
Qingming | The Qingming of the Rural Chronicle Cut the flesh and serve the king to the heart

The Qingming of the Village Chronicle Cutting flesh serves the king and does his best

Jiang Baobing

Qingming Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in mainland China, and the folk agricultural proverb yun: "Before and after the Qingming Dynasty, plant melons and beans." "Qingming Festival, there are tomb sweeping, ancestors, mourning the martyrs customs, so it is also called "tomb sweeping festival", "ancestor worship festival"; there are also tree planting, dressing, swinging, kite flying customs; there are also the customs of going to the wild outing to walk in the green, so it is also known as "stepping on the green festival".

Qingming | The Qingming of the Rural Chronicle Cut the flesh and serve the king to the heart

Qingming was originally just a name for a festival, and its transformation into a festival to commemorate ancestors is related to the Cold Food Festival. The Cold Food Festival is an earlier festival in ancient China, and legend has it that it was established during the Spring and Autumn Period to commemorate the loyal and righteous minister Jiezi Tui of the Jin Dynasty. Legend has it that during the Spring and Autumn Period, the Prince of Jin went into exile to escape persecution, and on the way to exile, in an uninhabited place, he was tired and hungry, and could no longer stand up. Suichen looked for half a day and could not find a little food, just when everyone was extremely anxious, Suichen Jiezi pushed to a secluded place, cut a piece of meat from his thigh, cooked a bowl of broth for the gongzi to drink, heavy ear gradually recovered his spirit, when heavy ear found that the meat was the meson pushed his own leg cut off, shed tears. Nineteen years later, Zhong'er became the monarch of the country, that is, the historical Duke Wen of Jin. After taking the throne, Duke Wen rewarded the heroes who accompanied him in exile, but forgot about Jiezi Tui. Many people complained about the meson and advised him to face the king to ask for rewards, but the meson pushed the most to those who fought for merit and reward. He packed his bags and quietly went to Mianshan with his mother to live in seclusion. When Jin Wengong heard about it, he was ashamed and personally took someone to ask Mezi Tui, but JieZi Tui had already left home and went to Mianshan. Mianshan Mountain high road dangerous, dense trees, looking for two people to talk about how easy, someone offered a plan, from three sides to burn Mianshan Mountain, forcing out the meson push. The fire burned all over the mianshan mountain, but there was no figure of the meson Tui, and after the fire was extinguished, people found that the meson pushing with the old mother on his back had died sitting under an old willow tree. Jin Wengong saw the situation and wept. When he was buried, he found a blood book from the tree hole, which read: "Cut the flesh and serve the king with all his heart, and I hope that the lord and prince will always be clear." The ghost under the willow is finally gone, and it is strong as if he is a companion to the king as a courtier. If the Lord has me in his heart, remember me and always introspect myself. The subject has no shame in the Nine Springs, and is diligent and clear-sighted. In order to commemorate the introduction of the child, Jin Wengong ordered that this day be designated as the Cold Food Festival. The following year, Jin Wengong led his ministers to climb the mountain to pay tribute, and found that the old willow tree was dead and resurrected. He gave the old willow tree the title of "Qingming Willow", and told the world that the day after the Cold Food Festival was designated as the Qingming Festival. After that, Jin Wengong often took blood poems with him as a motto to spur himself to govern. He was diligent and clear-sighted, worked hard to govern, and finally realized the dream of a strong country in the Jin Dynasty.

Qingming | The Qingming of the Rural Chronicle Cut the flesh and serve the king to the heart

"During the Qingming Festival, it rains a lot, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." Where is the restaurant? The shepherd boy refers to the apricot blossom village. Every Qingming Festival, I think of the ancient poem "Qingming" by the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu. During the Qingming Dynasty, the wind and the sun are beautiful, the warblers and grasses are long, the willows are green and peachy, changing the cold and yellow scene in winter, and the earth is clean and clear.

On this morning, when the sky is bright, people will get up and prepare more abundant sacrifices for the grave, such as chicken, duck and fish meat, pastries and fruits, firecrackers and water wine. Afterwards, families, young and old, rushed to their respective graves. The adults removed the weeds from the graves and shoveled some new soil into the depressions of the graves; the children pressed new yellow paper against the spires of the graves, and repaired the graves with all hands and feet. Finally, everyone laid out dishes in front of the tomb, put incense and cannons, and sprinkled wine and sacrifices.

