
Chunfeng New Book | Professor of Tsinghua University takes you to appreciate the beauty of 5,000 years of Chinese art

Qianjiang Evening News Hour news trainee reporter Liu Yuhan

Yang Qi, a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University, recently released a new book, "Five Thousand Years of Chinese Art". This is a general art book written by Yang Qi to the public, which combines 50 years of teaching achievements in one book, taking readers through time and space to appreciate the beauty of 5,000 years of Chinese art.

Chunfeng New Book | Professor of Tsinghua University takes you to appreciate the beauty of 5,000 years of Chinese art

Some people say that the aesthetic awakening of the younger generation of Chinese people may have begun with traditional Chinese art. To understand traditional Chinese art is to understand the aesthetic genes engraved in the bones of Chinese, and to understand the spiritual pursuit and philosophical precipitation that have been Chinese for thousands of years.

How to understand traditional Chinese art?

This book is a gripper.

For many non-art readers, "Five Thousand Years of Chinese Art" is an excellent primer and can be used as the first lesson in the history of Chinese art.

The book connects 5,000 years, 24 dynasties, 50 masters, and 300 classic masterpieces in Chronological order to establish a systematic Chinese art system.

From prehistoric "quasi-art", to The Bronze Ware of the Xia and Shang Zhou Dynasties, to the Portrait Stone of the Han Dynasty, and then to the beginning of the Landscape Painting of the Southern and Northern Dynasties of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, it has flourished and developed through the Tang and Song Dynasties, until the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the evolution of modern traditional painting, and the rebirth... The whole book systematically sorts out the whole context of the development of Chinese art, not only the macro historical background, but also the life deeds of famous artists, supplemented by classic masterpiece pictures and appreciation, vividly and three-dimensionally touring the whole picture of Chinese art history.

Chunfeng New Book | Professor of Tsinghua University takes you to appreciate the beauty of 5,000 years of Chinese art

Chinese painting is not only an expression of art, but also reflects the spiritual cultivation and life wisdom of the ancient literati. The five thousand years of Chinese art are not only the history of Chinese art, but also the history of the development of Chinese thought and culture.

In the paleolithic rock paintings, there are ancient people's prayers for the harmony of heaven and man; on the Dunhuang murals, the Buddhist spirit of compassion for the world is expressed; in the landscape paintings, there are full of literati feelings of lofty feelings...

By appreciating painting, we can further enhance our understanding of Chinese cultural heritage.

Chunfeng New Book | Professor of Tsinghua University takes you to appreciate the beauty of 5,000 years of Chinese art

The author Yang Qi is a professor in the Department of Art History at the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University, and has long been committed to the popularization of popular art, hoping that traditional art can be valued by the Chinese people.

Through his teaching practice in recent decades, he has explored a systematic and efficient approach. In this book, Professor Yang Qi not only quotes the scriptures, hooks and sinks the xuan essentials, but also supplements it with the history of wild anecdotes, and uses vivid and dexterous language to give readers a general knowledge lesson in the history of Chinese art.

Yang Qi wrote in the afterword:

"When you finish reading this book, are you not only proud of the yesterday of Chinese painting, but also full of confidence in the tomorrow of Chinese painting? If this is the case, it is called artistic confidence. This book also fulfills its mission. ”

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