
Susan Miller 17 May 2024 Horoscope for the Zodiac Signs

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Susan Miller 17 May 2024 Horoscope for the Zodiac Signs

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Susan Miller 17 May 2024 Horoscope for the Zodiac Signs
Susan Miller 17 May 2024 Horoscope for the Zodiac Signs
Susan Miller 17 May 2024 Horoscope for the Zodiac Signs


If you're considering joining a professional association, keep in mind that you may have to pay a hefty initiation fee. With Pluto running in your house of groups, your expectations for this move are high, and it may help you advance your career, but this first step is likely to be costly. Plus, if you're passionate about helping others, you may have the opportunity to showcase your abilities. Organizations that support your cause will welcome your financial help to stay afloat.

Susan Miller 17 May 2024 Horoscope for the Zodiac Signs


When you reconsider what you want to pursue, your career or personal life may take a significant boost, as if you are deeply connected to the universe. At the top of your chart, Pluto is having an angry conversation with Mercury in Taurus, which is your identity domain. This may work in your favor because these two planets, although in conflict, will propel you towards your ideal future. Also, you may post opinions that challenge authority figures.

Susan Miller 17 May 2024 Horoscope for the Zodiac Signs


Changes that you may not be ready to accept may make you think twice. Pluto, orbiting in your house of long travel and higher education, has been constraining your beliefs and revising your understanding of the world. And today, Mercury – your ruling planet – is connecting with Pluto in an unfriendly way. You may be suspicious of the opportunity in front of you or forced to make a decision. Listen to your instincts.

Susan Miller 17 May 2024 Horoscope for the Zodiac Signs


Conversations between some of your partners or friends may trigger revelations that make you uncomfortable, and the best way to deal with them is to be completely honest. Pluto in your house of resource sharing is currently closely aligned with Mercury, suggesting that exposure to anything could affect your engagement in the circle. This all-encompassing energy means that secrets are exposed and people feel vulnerable. How this will affect you depends on which side of the conversation you are on. Try to deal with empathy.

Susan Miller 17 May 2024 Horoscope for the Zodiac Signs


Mercury, the planet of communication, is at the top of your chart, and your reputation and opportunities for meaningful conversations with the top are helped. This is when you show your charm, and you may also have good arguments. Be mindful of your approach, though. Pluto, which has been orbiting your house of partners since late January, is revolutionizing your personal and professional relationships. Since Pluto is at a strong angle to Mercury, your speech may be perceived as imposing.

Susan Miller 17 May 2024 Horoscope for the Zodiac Signs


A change in your career environment may allow you to connect with clients and businesses abroad. Since Pluto has been sailing in Aquarius and your sixth house since January, it's incredible that you're likely to gain more influence at work, perhaps through promotion. But you may feel that you are out of shape, and in the process of trying to control the situation, others may perceive you as callous. This is because Mercury and Pluto are not in square right now, and once that happens, our words may be harsher than we intended.

Susan Miller 17 May 2024 Horoscope for the Zodiac Signs


Your relationship with your lover or child may be changing, and you may have noticed that. In Aquarius, which is in the same gas sign as yours, Pluto is cruising in your house of joy and romance, where it will stay for a while to reassess the health of these bonds. Today, Mercury is conjunct Pluto, and secrets may come to light. That's when your diplomatic approach to life comes in handy. No matter how the situation affects you, as a Libra, you should be able to overcome rigidity with softness.

Susan Miller 17 May 2024 Horoscope for the Zodiac Signs


You may decide to revisit memories and family dynamics to determine what is no longer healthy for you. Pluto, your ruling planet, is transiting Aquarius in your opposite house and conjunct Mercury today, which may highlight your natural ability to interpret non-verbal behaviors, especially when it comes to business or romantic partners. When Mercury and Pluto are in conflict, we tend to become more suspicious. Be careful not to read too much between the lines, but don't censor your intuition either.

Susan Miller 17 May 2024 Horoscope for the Zodiac Signs


You may have heard rumors at work that are disturbing you. With a host of planets, including Mercury, moving around your house of daily activities, a lot seems to be going on. While you don't like to participate in fruitless conversations, something you overhear may pique your interest and lead you to investigate further. With Pluto in your house of mind and intellect, opposing Mercury, there are probably few things that you will overlook, especially when it comes to communication. Pay attention to what others say, but keep your own opinion to yourself.

Susan Miller 17 May 2024 Horoscope for the Zodiac Signs


A conversation with a confidant can be unpleasant. With Pluto opposing Mercury in your house of income, some casual remarks can easily be exaggerated. Maybe someone has expressed a point of view that conflicts with your values. Also, if you have children, they may ask you for money in a way that will disappoint you. You may wonder if they're being rude or if they have something else going on. Don't be overly skeptical.

Susan Miller 17 May 2024 Horoscope for the Zodiac Signs


Any recent changes you've made may be noticed and may irritate your family. In your fourth house of family, Mercury is challenging Pluto in Aquarius. This can mean a conversation or argument that is both difficult and enlightening. While you appreciate honesty, it can also upset you. In any case, find a way to deal with the aftermath with compassion and concern. If you're the one to tell the truth, make sure not to expose more than both parties can afford.

Susan Miller 17 May 2024 Horoscope for the Zodiac Signs


Emotions that have been suppressed for too long may come out in small talk with acquaintances or relatives. Mercury circling your house of mind and intellect suggests that you can open your mind to open up for honest discussions. But since Mercury is at war with Pluto, you'd better make sure that past hurts don't affect your speech, otherwise they may be stronger than you meant and have harsh messages. Also, in today's speaking engagement, you may be magnetic and persuasive to the audience.

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