
After falling out of love, please use these 3 methods to give yourself a new life


I believe that everyone will experience lost love in this life,

Lost love is painful, which will make a person languish, and even for most of the year, he will not be able to walk out of the shadow of lost love.

After all, the terrible thing about falling out of love is not that you can't forget that person, but you can't forget the experience of being with him.

So it will make us excessive pain and can't forget it.

If we don't come out of this difficult life quickly, it will make us more and more miserable.

Not the outcome of any relationship is smooth, so falling out of love also requires us to have a strong heart.

To believe that time can help us dilute everything, what needs to be done at this time is to regulate the mental state.

Whether you like it or not, things are already doomed to be impossible to change.

Therefore, we need to have a good attitude to deal with it, and it will be less painful to survive.

After the loss of love, if we can correctly adjust our mentality, change the environment and live in a place for a while.

Going out for a walk, taking a trip, will give our body and mind a kind of release and liberation.

Don't put the pain after the breakup in your heart and make yourself uneasy,

At this time, we don't have to be strong, we can find friends and friends to talk to.

Maybe after talking, we will suddenly become enlightened and no longer so entangled.

Breaking up is a very normal thing and everyone goes through it, so this little frustration is nothing.

You can really understand yourself from this relationship and enter the next relationship to improve in the future.

This is also a practice in our lives, and everyone who comes to us must be to teach us something.

Believe that time is the best medicine, he can help us soothe the pain in our hearts.

One. Properly vent your inner bad emotions

After the loss of love, there will be pain and frustration in our entire hearts.

At this time, don't let yourself stay quietly, if you want to cry, you have to cry,

If you want to find someone to talk to, you can also boldly say what you think.

At this time, the crying and howling of a person tearing his heart and lungs behind closed doors is a manifestation of catharsis.

Blindly holding it in your heart will only make yourself more miserable or even unable to think about it.

Singer Liang Yongqi once said: "Breaking up is like two people pulling a leather band,

The person least willing to let go hurts. ”

In my opinion, this is indeed the truth, the more reluctant to let go, the more I let myself be painfully embarrassed.

So it's also good to vent our bad emotions properly to make us feel better.

Two. Maintain a regular life and don't shut yourself off

Many people like to be alone after breaking up, and the more they are alone, the more they will not be able to think about it.

At this time, we are not willing to work, nor do we want to see friends around us, so we suffocate ourselves at home.

At this moment, the heart must be very painful, and there is even a feeling that life is worse than death,

If you go on like this for a long time, you can't get the pain of lost love, and in severe cases, you will get depression.

In my opinion, after the loss of love, we must be strong, and there should be no change in life.

It's time to eat, it's time to sleep, and you can attend more gatherings between friends.

In this way, it will make your heart happy and easy to get out of the pain of lost love.

Three. Reposition yourself and find your place

We all know that women tend to have negative IQs in love,

Now that we have broken up, we should not continue to wither, the first thing we must find is the definition of our own life.

Everything needs us to start over, and this is when we can start with our careers.

Only then will we become stronger and stronger, and investing our energy on other things will also make us more focused on success.

Zhang Xiaoxian once said: "Two people are together for pleasure, and breaking up is to alleviate pain."

You can't make me happy anymore, I haven't left, I'm miserable when I'm gone, but you're definitely more miserable than I am.

Because I was the first to say goodbye, and it was I who pursued happiness first. ”


Falling out of love is not a very painful thing in my opinion.

The separation of two people who are not suitable may be a relief, a kind of fulfillment.

After all, after the breakup, we will still meet the more suitable other half.

So there is no need to hang ourselves from a tree and make us miserable.

Being stronger will find that there are better things waiting for us in the future.

If our feelings do not blossom at this moment, we may as well have a goal for life.

Breaking up is actually not terrible, the terrible thing is that we are not willing to come out of this pain and be strong.

When you come out, you will find that the outside world is just as wonderful,

Beautiful things and people are actually all around us, as long as we open our arms, we can have and get.

So the so-called pain of the heart can be solved.


Today's Topic:

What happened to the person you loved so much?

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References | Journal of cognitive neuroscience

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