saying at the first orientation meeting, "You don't have to be extroverted, and it's fine to be introverted, but when you need to speak, you must be brave." "I still remember it vividly.

On the road to parenting, we are all novices, how to take better care of children, you can pay attention to me, and discuss with me those things on the road to parenting.

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