
Fight the epidemic at home and seize the opportunity to prepare for pregnancy and conditioning

Fight the epidemic at home and seize the opportunity to prepare for pregnancy and conditioning

Special periods,

Going out has become a "luxury".

In fact

For couples with pregnancy preparation plans,

Make the most of this time,

It's a great time to condition your body.

Maintain a good work and rest, relax your mood

High-quality sleep can ensure that both husband and wife are in good physical condition and ensure the quality of sperm and eggs, so what are the standards for high-quality sleep:

Fall asleep before 11 p.m

Falls asleep quickly within 30 minutes

Sleep duration reaches 7-8 hours

Feel refreshed after waking up

Pregnant women should sleep for 8 hours a day to facilitate the secretion of hormones, and it is important to sleep before 11 pm! Hormones begin to be secreted at 0 to 2 o'clock, and poor sleep affects egg growth and development. The ears are filled with acupuncture points throughout the body and are covered with abundant capillaries. Warm ear moxibustion can promote blood circulation throughout the body, improve the quality of sleep, and can also help us relieve tension and relieve mental uneasiness!

Fight the epidemic at home and seize the opportunity to prepare for pregnancy and conditioning

The Shaw Thermobustion Device, which is recommended by major pregnancy preparation magazines, pharmacies, TV programs, etc. in Japan, is smokeless and odorless, temperature controllable, and the unique Traditional Chinese medicine formula is more penetrating to achieve the effect of warming the palace, cultivating fertile physique, and improving sleep.

Fight the epidemic at home and seize the opportunity to prepare for pregnancy and conditioning

A good attitude is a good start, pregnant women should try to maintain a pleasant mood, you can cultivate some self-cultivation interests, such as practicing brush writing, painting, listening to light music, raising green plants and so on. The child chooses a mother in heaven, the better the temper, the kinder, the child will also be willing to choose you as a mother.

Eat a reasonable diet and live a healthy life

Daily diet should be balanced, women should achieve a balanced diet, reasonable nutrition, can choose foods rich in phytoestrogens, high-quality protein, eat more vegetables, fruits, eat less spicy stimulating food, but also avoid eating greasy, high-calorie food, cooking oil is best vegetable oil.

Fight the epidemic at home and seize the opportunity to prepare for pregnancy and conditioning

In addition, try to avoid colds, this time health and safety is the first!

Exercise appropriately to enliven the body

Proper exercise is actually very important. Exercise can speed up blood circulation, strengthen the connection between various organs, and improve the body's basal metabolic capacity. Choose exercise methods that are helpful for improving blood flow around the uterus, such as warm palace exercises, yoga, etc., and the exercise time is mainly based on feeling comfortable.

Fight the epidemic at home and seize the opportunity to prepare for pregnancy and conditioning

Proper folic acid supplementation in advance

Folic acid is an indispensable nutrient for fetal growth and development. Folate deficiency in pregnant women may lead to fetal neural tube malformations. Generally speaking, doctors will recommend that pregnant women start to supplement folic acid at least 3 months in advance, and pregnant mothers can also eat more folic acid-rich foods while supplementing folic acid.

Fight the epidemic at home and seize the opportunity to prepare for pregnancy and conditioning

Get rid of bad habits

If both husband and wife have bad habits, such as smoking, alcoholism, etc., they must be corrected. Because tobacco and alcohol closely affect female ovulation and female hormone secretion, women who are trying to conceive can easily cause female hormone secretion disorders if they do not pay attention to the harm of tobacco and alcohol, affecting ovulation and conception. For men, tobacco and alcohol can affect sperm quality, cause sperm malformations, and easily cause maternal miscarriages or fetal malformations.

Focus on health during the epidemic! At this time, the body conditioning is also to lay a solid "foundation" for giving birth to a healthy baby!

Until the end of the pandemic,

Let's go to spring and blossom together!

Wanyu Pregnancy Preparation focuses on the difficult pregnancy preparation population, integrates the world's top high-quality medical resources, and specially invites domestic fertility celebrities and Dr. Shao Hui, an expert of the British Hospital in Japan, to broadcast live every week to share the knowledge of scientific pregnancy preparation.

Pay attention to wanyu pregnancy preparation, let good pregnancy occur naturally!

Fight the epidemic at home and seize the opportunity to prepare for pregnancy and conditioning
Fight the epidemic at home and seize the opportunity to prepare for pregnancy and conditioning

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