
TIM Tim Horoscope 5.19-5.25

author:Susan Miller constellation

【Aries】Translator: @c4ndy

Your monthly focus will change on Monday and will shift from money and physical pleasure to non-stop, errands and travel, communication and paperwork. (Although the good fortune in terms of money is still there this week, it will gradually diminish from Thursday.) A single sheep has the opportunity to become friends with a sweet-hearted and attractive person, and everyone can talk to each other and get along happily, and it may develop into a more serious relationship later on. In fact, in the next 12 months, many single sheep will marry "friends". You are now confident in all aspects and will put this self-confidence on the positive side - this is very "white sheep"!

Sunday, people, collaboration, opportunities – but it's too early to expect. Secrets, privileged messages, intuitional and hunched reinforcements, major financial actions or fatal attractions, medical decisions – Tuesday or Wednesday morning (Pacific Time) will go more smoothly through Wednesday. Thursday to Saturday morning, wise, gentle, tolerant, tender and sweet atmosphere. All the best Thursday. Friday is somewhere between limited and optimistic. There were a few minor flaws on Saturday, but there was a chance that the ambition would come true.

【Taurus】Translator: @玥家樂

Taurus, a lucky and thriving year you've already experienced. In the past year, you've had at least one great opportunity to change the foundations of your life, both in terms of intimacy and finances. Such a year will end on Friday, and with it, the year of good fortune around money and income will begin on the same day. Strive for a raise, increase commissions, get better earnings and profits, and make good use of this year to do similar things. You have to remember: temporary bonuses and overtime pay are not as good as permanent promotions. A month of good form and good income luck will start on Monday. (Casual physical relationships may follow.) If you can make your wishes carefully and calmly over the next year or so, there is a good chance that those wishes will come true.

On Sundays, take care of the tedious chores. From early Monday morning to Wednesday (Pacific Time), there will be exciting human interactions – but it's a chaotic time period, and Tuesday and Wednesday mornings are relatively better. Thursday through Saturday mornings, sex, lust, major financial behaviors, lifestyle changes, medical decisions – once again, good fortune coexists with obstacles. It's best to let go of all opportunities. On Saturday morning, start the weekend with mature wisdom and tender love.

Gemini Translator: Some things and some things @minki

Gemini, the year of "Doing Big Things with Silence" comes to an end this week, and you're about to start a new year. The Status, Confidence, Charisma theme month starts on Monday. The Personal Life Year begins on Saturday, and in some ways it will be the luckiest year you've had in more than a decade. It's a good year for exploration, travel, international themes, marriage or cohabitation, and business partnerships. A large part of your good fortune comes from your optimistic and positive attitude. So, don't bow your head and don't hold grudges. For the next year, work hard, and if you have to choose between hard work and personal development, choose the latter.

Sunday/Monday is full of romance, creativity, beauty – but not much goes well, just enjoy the moment. Monday afternoon to Wednesday, take care of the chores. Eat and dress reasonably, and pay attention to health. Thursday through Saturday mornings are exciting for people and opportunities. Thursday and Friday nights were good. It is possible to encounter an emotional object that is "destined". Saturday, mysterious, financial, carnal temptation.

Translator: @魔法信使4168

The theme month of Cancer feeling comfortable, optimistic, and camarachred will end on Monday, followed by a theme month of calm, rest, meditation or contemplation, planning for the future, contact with civil servants, management, medical practitioners. Keep a low profile, rest more, and regain your strength. Lucky Jupiter will stay here for a year after coming to this resting and quiet realm on Saturday. This has the opportunity to bring you tax rebates, government grants, better health protection, and good investments...... In terms of emotion, single Cancers also have the opportunity to move towards marriage under such a trend.

On Sundays/Mondays, stay home and be with your family. Good luck is absent during this time period, do what you are doing, do your hands, and don't start new things. Monday afternoon to Wednesday, romantic, innovative, speculative, pleasant, beautiful. On Tuesday and Wednesday, despite mixed luck, good things happen. Thursday, the next few days from this day, was full of things, including tedious chores and a focus on health – but everything was fine. On Saturday morning, a weekend of tenderness, tolerance, and vision begins.

