
30 communication phrases commonly used by excellent preschool teachers


Memorize the name of the toddler to give care

Memorizing the name of the child is a must, in the kindergarten the teacher calls the name of the child, the child will feel more intimate, feel that he is valued by the teacher. Memorizing the name of the child is the first key to the communication skills between the teacher and the child, and it is also the basis for communication.

Required sentences:

1. Let's clap our hands for the progress of so-and-so's child.

2. Your name is so nice, can you tell the teacher your name out loud?

3. Thank you XXX for helping me. (Emphasis on toddler names)

4. So-and-so children will also raise their hands to speak, and everyone is happy for you.


Use appropriate language to praise and encourage

What kind of language is the appropriate language in the communication process? When communicating with young children, teachers should choose words and sentences that are easy for children to understand as a medium for communicating with children, and the words should be accurate and the sentence expression should be complete and specific.

Required sentences:

1. You are single-mindedly learning the skill, and the teacher is really happy for you.

2. I'm glad you did this. (Describe specific events)

3. You will definitely do this in the future.

4. You have corrected a small shortcoming, and everyone is really happy for you.

5. You can click a beautiful dot, and the children are very envious of you.

6. You're going to be happy to go to kindergarten tomorrow, right?


The teacher's vision should be in direct contact with the child

Eye contact is itself a form of communication and communication. Experienced teachers are usually able to communicate with young children with their eyes, and young children can understand what the teacher is going to say through one look from the teacher.

In addition, when communicating and communicating with young children, the teacher's line of sight is best parallel to the child, the best way is to crouch down to communicate with the child, so that the child feels that the teacher values him, is in an equal position with the teacher, and can feel the teacher's care more when communicating.

Required sentences:

1. Can you entertain guests as warmly as so-and-so?

2. Friends helped you, you will definitely say "thank you", right?

3. Please speak slowly, don't worry.

4. Friends have difficulties, I think you will definitely help.

5. Would you rather say "I'm sorry" to him?

6. You must be tempted to apologize to him, don't you?

7. Can you speak boldly and clearly to everyone?


Speak appropriately in tone and speed

In the process of communication, the tone of voice of the teacher plays an important role in communication. For young children, the teacher's language will make the communication effect better, and it will stimulate the interest and desire of children to communicate.

At the same time, the speed of speech when communicating with young children should be moderate, not too fast, not too slow, too fast is easy to cause young children to hear less clearly, too slow will make young children wait too urgently, and the enthusiasm of young children will be reduced. The volume of communication should also be appropriate, as long as each toddler can hear clearly.

Required sentences:

1. The teacher knows that you will play with new toys for everyone, right?

2. You can discuss with your friends and draw a beautiful picture, it's awesome.

3. You not only think of yourself, but also think of others, and everyone admires you.


The kind tone is warmer

When teachers communicate with young children, the tone of voice plays a crucial role. Kind tone, young children will feel a hint of warm affection, and young children are more receptive.

In addition, in order to better achieve the communication effect, teachers can appropriately create suspense and make children's attention more concentrated.

Required sentences:

1. Don't worry, it doesn't matter if you say it wrong.

2. You sit really well and speak really well.

3. Can you say it differently from others?

4. Would you like to tell everyone interesting things?

5. You and your friends have mended the books together, and everyone appreciates you.


Listen carefully to your child's voice

In language activities, we often guide young children to learn to listen, and we often ignore this ourselves. In the process of communicating with children, we must set a good example and listen to the voices of children.

Required sentences:

1. Would you like to whisper to me?

2. Would you like to make friends with your teacher?

3. What do you think in your heart, tell me yes?

4. Are you sad and willing to tell me?

5. He is very sad, are you willing to comfort him?

30 communication phrases commonly used by excellent preschool teachers

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