
The child obviously knows that he can read, but he still pesters his mother to read, is it lazy and dependent?

Wen | condensed mother's understanding

Now there are many cow babies, often see that there are three or four years old, five or six years old children can read by themselves, many parents are not calm, lamenting how their own babies and people are so big gap, do not let people worry about it?

Especially for some parents of 6- and 7-year-old children, children who are ready to go to the first grade, or have already been in the first and second grades, cannot read by themselves, which is particularly worrying.

The child obviously knows that he can read, but he still pesters his mother to read, is it lazy and dependent?

I flipped through everyone's messages, and the anxiety points focused on the following:

The child has already recognized some words, let him read some simple books by himself, and he has the ability to read, but after reading for a while, he yawns for days, feeling bored, and has to pester his mother to read them to him. Originally thought that the child's literacy parents will be liberated, but the result of recognizing the word or can not see the hope, feel very cumbersome and boiling! When the child listens to his mother reading, he does not look at the text, but stares at the picture, and reading is not to recognize the words? Literacy is not enough, when will you be able to read on your own? Children have to read their own questions and reading comprehension in the exam, how can they understand without reading? Third grade has an essay, I don't read it myself, how can I accumulate vocabulary? When children go to elementary school, reading is their own business and not adults' business. The students around them all read by themselves, and the reading speed is also fast. Children can not read by themselves, the reading speed is very slow, people read 8 books he only read 3 books, the gap is too large, afraid that the child will be left behind.

The child obviously knows that he can read, but he still pesters his mother to read, is it lazy and dependent?

After reading these questions, you can imagine the worries of parents.

When my son was in the first grade, he couldn't read on his own, and I was also very anxious, and at that time, I racked my brains and thought of many ways, recording, rewarding, reading half of it by one person, etc., and my son was finally willing to read.

But think back, before the child realizes independent reading, the only way to go is to insist on parent-child reading, do not force too much, suddenly to a certain day, the child will throw you away.

As emphasized in the Reading Handbook: Parent-child reading, reading aloud, reading with children, everything else will come naturally.

Your child doesn't need you anymore, and you will feel very lost and eager to chase after your child to read. Children can read independently, not the capital we use to show off, but the ability that children can have sooner or later.

The first time as a parent, always in comparison with others, to create anxiety for themselves in parenting, if you can understand the child's listening to the mother's reading for the child's true meaning, you will put down the burden, according to the child's wishes to insist on reading to the child.

The child obviously knows that he can read, but he still pesters his mother to read, is it lazy and dependent?

A child who recognizes words does not mean that he can read

We think that children can read books by themselves when they recognize words, but in fact, ≠ can read.

Reading is a complex process, not only to know the words, but also to understand the meaning of the words, to convey the feelings, but also to combine the words and pictures, can be associated with real life, immersed in the atmosphere created by the text.

Children can recognize some words, but the amount of literacy is still limited, coupled with not much reading input, full life experience, it must be particularly difficult to understand, can not be used multiple purposes. When busy recognizing words, I forget to understand the meaning, and when I understand the meaning, I may be embarrassed by a new word.

When children first start reading, they will stumble when they read, not as fluently as when adults read, because the child's ability is not yet up to par.

In other words, if we read some books that are not related to our own profession, there is no experience and experience, the knowledge reserve is insufficient, we also feel obscure and boring, and if we read a few pages, we will yawn for days and choose to give up. From this point of view, we really have to understand children.

The child obviously knows that he can read, but he still pesters his mother to read, is it lazy and dependent?

Children rely on a lot of listening and reading to better understand, expand and absorb the content of the book

"How to Read Can Benefit Children for a Lifetime" mentions that before the age of 12, children's listening comprehension ability is greater than text reading comprehension ability.

Nao Matsui also said that instead of letting children read books by themselves, adults read books to children, and with this experience of ear listening, children learn to read words and enter the world of language through words, experiencing the fun of it.

