
Why is the primary school stage a key stage for eye care?

Why is the primary school stage a key stage for eye care?

In modern life, there are too many scenes of close use of eyes, and it is indeed quite difficult to keep children not short-sighted for a lifetime, even if the goal is only set to maintain low myopia in adulthood, there are challenges for some children.

Parents and children need to put the concept of eye care throughout the entire growth cycle before the age of 18.

Why is the primary school stage a key stage for eye care?

In this long period of development, the work of preventing myopia is actually not evenly exerted, and the key timing that deserves parents' attention is that 6 to 12 years old in elementary school, which we call the golden period of eye protection.

Why is this stage particularly critical?

This is because the eyes are soft in childhood, and the shell of the eye, the sclera, is elastic and highly malleable, and it is easily guided by external factors.

When risk factors for myopia occur, such as excessive close-up use of the eye, the eyeball is prone to myopia.

Similarly, the protective response to protective factors, such as staring into the distance, is also strong.

That is to say, the same methods play a greater role in children's young age, and when the child is 12 years old and the development period is nearing the end, the benefits of these methods are not as great as in childhood.

Why is the primary school stage a key stage for eye care?

When adulthood occurs, the eyeball becomes very hard, and the intraocular pressure cannot compress the sclera, so most people's myopia does not rise.

As for before the age of 6, the child has more time, more outdoor activities, no much learning pressure, less eyes at close range, and there are farsighted reserves to be consumed, the overall risk of myopia is not large, generally follow the unified arrangement of the kindergarten, do a good job of regular testing.

It can be seen that during the child's primary school, it is worthwhile to invest resources in eye care.

Why is the primary school stage a key stage for eye care?

For every year a child procrastinates on myopia, adulthood can be reduced by 150 degrees.

Moreover, during the primary school period, the children's homework is not particularly tense, they can do more outdoor activities, use less electronic products, and have relatively time and energy to carry out some time-consuming eye care work.

When the child goes to junior high school, the homework is gradually heavy, it will be difficult to choose between learning and eye protection, and many learning tasks must also be completed using computers or tablets, then emphasize less use of eyes, for many families can only become an empty talk.

Therefore, we emphasize that it is necessary to love the eyes and protect the eyes as soon as possible.

Why is the primary school stage a key stage for eye care?

Parents should spend more time during the child's primary school, learn a complete theory of myopia prevention and control, provide a good eye protection environment for the child, help the child establish good eye habits, pay attention to the establishment of the child's refractive file, and make the effort before the child is myopic.

Don't wait for the child to be short-sighted to regret it, then not only to struggle between eye protection and learning, but also to invest more economy, time and energy, more than worth the loss.

Why is the primary school stage a key stage for eye care?

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