
Excellent Learning Cheats: How to help children relieve learning tension?

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Excellent Learning Cheats: How to help children relieve learning tension?

Some parents in the process of accompanying their children to learn on a daily basis, they find that their children will have nervous and anxious emotions, resulting in procrastination, avoidance and even hate to learn, especially before the exam These performances are more obvious.

We have all experienced childhood and student days, and the fear of being dominated by homework and exams is really uncomfortable, afraid of doing homework wrong and exams.

Therefore, when you become a parent and become a parent, you must first understand the child's situation, and then prescribe the right medicine to help the child adjust the nervous emotions of learning.

So how should parents guide and regulate?

Today, I will share a few practices with you, hoping to help you.

Excellent Learning Cheats: How to help children relieve learning tension?


Do not give children too high expectations, reduce the child's psychological burden.

Many parents have set a higher goal for their children, so that the child's psychological pressure is very large, it is difficult to relax when learning, and it is always in a state of mental tension, for fear of not meeting the expectations of parents, which will disappoint parents and be punished.

In real life, children are overwhelmed by the pressure of exams, and examples of extreme behaviors appear from time to time.

Therefore, as a parent, in the process of educating children, do not put too much pressure on children, minimize the role of overemphasizing test scores, and pay more attention to the cultivation of children's comprehensive quality.

Excellent Learning Cheats: How to help children relieve learning tension?


Less harsh, more praise.

A good word is warm in three winters, and a bad word hurts people in June.

The same applies to parents in educating their children.

Some parents tutor their children to learn, and as soon as they find that their children have made mistakes in learning, whether they are big mistakes or small mistakes, they will start scolding when they disagree.

This will seriously hit the child's learning confidence, resulting in the child's nervous tension every time he writes homework or exams, sometimes not only can not play a role in helping the child to progress, but also will promote the child to go downhill.

Of course, it is also possible that the child's grades have indeed improved, but he is not happy at all in learning, resulting in psychological problems in the child.

As a parent, you can appropriately guide your child to learn happily, and don't speak completely on grades.

Excellent Learning Cheats: How to help children relieve learning tension?


Breathe with your child and do what your child likes.

There is no better way to relieve tension than to do what you love.

Parents can appropriately give their children commitments, such as how many tasks he completes, accompany him to go out to play or do things he likes, starting from the child's interests, whether it is watching dramas, playing games or other things, in short, to minimize the anxiety caused by children's learning.

In this way, the motivation of children to learn can be greatly increased, and at the same time, their attention can be diverted, and the tension during learning can be slowly put down, and the combination of work and leisure can be realized, which can improve the efficiency of learning and make children more willing to learn.

If the child is in a state of emotional tension for a long time when learning, then such learning is a bit painful, and the grades are not necessarily ideal, and the tight nerves will collapse one day.

Therefore, as a parent, we must observe the state of the child's learning, and once we perceive his nervousness, we must find a way to help regulate, eliminate this tension, help him relax, and regain confidence.

It is also necessary to guide the child, even if there is a mistake or failure in learning, do not care too much, and use positive and optimistic words to downplay the negative impact of these setbacks on the child.

In short, as long as you are careful, parents can always find a balance between academic performance and mood, which is conducive to ensuring the stability and improvement of children's academic performance, and can also ensure that children grow up happily.

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