【Leo】Translator: @隐风挽枝

The year of good fortune for Leo work will come to an end this week. The new year will be all about popularity, social fun, ambiguity, fame, optimism, and entertainment. Single Leo, a relationship that is comfortable and friendly with each other, is not taken seriously at first, but in fact you are already deeply involved in it. You will be happy! In the coming year, emotionally, physically, the base will be very slow, and it may not be at all; At the other practical level, money and investment are mostly related to manufacturing, the company you work for, and the general health. You're going to love the year ahead.

Sundays and Mondays, errands, excursions, paperwork, and communication. Nothing too important. From Monday afternoon to Wednesday, stay home and walk around the neighborhood. Luck was good or bad at this time period, but overall good – good for repairs, renovations, gardening, etc. Thursday to Saturday mornings, romantic, creative, speculative. At noon on Friday (Pacific Time), keep an eye on health, machines, finances – and beyond that, there will be good things to come during this time, too. On Saturday, a weekend themed around trivia began.

【Virgo】Translator: @Zakia Zakia

Knowledge, international perspectives, travels, important social ceremonies (weddings, coming-of-age ceremonies), deep thought, further studies, law and philosophy, a month on this theme, including a year on this theme, will end this week. The good fortune of the coming month and the year ahead will fall on ambition, worldly status, career. You may end up in a romantic relationship that will eventually lead to marriage in the next year – but the overall progress is slow and requires your loyalty. Sexual desire and urges in this area will continue to be strong until June 9. Quite a few Virgos have met a perfect match for marriage in the past year.

Sunday/Monday, make an effort to make money, buy/sell, carnal relationships, remember what's important – don't forget to err on the side of caution. Monday afternoon to Wednesday, running errands, excursions, communication, paperwork. Luck may be good or bad at this time, but overall it tends to be good, and Tuesday to Wednesday morning is a good time period. Thursday is good, Friday is half and half, but wait a little longer and you'll wait for Saturday to be good for work and personal local fame. On this day, a weekend of romance, happy children, and creativity begins.

【Libra】Translator: @行走的柠檬红茶

Over the past 12 months, Libra's good fortune has fallen on finances, investments, physical intimacy, research, lifestyle changes. During the same period, there may have been an expanded focus on health issues. (Most Libras have fragile digestive systems.) And into the next 12 months, it will be deep thoughts, travel, or interest in international affairs, law, education, and love. Before July 2025, more Libras will enter the palace of marriage. Mars, who rules Libra marriages, has been traveling at high speed in your marriage field until June 9 this year – you may meet someone important this spring. The bad work situation will continue until February 2026.

Sunday to Monday afternoons, personal status and charisma are high - Sunday daytime is best used to complete tasks. Monday afternoon to Wednesday, work hard to make money, buy/sell, have physical relationships, read and study. Good luck and distractions are intertwined, but there is a high probability that good luck will win, and everything will go well from Tuesday to Wednesday morning. Thursday to Saturday morning, short trips, easy and simple chores, paperwork, communication. Thursday is excellent, easy to get a lot done; And on Friday, with choreos and other restrictions, there may be good interpersonal interactions in between. On Saturday, the theme weekend of home and family will begin, and it will also start a lucky year in terms of knowledge, travel and emotion.

Scorpio Translator: @肉包好吃w

The theme year about Scorpio relationships, relocation, opportunities, public appearances will end this week. (Presenting yourself in public sounds grandiose, but it's not that much.) A salesperson has 20 to 50 interactions with the public in a day. And the next 12 months will usher in good luck and improvement in terms of physical contact/desire, economics/debt/investment, medical issues, and lifestyle changes. The good news is that the planets that rule Scorpio's income, possessions/possessions, physical contact (sort of possession) will appear in more intimate areas (related to desires, finances). Be careful, if you have any health problems, seek medical attention as soon as possible, as the planet will worsen your health problems. The work will not be easy until June 9. But the next month, including the year ahead, is a possibility of unearned gains. The romantic trend will continue until January 2026, and it may be able to further develop and advance the relationship through communication.

Sunday to Monday afternoon, keep a low profile, rest, meditate, and plan. Don't think about making a big deal. Your stature, charisma, and efficiency will gradually increase by Wednesday. From Tuesday to early Wednesday morning, there was a chance to get quite a few things done. Thursday through Saturday morning, try to make money, buy/sell, have physical relationships, learn something. It's a good time period, especially on Thursday. On Friday, I was frustrated in love, and I was proud of my work and even my income. Ideas related to real estate, investment – and maybe a good idea may come to you on this day.

