
Babies cry when they see "someone", and the older generation says they are scared and have a certain scientific basis

Sometimes we really can't grasp the mentality of children, especially those who are younger, they may be very happy one second, and the next second they will cry. There are many people who don't know what's going on, especially when they see someone and cry, and the crying is so loud that we feel very sad.

Babies cry when they see "someone", and the older generation says they are scared and have a certain scientific basis

Mr. Ma's child is now one year old and is a very cute little boy. Usually this little boy has a very good mentality, no matter what he does, he is happy. Recently, Mr. Ma found that his son had some problems, and all this had to talk about the child's grandmother.

The child's grandmother herself lives in the countryside, so she has never come to see the child, and this time the child's grandmother is also ready to live in Mr. Ma's house for a period of time, so that she can get close to the child. But something surprising happened, that is, when the child's grandmother wanted to get close to the child, the child would cry a lot, and the child's grandmother also felt very helpless because of this matter.

Babies cry when they see "someone", and the older generation says they are scared and have a certain scientific basis

After Mr. Ma's neighbors knew about this matter, Mr. Ma's neighbor said: "This must be the child's grandmother who scared the child!" When Mr. Ma heard this result, he felt very speechless. Why is there such a superstitious statement? To know that the child's grandmother is not scary, why does the child cry so loudly? Is there something wrong with the child?

In fact, there are many children who cry when they see someone in real life, and many people feel that this is because they are scared to have such a situation. In fact, this is not the so-called superstition, which has a scientific basis.

Babies cry when they see "someone", and the older generation says they are scared and have a certain scientific basis

Why do children cry when they see someone?

If we want to talk about this problem, then we should talk about what a person looks like. Some people have more fierce looks, so they will spread an uncomfortable aura. And some adults especially like to face the child with some strange expressions and movements, so that the child will feel very scared, so that the child will leave a psychological shadow.

And once such a situation occurs, then the child will cry when they see this person, because they simply cannot erase all the memories in their heads. At the same time, there will be a chain reaction in this situation, that is, when the child sees someone similar to this person appear in his vision, he will cry.

Babies cry when they see "someone", and the older generation says they are scared and have a certain scientific basis

Therefore, as parents, we must not let those who look more fierce to scare the child, and do not show some strange expressions in front of the child, so that the child will not be afraid of someone.

When children reach about one year old, then they will enter the recognition period. At this stage, one of the most likely things for children to happen is that when they see unfamiliar faces, they will appear particularly anxious, so they will express their emotions in a series of ways. When children are young, they often do not know how to express emotions, so crying has become a means for them to express emotions.

Babies cry when they see "someone", and the older generation says they are scared and have a certain scientific basis

The most obvious is that strangers will cry when they approach them, and in this way they will show their resistance. It's all because they're so insecure inside, so they show a look of fear. In the face of such a situation, we should be well accommodating to the child, do not let those strangers get close to the child, otherwise the child is easy to leave sequelae.

And one thing we have to admit is that children definitely have their own sixth sense, and at this stage their sixth sense is very strong. They can understand whether the other party is kind through perception, and if the child will cry when he sees someone, it can only mean that the other party's aura will make the child feel very uncomfortable. We must not think that this is superstition, this is actually the child has his own sense of danger.

Babies cry when they see "someone", and the older generation says they are scared and have a certain scientific basis

They are able to instinctively perceive the abnormal conditions around them, and people themselves have the ability to have a premonition of danger. So the child cries, it's just that they want to protect themselves. Of course, in the face of such a thing, we can appease the child through a series of ways. And we also need to understand every feeling of our children, so that they can feel safe, even if they don't have malicious thoughts about someone.

So when a child cries when he sees someone, there's a reason for that. We must not ignore everything, we need to carefully observe every feeling of the child, only in this way, we can understand the child's thoughts, and solve their problems, which is the best result.

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