
What role does he play in three meals a day [Healthy and Happy New Year] (05)

What role does he play in three meals a day [Healthy and Happy New Year] (05)

If the human body is compared to a house, protein is the brick that builds the house. Protein is so important, but it's easy to overlook. Regarding protein, your confusion mainly includes the following, right?


How much protein do you need in a day?

Divide the crowd! Different populations have different protein needs.

Adults: At ideal weight, the average male is 60 g/day and female 50 g/day.

Children and adolescents: The demand will vary depending on the age. For example, for elementary school students, 40 grams of protein a day is enough. 14 to 18 years old due to growth and development needs, it is recommended 50 g / day ~ 60 g / day.

Women in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy: it is recommended to increase by 10 g/day and 25 g/day, respectively.

Another part of the population, that is, people with exercise habits, will deliberately supplement protein, but there are also some misunderstandings, which may affect physical health in the long run.

The combination of protein and exercise is very exquisite. Ordinary people should adjust according to their amount of exercise. If you just take a quick step after a meal, you may be able to eat a daily meal. But if you start going to the gym, or doing targeted exercises, there are certain requirements for muscle building, and protein intake can be appropriately increased.

What role does he play in three meals a day [Healthy and Happy New Year] (05)


What can I eat to supplement protein?

The most common are eggs and milk!

There are two kinds of proteins, one is animal protein and the other is plant protein. The amino acid composition of different proteins is different, and the degree of difficulty of digestion is different, so there is also a "good or bad" point. The digestion and absorption rate of animal protein is higher, which means eggs and milk. Plant protein is lower, of which soybeans are relatively excellent representatives.

1. The protein content of meat, fish and shrimp is about 15% to 20%. For people who lose weight, it is recommended to consume only the lean part. Fatty meat is basically fat, containing only about 2% protein.

2. The protein content of eggs is 10% to 14%. That said, an egg contains about 6 grams of high-quality protein and other nutrients. Therefore, eggs are a good source of protein.

3. Milk contains about 3% protein, although the content is not high, but it is also a high-quality protein, which is easily absorbed by the human body. One cup of milk a day can provide about 7 grams of high-quality protein. It is recommended to drink whole milk.

What role does he play in three meals a day [Healthy and Happy New Year] (05)


How can I choose the right protein food?

Remember the following points!

1. The more protein the better. The absorption of protein is biased toward how much the body uses to absorb how much. Make up for more fat, increase the burden on the body, and even cause damage.

2. Prioritize high-quality proteins. For example, all kinds of lean meat, fish, shrimp.

3. While ingesting protein, it is necessary to strengthen exercise. Exercise promotes protein synthesis, fat loss and muscle gain.

4. Rationally choose various protein supplements. When the diet cannot be guaranteed, you can supplement protein powder, and it is best to consult a doctor or dietitian about how much to supplement.

Review: Expert of the National Health Science Popularization Expert Database

Cai Meiqin, Professor of the Department of Nutrition, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine

Planner: Tan Jia Yu Yunxi

Editor: Yu Yunxi

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