
Chen Qing Weekly Horoscope Red and Black List (4.18-4.24)

Chen Qing Weekly Horoscope Red and Black List (4.18-4.24)

Number one on the red list: Gemini

Guardian star and Venus Uranus are auspicious, surprise is your best description next week, can encounter many surprises, it seems that every day of the week can meet surprises, you originally seem to be very hopeless things, next week will come a good news, instantly turn the situation around, the heart of the exponential enhancement, especially your career fortune is strong, the workplace can be invincible, love is shot by Cupid's arrow, Gemini will regain the championship king next week.

Chen Qing Weekly Horoscope Red and Black List (4.18-4.24)

Second place on the red list: Capricorn

Capricorn next week will usher in major achievements in the career, promotion and salary increase, performance increase these good things can happen, quite a blockbuster posture, perhaps Capricorn pressure endured too long, and finally ushered in the day of counterattack, that is, in the next week, Capricorn will get back on its feet, fortune is great, and the ensuing love will also usher in good news and harvest happiness.

Chen Qing Weekly Horoscope Red and Black List (4.18-4.24)

Third place on the red list: Libra

Mercury and Libra's life star is auspicious, will be a dark horse counterattack, sometimes to run the good luck, your good popularity will give you a lot of help in the next week, when you encounter difficulties, there are always noble people to help you, let you turn the danger into a disaster, successful counterattack, love will also be like a spring breeze to care for you, it is easy to meet the destined person in a party, you will soon fall in love.

Chen Qing Weekly Horoscope Red and Black List (4.18-4.24)

Fourth place on the red list: Aquarius

Aquarius who has not been on the red list for a long time, finally waiting for you, in the next week your fortune is like a cloud to see the sun, whether it is a career or a peach blossom, there is a feeling of willow dark flowers, the dark clouds above your head have finally dissipated, your strong head has finally arrived, take advantage of this good luck opportunity, seize the opportunity, seize the counterattack, next week's favorable promotion, entrepreneurial friends also talk about the next big order, enough for you to eat for a year, fortune is prosperous, love will also fly in the wind, is the feeling of freedom.

Black List Zodiac Signs: Leo & Scorpio

The guardian star of the lion, the sun, the guardian star of the scorpion, Pluto, will usher in a hedge next week, the fortune will be affected, what you need to do is to maintain your ideals and restrain your temper.

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