Sagittarius: Orange sheep princess

The theme month and theme year of Sagittarius employment, drudgery, health issues will end this week. The new month, which starts on Monday, will be exciting topics of networking, opportunities, public appearances, and relocation. The new year with this theme will begin on Saturday, and these aspects will be full of good luck for the next 12 months. There will be more single Sagittarius to tie up by July 2025. You also have a chance to enjoy romance until June 9 this year. For 25 days from this week, everyone will be kind to you.

Sunday to Monday afternoon, happiness, optimism, popularity, social fun. Monday afternoon through Wednesday, get away from the crowds – keep a low profile, rest, meditate, and plan. It's easy to get things done late Tuesday to early Wednesday morning. From Thursday to Saturday morning, form and charm returned, though the whole week looked like a mix of good fortune and obstacles. It's best to do it all day on Thursday and late at night on Friday. On Saturdays, spending money, shopping, physical relationships, and possibly mechanical learning begins.

Capricorn Translator: @Zakia Zakia

The past 12 months have been good for Capricorn, such as romance, creativity, risk-taking, sports, games, children's talents, beauty, and joy. Starting this week, the next 12 months will be in good shape in terms of personal work/employment, and there will be good things that will be greatly improved. From now until July 2025, health problems are likely to be aggravated this year if they are dealt with in a timely manner and medical attention is sought in a timely manner. Before June 9 of this year, there is a lot of friction in the family, so do something that will allow everyone to live in peace.

Sunday to Monday around 3 p.m. Pacific Time, ambitious. Don't expect too much, but stand firm. Monday afternoon to Wednesday, popularity, social fun, optimism, ambiguity. There were a lot of hurdles on Monday night and Wednesday at noon, but overall it was a fun time. From Thursday to Saturday morning, get away from the crowds and find a quiet, resting place to meditate, meditate, and plan for the future. On Thursday, it is good to contact the government, higher departments, and offices. Late on Friday night, work, money plans/actions are favored by the god of luck. On Saturday, the weekend of great form, charisma, personal performance starts – important things need more detailed planning, more external support, so don't rush.

Aquarius Translator: @时光且短我心且长

Dear Aquarius, paperwork and errands will remain busy until June 9, but don't let that overshadow the major changes that are coming this week. (Probably not, but it does affect your future.) The Year of Good Luck with a theme of harvest, family, play, property ends this week; In the new year, there will be good luck in terms of romance, speculation, pleasure, beauty, happiness, children's talents, games/sports, adventure, and wishes in these areas are easy to come true. There is a chance to encounter romance in the next four weeks, and if so, it is likely to continue in the next year. Next year's money and income situation is likely to be slightly tight.

Sunday through Monday at 3 or 4 p.m. (Pacific Time), a wise, mature atmosphere, deep thoughts, tenderness. Monday afternoon to Wednesday, ambition. There are quite a few obstacles to watch out for, but don't forget that good luck is with you, and the odds of success are not small. Thursday to Saturday mornings, happiness knocks on the door – making friends, being ambiguous, optimistic, and having fun. Thursday is the most comfortable of these days. On Saturday, a weekend of tranquility, rest, contemplation, and planning begins.

Pisces Translator: @山师傅1019

Pisces will still have a good income situation until June 9, but it may also come and go. Save it, save it. Over the past 12 months, you've been overwhelmed by information, paperwork, communication, travel, and errands. But that will end this week. In the coming month, including the entire year ahead, the family area will be the focus and a gathering place for good fortune. Property transactions, and anything related to children, parents, security, belonging, good fortune in these areas starts now and lasts until June next year. You can do a house swap, rent a better house, buy furniture, fix your backyard, build a swimming pool, and more. This year is good for "sowing" and "thriving", so when making plans and starting new things, we should take a long-term view of the future. Remember, you're in luck.

Sunday through Monday afternoon, engage in secrecy, research, finances, potential physical contact, health concerns, lifestyle issues – proceed with caution. Monday afternoon to Wednesday (Pacific Time) is a time of sophistication, thoughtfulness, and matters related to further education, law, media, or travel – stumbling at the beginning and ending with joy. Thursday through Saturday morning, be ambitious – have the opportunity to make a good impression on your boss, and your talent in money and management matters counts. On Saturday, a festive, happy, socially fun, optimistic and positive weekend begins!


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