On the day of the Qingming Festival, every year I have to go back to my hometown, kneel in front of my parents' graves, light the paper money for sacrifice, and carry away my son's thoughts about his parents. The fire was burning furiously, devouring the yellow paper coins and the colored power coins. It is said that the more the paper money burns, the more joyful the deceased will be. The green smoke drifted in the April sky. A few of the paper ash that turned into paper floated out and floated slowly in the clear April sky, like butterflies flying. Silently pray for parents in your heart, blessing them to be able to live happily and happily like us on the other side of heaven. At this time, I can't help but think back to the years that my parents used to spend with us, those pictures seem to be vividly remembered, it is not easy for our parents to pull us with hard work, they have done their best for us, they have worked hard, they have worked hard, and they have not yet enjoyed the blessings. Whenever I think of this, I can't help but burst into tears. The graves of my parents were already green with green grass, and with tears, new soil was planted for the graves and repaired. Finally prostrating our heads three times, we reluctantly left the cemetery.

Qingming | The Qingming of the Rural Chronicle Cut the flesh and serve the king to the heart

At the time of the Qingming Dynasty, it is the spring back to the land, people sweep the grave, when they go home, they fold a few willow branches with their first buds and wear them on their heads, and some people deliberately go to nature during the Qingming Festival to appreciate and appreciate the vibrant spring scenes, hiking in the suburbs, a soothing heart since the harsh winter, this kind of walking is also called spring travel, ancient times called exploring spring, looking for spring. Its meaning is to step on the grass, play in the countryside, and watch the spring colors.

Kite flying is one of the most popular activities of people during the Qingming Festival. The ancients believed that if someone was sick, he could write or draw his condition on a kite, tie the kite in the air with a thread, let it fly to the height and cut the line, and the disease disaster would fly away with the kite. Later, kites gradually developed into a popular outing entertainment.

Since the Dawn of the Qing Dynasty, I don't know how many living people have flocked to this changing world to worship the deceased and remember their ancestors. And how many of the living have come and gone, and have been remembered by future generations. Generation after generation, stubble, the dead and the living, have all run between this vast world and earth. And in this memorial run, the exchange has become ancient and modern! The past is gone, and the comers are bustling. The only constant is the Qingming Festival that comes every year in the drizzle of the clouds! It makes us think of life with compassion for life! But it has never been sad or happy, only waiting for the arrival of generations of remembrancers.

For thousands of years, people have remembered their ancestors on the Qingming Festival by sweeping tombs and worshipping their ancestors, reflecting the cultural tradition of thanking their ancestors and inheriting family honors. Since 2008, Qingming Festival has become a legal holiday, and this decision has won the hearts and minds of the people. With the enlightenment of the Qingming Festival, we should deeply understand the cultural connotation of this traditional festival, and obtain the sublimation of thought through gratitude and admiration for the ancestors, and through the remembrance of the ancestors, we should be edified by the soul. Encouraging people to celebrate the Qingming Festival today is precisely the perception and recognition of the excellent culture of the Chinese nation. Qingming Festival is not only a form of tomb sweeping, it carries a kind of morality, a culture. Pinning on the feelings of the descendants of Yanhuang revering the ancestors and admiring the sages, it plays a huge role in continuing the blood connection of the Chinese nation and passing on the spirit of passing on the torch.

Qingming | The Qingming of the Rural Chronicle Cut the flesh and serve the king to the heart

About the author: Jiang Baobing, Zi Jian Mei, Number Sword Mei Lou Lord, Qingfeng Hall Master. He is a member of the Chinese Essay Literature Association, a member of the Whole Committee of the Dezhou Writers Association, a member of the Dezhou Calligraphers Association, a director of the Yucheng Writers Association, and an editorial board member of Yucheng Literature.

The work "Night Reading Lu Xun" won the second prize of the national "Walking with the Republic, Good Books Grow with Me" Reading essay competition, and "Looking at Social Changes from Dietary Changes" won the first prize of the National Day Essay contest for the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. "The Green Plane Tree" won the third prize for outstanding literary and artistic works in practicing the core values of socialism. "Growing Up with the Great Motherland" won the first prize of the "Lucky Color Cup, I and New China" with an award for essays. "The Ancient Road of the Yellow River" won the Excellence Award in the Prose Group in the 4th China Xiajin Yuguo Poetry (Prose) Competition.

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