
Sleep in separate beds and rooms

Early childhood education is known

Sleep in separate beds and rooms
Sleep in separate beds and rooms
Sleep in separate beds and rooms

When is the time to sleep in separate beds and rooms?

Author: Empathetic cat

Sleeping in separate beds and rooms is an obstacle that every child must experience as they grow up.

The child is timid, especially at night, does not dare to sleep alone, and only wants the mother to sleep with the child; when the mother's heart is weak, she easily agrees, and agrees to it for granted.

The next night, the child made another request to sleep with the mother, and the mother thought that the child was so small that it was not safe to sleep alone, so I agreed.

The situation got a little out of hand: the child had to wait every day for his mother to come before going to bed, or he would delay getting into bed and continue to postpone in bed.

If they reassign beds after the age of four or five, the children form a habit of accompanying them.

In addition, once the child develops the habit of sleeping with the mother, when the father wants to have fun with his wife, the baby may "refuse" and become the appearance of the child.

Know that babies wake up and play independently.

Therefore, the TA has the ability to sleep independently, and the mother can choose to let go and let the baby go to bed alone.

A month before going to bed in the room, it is best to accompany the child before going to sleep, tell the baby a story, hug the baby and kiss the baby when leaving.

Placing your child's daily beloved toy as a companion will make the baby familiar and sleep more securely.

When a child is sick or in a bad mood, parents can temporarily sleep with their child.

One lady said the child was seven years old and still sleeping with her parents!

Although relatives and friends persuaded them to have a second child while they were young; the woman and her husband thought a son was happy.

They have also tried to let the child sleep alone, but the child woke up and cried all over the house to find his mother.

It turns out that having children sleep separately in the first place will save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

An enlightened person once said, I have to say that parents today are too worried about their children, but I don't know how many such parenting experiences there are. Children can sleep independently, but many parents are still skeptical.

Some people say that parents want their children to sleep in separate rooms early and exercise their ability to be independent, but they did not expect to hurt their children's young minds.

Are children who are prematurely separated from their parents really independent?

They can also get close to their parents and sleep with them to feel cared for by them, which helps to establish security and dependence while facilitating care.

As long as the parents make reasonable arrangements and operate carefully, the child sleeps in a separate bed with enough security, and the mother can make a bed for the baby to sleep.

After the baby is born, in order to better take care of the child, many mothers choose to turn on the lights to sleep.

"Crying immunotherapy" and "sleeping in separate rooms at three years old" are actually a purpose, that is, to exercise children's independence, but to destroy the trust and dependence between children and their mothers, so that children's inner insecurity is insecure.

One man said his son was still sleeping in the same bed with his mother when he was 11 years old and even had to hold her mother every night to fall asleep.

Therefore, sleeping with children and sharing beds too late can lead to children becoming overly dependent on their parents, having poor independence and being mentally immature.

Specifically, sleeping in separate beds depends on the child's level of psychological development; after the age of 9, children will gradually enter puberty and are not suitable for sleeping in the same bed.

Finally: a reminder that if your child has negative emotions about sleeping in separate rooms, do not use simple and rude methods to avoid causing separation anxiety.

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