
Husband and wife, people who are willing to "give in" to you on three small things love you more

Husbands and wives get along like pots and pot lids, occasionally it is inevitable to make unpleasant sounds of collision, but it does not prevent them from cooperating with each other to achieve win-win results.

These unpleasant voices are conflicts and contradictions, and only when they are handled well can we spend our lives together. The most important of these is the attitude of both parties, only a little more tolerance, a little more understanding and love for each other, can make this relationship lasting.

Some people compare marriage to a bank account, and both husband and wife "save money" in it, and the happiness and security that each other receives are doubled. If only one party continues to "save money" in it, and the other party only knows how to spend it to enjoy, it will face the result of being liquidated, and the relationship will not be able to be maintained.

It is said that it is the last straw that crushes the camel, in fact, every little thing in the relationship between husband and wife is the straw that crushes the camel, and each one counts, resulting in a person's disappointment and saving enough to choose to let go.

Only when each other actively manages the husband and wife relationship, learns to love and cherish, and establishes a good mode of getting along, can two people go further. Husband and wife, people who are willing to "give in" to you on three small things love you more.

In a quarrel, people who know how to "give in" to you love you more.

Husband and wife quarrel, if you choose the way of needle tip to Mai Mang, each other will pick each other's sore spots, the result will only be a lose-lose situation, after all, it is the person who is most familiar with each other, and the weaknesses and weaknesses of the other party will also be clear.

People who know how to "give in" to you in the quarrel are because they love you and don't want you to be more angry, so they put away their bad emotions to give you a step down, give you enough face, let you go down with the trend, and avoid further escalating the problem.

It's not that he doesn't want face, he's just willing to put down his face for you, he's willing to tolerate you more, and that's the expression of love.

Chen Xiaochun was once asked by the host of the program about arguing with Ying Cai'er, and Chen Xiaochun said that he had always been making concessions and said that he was willing to lose for the sake of Ying Cai'er.

This concession is to be able to flex and stretch, to think of your good, he can tolerate you more, but also a manifestation of loving the other party more.

People who know how to give in to you know that there is no winner in a husband and wife quarrel, since they are all losers, it is better to let him be a loser, let you be a winner, you are happy, he is happy, and finally they all win.

When the other party chooses to give in to you when arguing, don't feel that the other party is weak and incompetent, know that you can put it away, don't overheat, but let yourself not get off the stage, then the embarrassment is still yourself.

Because a person who loves you deeply also has a bottom line, you cherish his concessions, he will always be good to you. If you don't cherish it, there's no next time.

Make "concessions" to you when you're depressed or vulnerable and love you more.

In life, everyone will run forward like a tide wrapped up, with high tides and low tides. The difficulty is the frustration and vulnerability of the low tide, and I want someone to understand myself.

The person who loves you will see your frustration and vulnerability, even if he can't empathize, but he will work hard for it. He won't pretend not to see, he won't accuse you of showing him your face, and he won't laugh at your uselessness.

Husband and wife get along, the most terrible thing is not to be seen.

A man can support you and give you hugs when you are depressed or vulnerable, no matter what you do, let you be a child with an umbrella and not worry about being rained, because there is him covering you and giving you warmth and understanding.

It is said that it is easy to add flowers, it is difficult to send charcoal in the snow, and a person who can see your frustration and vulnerability is the person who understands you the most, and the person who sends charcoal for you in the snow.

Even if you don't need him to make "concessions" to you, you will be warmed by being seen by him, just like a light illuminating the darkest place in your heart, so that you are fearless in the future and dare to regain your fighting spirit to start.

In the relationship between husband and wife, the difficulty is to stay together, a person who can see you, will enter your heart, to feel your happiness and pain, and provide you with emotional value, to be a person you can rest assured to give his back to his protection, this chivalry is the meaning of his concession, but also the performance of loving you more.

When you encounter problems, people who know how to "give in" to you love you more.

Life is a process of constantly dealing with problems, husband and wife will inevitably encounter various problems when they get along, this time is the time to test the feelings of husband and wife.

Once saw a woman on the way to work, because riding an electric car straight and turning the car has not been a serious car accident, the woman's hand scratched the skin, she called her husband, wanted her husband to help deal with it, her help did not get the husband's response, the husband instead accused her of riding a bicycle without long eyes, a little thing is not handled well, and hung up her phone, because she opened the hands-free, onlookers all heard, the woman cried at once, or the car driver comforted her not to cry, saying how to deal with it, Let her not panic and be upset.

In "The Little Woman Under the Gate of Zhengyang", Xu Huizhen, played by Jiang Wenli, did not choose the timing of investment, and gave up all her belongings, she was desperate, but her husband comforted her, saying that there was still family property to start over, and did not blame her for not doing a good job, but "gave in" to guide the other party and then solve the problem.

When encountering problems, many couples like to shirk their responsibilities and want to save themselves, that is, they fly separately when the big trouble is imminent, and they cannot communicate at all, and there is no truth.

However, when encountering problems, people who know to "give in" to you are taking a step back from the overall situation, not crying for the spilled milk, actively solving problems, and sharing difficulties and sharing the wind and rain.

Husband and wife get along, not a 1+1=2 model, but a 0.5+0.5=1 model, and the person who is willing to "give in" to you in the three small things of quarrel, when you are depressed or vulnerable, and when you encounter problems, is the person who loves you more.

When you meet such a person, you must know how to cherish, after all, it is not easy to meet a person who understands you and is willing to tolerate and understand you.

The people who may accompany you are those who think of you cold and warm, and understand your sorrows and joys.


Today's topic: Have you met the person who reads you cold and warm? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

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