
25 moments that make boys super secure

When you encounter something, the first person you want to find is him.

Messages can be returned late, but not without.

After you're done, remember to tell him in time, maybe he just happened to be waiting for your news.

No matter what decision is made, I will consult with him in advance, not because I have no opinion, but because I respect his ideas and suggestions.

When receiving a gift that you have carefully selected for him, it does not need to be expensive, it may be a bottle of perfume or a tie, which is enough to move him for a long time.

When you are in front of outsiders, unconditionally protect the short.

25 moments that make boys super secure

When replying to the message, even if he inadvertently looks over, he will not feel panicked, and he will not subconsciously block the screen.

Generously acknowledge your relationship.

Don't play games with other boys, and don't be ambiguous with other boys.

Even when angry, they will habitually care about him, such as sending a message to ask him "have you eaten" and "what are you doing".

In front of him, there will always be a natural reveal of the most authentic side, such as childish like a child.

In front of his parents, when he is very well-behaved, he will think that you are very sensible, and he will also make him feel very secure.

25 moments that make boys super secure

When staring at him sincerely.

When you rely on him unconditionally, it will really make the boy feel very safe and want to protect you.

Milky shouted his nickname at the time.

When I received an ambiguous message from someone who had shown me overtures, I smiled frankly and showed it to him.

In front of him, he can sleep peacefully and sleep peacefully without worrying about what to fear.

When choosing clothes to ask his preferences.

25 moments that make boys super secure

When you encounter everything, whether it's good news or bad news, you want to tell him the first time.

He's uncomfortable, and you're super worried when you're super worried.

When listening to him seriously, he will feel that he is being taken seriously and will feel very secure.

Know how to take care of his face in front of people.

Mutual respect and mutual trust.

I won't hang up the breakup without moving, because this relationship is just as precious to you.

You are looking forward to having his future.

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