
19 things that are more important than making your child successful

Most children in this world will grow up to be ordinary ordinary people. So, it's more important than letting the child succeed and making the child happy.


Don't be afraid of kids playing with computers, this is their future work and lifestyle.

19 things that are more important than making your child successful


Don't care too much about your child's grades at first, but whether he likes school or not.

19 things that are more important than making your child successful


In addition to praise, there must be punishment, but punishment education is not the same as stick education.

19 things that are more important than making your child successful


Let him stick to a sport, basketball, football, badminton, jump rope, running... All good.

19 things that are more important than making your child successful


From elementary school onwards, be sure to assign some housework to him.

19 things that are more important than making your child successful


Love him, and love his dad (mom) just as much, forever. He will remember it and then learn to love his lover and children.

19 things that are more important than making your child successful


Don't go to a training class that tosses ordinary people with the slogan of cultivating genius.

19 things that are more important than making your child successful


Maybe you have a lot of dreams that you don't have a chance to achieve, don't let the child realize it for you, that's your dream, not the child's dream.

19 things that are more important than making your child successful


Please crouch down and talk to your child.

19 things that are more important than making your child successful


It is good to cultivate a lifelong interest for him, whether elegant or popular, popular or niche, music, fine arts, literature, writing, stamp collecting, handicrafts, these are all good, but please do not let him study just for the sake of exams or further education.

19 things that are more important than making your child successful


Read extracurricular books with your children all the time. A good book is a good teacher and friend for a child to benefit for a lifetime.

19 things that are more important than making your child successful


Be patient with your child to play games, even if you think his game content is boring.

19 things that are more important than making your child successful


When he plays tricks, he never compromises.

19 things that are more important than making your child successful


Take your kids to the bookstore once a month for more than two hours at a time. (National Library of Children's Library, babies with diapers can enter)

19 things that are more important than making your child successful


Problems between children are left to them to solve on their own.

19 things that are more important than making your child successful


The older the child, the more we talk about his shortcomings, please always appreciate him with the eyes he was born with.


Playing chess, swimming, cycling, playing upgrades, K songs, these projects that ordinary people love to play can be taught to him early.


In addition to teaching him the basic things of integrity, kindness, filial piety, respect, principles and so on in his growth, it is also necessary to tolerate and identify with his personality, exclusive characteristics, after all, he is the only one.


Finally: the soul should be free, the thinking should be independent, and the life should be real.

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