
6 educational common senses that parents must know!

1. Be sure to give your child breakfast. Families with conditions can make the breakfast nutritious and rich. Studies have shown that eating breakfast is not only beneficial to children's health, but also greatly helps to improve children's grades.

6 educational common senses that parents must know!

2. Reading is an effective way to improve children's grades. But it is important to pay attention to guiding children to actively read, rather than making children feel that reading is a parent-assigned task. This is counterproductive.

6 educational common senses that parents must know!

3, do not blindly praise and praise children, this will make children's vanity continue to expand, no benefit. The correct way to encourage is to praise and encourage the child after he or she has actually improved or made achievements.

6 educational common senses that parents must know!

4. Studies have shown that if a child is beaten more often, the lower the child's emotional intelligence will be in the future. So don't hit your child when you're angry.

6 educational common senses that parents must know!

5, nutritional products will promote children precocious puberty, do not give children to eat, so that children will be precocious puberty.

6 educational common senses that parents must know!

6, be sure to let the child set learning goals. Because the learning goal is the direction and motivation of the child's learning. If the child does not have a learning goal, learning will be very passive, and it is likely to produce a bored mood.

6 educational common senses that parents must know!

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