
Meta plans to launch W of VR social platform Horizon Worlds

Andrew Bosworth, Chief Technology Officer of Meta, recently said on Twitter that in the future, it plans to launch a web version of the VR social platform Horizon Worlds, thereby further expanding the coverage of this metaverse social platform.

Meta plans to launch W of VR social platform Horizon Worlds

It is understood that Horizon is the general name of Meta's metaverse VR social application series, and its products include Horizon Worlds, Horizon Workrooms, Horizon Venues and the upcoming Horizon Home. In the virtual space created by Horizon, everyone can use their own Meta Avatar.

Horizon Worlds currently only supports VR headsets, and the release of the web version will mark a major expansion of the platform. In fact, the company has earlier stated that this metaverse social application will not be limited to virtual reality.

Bosworth, in response to an Apple spokesperson's accusation that Meta charges a 47.5% commission on creators, said the upcoming launch of the web version refers to Horizon Worlds and defended the social platform for a whopping 47% of virtual item sales that Meta has set up on the platform. He noted that on the Web version, an open protocol with no inherent commercial fees has only 25 percent Horizon fees.

Meta plans to launch W of VR social platform Horizon Worlds

As a giant of traditional social networks, Meta has always hoped to bring its experience and position to the next wave of computing. As an all-encompassing metaverse social platform, the company believes that VR headsets are just one of the access mediums, so Horizon will continue to support a series of different metaversal entrances such as smartphones and game consoles.

It's unclear when Horizon's web version will be released, while Meta spokesperson Iska Saric said "there are no timeline details to share at this time." Mobile and web users may become viewers who can't create the world or participate in all interactions, which will make these versions marketing for the full VR experience.

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