
The most beautiful housekeeping: domestic service is a loving industry

The most beautiful housekeeping: domestic service is a loving industry

Ma Huanhuan is explaining the knowledge of pastry making to the students. Photo by Bai Peng

The most beautiful housekeeping: domestic service is a loving industry

Ma Huanhuan was with the baby she was nursing. Photo by Bai Peng

□ Henan Daily reporter Wang Luyang intern Guo Taoge

Home cleaning, meal cooking, babysitters, family nannies, medical escorts... Those hard, troublesome, tiring jobs are solved by their appearance. They are the domestic workers who work tirelessly.

A few days ago, the Women's Development Department of the All-China Women's Federation and Xinhua Network jointly launched the "Charging Up, Paying Tribute to the Most Beautiful Domestic Workers in the New Era" story collection activity came to an end, and through online collection, expert selection and other methods, 100 of the most beautiful domestic workers in the new era were finally selected. In this event, a total of 4 women from Henan were selected, and Ma Huanhuan, manager of the mother and baby department of Henan Jiakemei Housekeeping Service Co., Ltd., was one of them.

"In the case of a newborn spitting up milk, if you want the baby to stay on your side and hold your hand on the baby's neck to make him spit out, you must not immediately pick up the baby..." On March 18, in a training classroom in Xinzheng City, the reporter met Ma Huanhuan, manager of the mother and baby department of Henan Jiakemei Housekeeping Service Co., Ltd., who was in class.

Speaking crisply and sharply, doing things meticulously and thoughtfully, and often having a warm smile on her face, she is the first impression of this girl who has just won the most beautiful housekeeper in the new era of the country. From a "second-child mother" to a gold medal sister-in-law, and then to today's housekeeping trainer, Ma Huanhuan has completed her "butterfly change" in 5 years. "Housekeeping is a loving industry and I was lucky enough to meet it at the best of times." She said.

A circle of friends brought "new life"

Busy and anxious every day, this is a true portrayal of the 26-year-old Ma Huanhuan. "In 2016, my family's second treasure was born, when the child suffered from jaundice, I myself was sick, the injection and medicine did not get better, and the elderly in the family did not have experience in dealing with these problems, which made me realize that taking children and postpartum care is a 'technical work' that needs to be learned systematically."

By chance, Ma Huanhuan saw the news that Jia Kemei Company carried out free maternal and child care training in the WeChat circle of friends, and she signed up for the first time. After the start of the class, among the dozens of students in the same period, Ma Huanhuan was the only one who brought his child to the class.

"At that time, the learning momentum was particularly strong, and it could be said that I was hungry and thirsty." During more than ten days of study, Ma Huanhuan listened carefully to lectures and took notes during the day, and practiced on himself and his son when he returned home at night, repeatedly reciting knowledge points and figuring out the essentials of action, and finally completed the course with excellent results. "Putting what I learned into my life, I found that my body gradually improved and my children were healthy, which made me firm in my determination to be my sister-in-law."

Just when Ma Huanhuan was full of confidence, reality gave her a blow in the head. Several customer interviews, Ma Huanhuan was rejected because he was too young and inexperienced. Do you want to stick with it? When she was struggling, she suddenly received a call for help, asking her to help the neighbor's mother drain the milk. "At that time, the mother had a high fever because of the milk blockage, and I helped her drain the milk through massage, and it took 4 hours to gradually reduce the mother's body temperature." Ma Huanhuan said that the long massage made her hand tremble uncontrollably, but her heart was very excited, full of achievement, and the idea of giving up disappeared. Subsequently, Ma Huanhuan began to work as an uprising worker, as long as others asked her to help drain the milk, she immediately came to the door to serve without charging any fee.

A few weeks later, Ma Huanhuan received the first job as a sister-in-law. "The woman had a physiological milk bulge, and thanks to my experience in this area, I was able to help her solve the problem." Ma Huanhuan said that she believes that hard work will always be rewarded, sticking to the cause of love will be rewarded, and her careful service has also won the recognition and praise of customers.

Two scars become "medallions"

Newborns with jaundice need light, in order not to let the baby catch a cold, Ma Huanhuan with his arms to support the baby in the car through the skylight basking in the sun, in one fell swoop is nearly 1 hour; the mother is depressed because the child is sick, Ma Huanhuan will draw the child's smile with stick figures every day, and write down the child's growth in detail, to help the mother relieve anxiety; the mother is seriously blocked, Ma Huanhuan has to help her drain the milk once every half an hour, less than 4 hours a day; beyond the scope of work, Ma Huanhuan almost never refuses, She said that when she did housekeeping, she could not be afraid of losing money; every time she solved a problem, Ma Huanhuan would record her experience, and more than a dozen of her work notes were rushed to read by colleagues... Focusing on the work of the sister-in-law with heart and affection, Ma Huanhuan quickly grew into a gold medal sister-in-law, specializing in "picky" customers.

On the tip of Ma Huanhuan's right wrist and the tip of her left index finger, there are two scars, which are the "commemorative medals" left by her sister-in-law. "The wrist burn was left by the hot water poured on the hand from the basin, and the scar on the finger was caused by distraction when cutting meat. These two scars remind me all the time that no job is easy, and that to do a good job, you have to put in more effort than anyone else. ”

Sister-in-law Yue did a good job, and Ma Huanhuan still did not stop learning. From daily cleaning to elderly care, from electrical cleaning to tidying up, every professional service of the company, she has tried. At the same time, she has registered for many times to participate in the skills competition, and has won the first prize of the 6th Zhengzhou Vocational Skills Competition Domestic Servant Competition, the 17th Zhengzhou Employee Technical Games and the 9th Zhengzhou Municipal Domestic Service Skills Competition. With his excellent performance in the work, Ma Huanhuan took to the podium and became a domestic trainer to help more people find employment in the domestic industry and realize the value of life.

"Housekeeping is not only a profession, but also a career." Ma Huanhuan said that sincerity and love are the soul of domestic service, and domestic servants should come to the door with love, treat users as relatives, let the elderly raise their children for a long time, let the children grow up healthily, and let the family rest assured.

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