
Some love can only be hidden in the heart

Wen 丨 love words at 10:30

I'm here, waiting for the wind, and waiting for you.

Some love can only be hidden in the heart

The love of this red dust is certainly seductive, it attracts and binds too many men and women in this world, and even more makes people live their lives.

No one can easily resist this magic of love, but they all follow the pull of love, confused, and walk like a fantasy.

Even if you know that the road ahead is difficult and dangerous, and you know that the pursuit of indomitable progress will not be fruitful, you still stick to the end in the face of love.

Although this kind of creation makes people helpless, although it adds a little bit of sadness, it also adds a little more of the tragedy of dedication.

On a certain level, love but still insist on it is also a kind of love that can be sung and wept.

Unfortunately and sadly, this kind of love has never come as straight as the two loves, and behind it is more of a kind of hiding and hiding and silently crying sadness.

Some love can only be hidden in the heart

Because it is not accepted, because of the world, because of two hearts without fate, because of all kinds...

Such love is destined to live only in the dark, destined to survive only in the dark background.

Once it is announced, all the good that has been left over will be extinguished in an instant.

No one can afford the embarrassment of confessing to failure and the regret of a broken friendship.

Therefore, in the face of the cruel reality, under the weighing of pros and cons, some love can only be hidden in the heart.

Therefore, not all love can be declared in the mouth, and some love can only be thought of in a lifetime.

Even at this moment, you look at love in front of your eyes, but there is no fate bearing, but it is just a water moon mirror flower.

Some love can only be hidden in the heart

But love is like this, making people happy, making people sad, making people want to get closer, but making people unqualified.

The person he obviously likes is really standing in front of him, but he does not have the right identity to stand by his side.

Finally, I still understood that between this red dust world, in addition to the beauty of flying with wings, there is also such an emotion: further unqualified, one step back and unwilling, full of love just let it lurk in the bottom of the heart, let it drown in the long river of years.

What can be done? As a small and fragile person in this red dust world, whether it is love or fate, everything is already predestined in the underworld, how can its own small power be able to compete with it?

Therefore, love, more often than not, is tempted while walking, no one can predict in advance, and no one can realize love according to the appearance of love in their minds.

Some love can only be hidden in the heart

It's just that the lucky person is just a look back, and one turn around meets the most right person in this life; and the unfortunate person, who is hard to meet, does not have the right identity to approach.

It can only be said that some people in this world are going to encounter some hardships after all, and they are going to meet some ups and downs in love after all.

But it doesn't matter, it's just a rare tempering in life experience.

When you meet someone in this life, it will arouse a heartbeat, so cherish such a beautiful feeling.

Getting or not getting it is not the most important thing, what matters is that you are satisfied with each other and spend your life happily.

There is no need to bother, there is no need to hold a stubborn mentality to get, believe in any arrangement given to you by fate, if this life is destined to be able to only put that person deep in the heart, then pray for the next life, the next life...

Some love can only be hidden in the heart

And in this life, quietly maintain the current state between you, silently waiting is not the best posture, before life is over, everything is unknowable.

Therefore, those loves that cannot be declared, let him hide in his heart. Since fate has not given you a chance, then sacrifice this simple sacrifice to your regrets, and then continue to accompany each other as a guardian.

Comfort yourself well, friends are often longer than lovers, stop chasing this love that does not belong to you, some love is destined to be buried deep in the heart.

Try to be a generous and optimistic person, take this regret as a beautiful life, and then continue to stride forward, embracing a lack of regret and beauty to continue to find your own happiness.

Then silently bless each other in your heart, the love hidden in your heart, let him go with the years to the past.

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