
Of the 20 kinds of milk that are often sold in supermarkets, which is the "real milk" for the baby?

There is a message from the mother in the background asking when can I give the baby pure milk? This question is a good question, and Toot Mom will talk to you about this knowledge point today.

Of the 20 kinds of milk that are often sold in supermarkets, which is the "real milk" for the baby?

When can I give my baby pure milk?

Let's take a look at how the world answers this question:

1. World Health Organization

Most babies can eat the same food as their families by the age of 1, whole milk is very important in the first two years of the baby, and it is not recommended that infants and young children under 2 years old use skim milk as the main food.

2. American Academy of Pediatrics

When the baby reaches the age of 1, as long as he has a balanced solid diet and a varied diet of cereals, vegetables, fruits and meats, he can be given a full milk or low-fat (2%) milk, and the amount of drinking is not more than 946ml per day.

3. The Uk National Health Service

Formula is the only suitable alternative to breast milk for your baby's first 12 months, and milk can be delivered from 12 months later.

4. Chinese Nutrition Society

The protein and mineral content of ordinary fresh milk, yogurt, cheese, etc. is much higher than that of breast milk, which increases the kidney burden of infants and young children, so it should not be fed to infants aged 7 to 12 months, and children aged 13 to 24 months can gradually try it as part of food diversification.

So first of all, we should be clear that although this milk is good, it is impossible to hold the baby when it is drunk early. The content and proportion of protein in milk are different from breast milk and formula milk, and it is difficult for babies to digest. Moreover, too high a mineral in milk can increase the burden on your baby's kidneys.

Therefore, milk can not be given to small babies to drink. It is more suitable until after the age of 1 at the earliest.

For babies aged 1 to 3 years, parents can drink 500 ml of milk per day, and when the child reaches the age of 4 to 6, 300 to 400 ml of milk can be arranged in the diet every day. After the child is 6 years old, 300 ml of milk should be guaranteed every day.

So which kind of milk to choose for your child to drink?

The milk that is often sold in supermarkets is almost the following. Everyone look at the picture, when you buy milk in the future, just buy it!

Of the 20 kinds of milk that are often sold in supermarkets, which is the "real milk" for the baby?
Of the 20 kinds of milk that are often sold in supermarkets, which is the "real milk" for the baby?
Of the 20 kinds of milk that are often sold in supermarkets, which is the "real milk" for the baby?
Of the 20 kinds of milk that are often sold in supermarkets, which is the "real milk" for the baby?

Toot Mom said

Finally, remind all mothers to pay attention to: the first time to give the baby milk, pay attention to whether the baby has allergies, or other symptoms of discomfort.

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