When a child listens to us read to him, he can know where a sentence is appropriate to break, and can more easily understand the content of the book and internalize it into his own knowledge.

When we read to children, in fact, it is not simply reading words, we read with emotion, will carry the understanding of things, there will be rich feelings, children look at pictures, listen to our voices, will slowly "read" the words that originally did not understand.

It is not so much that we read books to children, but that we are passing on a rich content such as culture and knowledge to children.

There is a little girl, every time she gets a new book, she first reads it for herself, and then lets each adult take turns to read it to him, the family's reading style is different, the child gains a little from everyone, and it is a great wealth to collect.

The child obviously knows that he can read, but he still pesters his mother to read, is it lazy and dependent?

At the same time, we certainly can't simply make a sound like a tape recorder, we will also interact with the child, which is a very important part, the child in the expression, in the question, in the relief of their own doubts, in order to gain more.

Friends who accompany children to read must have such feelings, when reading to children, children always gush, not to contact their own lives, or to ask various questions in a vacuum.

When I read to Erbao, I felt very real. When he saw the scene of the kindergarten, he excitedly said that our kindergarten also has a dollhouse and a large playground, and also does handicrafts, plays with blocks, and draws. Why can't eat and fight, what is he doing...

The time to answer his questions far exceeds the time of reading words, and a book that could have been read in 5 minutes actually takes 30 minutes or more.

Children can expand a lot of knowledge in the process of listening and reading, which is something that children cannot do by reading on their own.

There is input to output, parents to read to their children is actually input, children's ability to understand the text is stronger, expand more knowledge, after accumulating to a certain extent, it will accumulate thick and thin, naturally can easily read independently, exams, reading comprehension, writing is not difficult.

The child obviously knows that he can read, but he still pesters his mother to read, is it lazy and dependent?

Children listen and read not as dependent, but emotionally connected

The Reading Handbook reads: "You may have unlimited wealth, boxes of jewelry and chests of gold, but you will never be richer than I am, for I have a mother who reads to me." ”

The process of reading to children can be seen as a process of intimate communication between us and children, and it is a good time to establish emotional connections.

In fact, let go of reading for children, at most until the child is about 10 years old. When children enter puberty, they slowly alienate themselves from us and do not like to listen to us read, and we lose this opportunity, so we must cherish it.

Dabao had to listen to me read every day before he was 10 years old, and after he turned 10, he refused to let me go thousands of miles away, and it was difficult to enjoy intimate parent-child time anymore, so he still missed it.

The child obviously knows that he can read, but he still pesters his mother to read, is it lazy and dependent?

I've seen a case that was written by a German. A mom thinks the storytelling show on TV is very good and the host is very professional, so she lets her 5-year-old daughter watch TV.

As a result, the daughter was not interested after watching it for a while, or she wanted her mother to read to him, and her mother was very confused, "Isn't the aunt on TV talking very well, is it very interesting?" The daughter replied, "But the aunt on TV can't hold me." ”

Many times, children listen to their mothers to read, not lazy, not dependent, just want to enjoy the warm feeling of being held in the arms, or snuggled in the mother, if we take the child's independent reading is more important as the reason, push the child out, then we cut off a good parent-child communication opportunity, the child loses more.

Reading to children is a happy thing, and you must know the blessing in the blessing.

The child obviously knows that he can read, but he still pesters his mother to read, is it lazy and dependent?


Children can read, can read by themselves, but still like to listen to their mothers to read, it is easier to accept more knowledge, and parents to establish a good opportunity to build feelings, as parents hold the mentality of waiting for flowers to bloom, patiently read to their children, children will eventually transition smoothly to their own reading, give us more and better feedback.

I'm @Gelma Goku

Mother of two boys, more than 10 years of parenting experience

Accompany children to read, English enlightenment, science enlightenment

Share parenting insights and land parenting dry goods

Welcome to pay attention and move forward together on the road to parenting

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