
3.21 World Sleep Day | "Stay Up Party", how long have you not slept well?

How long have you not slept well?

Can't wake up during the day, can't sleep at night. Always tell yourself to go to bed early today, but at night you eat chicken, beat the king, watch live broadcasts, brush videos... Nothing fell.

World Sleep Day, 21 March 2022, the Theme of This Year's World Sleep Day in China is "Good Sleep, Healthy Together". The China Sleep Research Association and other institutions jointly released the "2022 Chinese National Healthy Sleep White Paper" (hereinafter referred to as the White Paper). Survey data shows that the sleep status of Chinese people is not ideal, and nearly 3/4 of the respondents have had sleep troubles.

Brain: "I want to sleep!" Body: "No, you don't want to!" ”

After 50, go to bed early and get up early to sleep, after 60 pay attention to lunch break, sleep comfortably, after 70 love to read before going to bed, eager to sleep soundly, after 80 pursue efficient rest but always insomnia, post-90s are known as "the most sleepless generation", post-00s are trapped by school, sleep time is gradually deprived...

3.21 World Sleep Day | "Stay Up Party", how long have you not slept well?
3.21 World Sleep Day | "Stay Up Party", how long have you not slept well?
3.21 World Sleep Day | "Stay Up Party", how long have you not slept well?
3.21 World Sleep Day | "Stay Up Party", how long have you not slept well?
3.21 World Sleep Day | "Stay Up Party", how long have you not slept well?
3.21 World Sleep Day | "Stay Up Party", how long have you not slept well?

Netizens have felt that they are most lacking in consciousness, and the pictures originate from the Internet

When Winter Olympic champion Gu Ailing said that her "secret weapon" was to "sleep for 10 hours a day", people both lamented her self-discipline and envied her high-quality sleep, but in real life, many people could not achieve the desire to "sleep well".

3.21 World Sleep Day | "Stay Up Party", how long have you not slept well?

Image source: Weibo

Survey data show that 12% of respondents have frequent sleep troubles (the frequency of sleep troubles in the last three months is greater than or equal to three days a week), 59.5% of respondents have occasional sleep troubles (the frequency of sleep troubles in the last three months is less than or equal to two days a week), and the proportion of respondents who have never been troubled by sleep is only 26.3%.

From the perspective of the form of sleep distress, difficulty falling asleep has become the number one problem. In addition, mobile phones have become sleep killers, and nearly 70% of late sleep is associated with it.

3.21 World Sleep Day | "Stay Up Party", how long have you not slept well?

Image source: Screenshot of the white paper

Young "Stay up late party" VS "hit workers" who can't sleep

According to the white paper survey, 44% of young people aged 19-25 stay up late until midnight, and 42% of the elderly sleep for more than half an hour, with an insomnia rate of 21%.

The image originates from the internet

Adhering to the concept of "waking up and fighting" when young, young people's lives are always filled with this kind of "contradictory" strange lifestyle, netizens joked: while using the most expensive mask and eye cream, while staying up the longest night.

"If I stay up late at night, I apply a thick layer of lotion to my face before going to bed, and then apply a mask when I get up the next day." Xiao Shuang, a senior graduate, said, "The habit of staying up late is something I can't quit, and I tell myself every day that I have to go to bed early, but the more I emphasize this matter to myself, the more I am sleepless." ”

Xiao Wei, a junior boy, said, "Because I have been staying up late, I bought dandelion tea, six melon slices, placenta, barley tea, buckwheat tea, etc., drank it every day, and insisted on eating fruit." I know that staying up late is not good, but after staying up late, I still want to make up for it, and I always feel that I have done better than not done well.

3.21 World Sleep Day | "Stay Up Party", how long have you not slept well?

Obviously, I was very tired from going to work every day, but when I arrived at night, I was excited, as if I was still the eighteen-year-old boy. According to the white paper survey, 19-35 years old young adults are the age group with a high incidence of sleep problems, and poor sleep has gradually become a common pain point for young people. All ages generally sleep badly because of stress, and are highest in the 26-45 age group. For every two young adults who do not sleep well, there is one "pressure mountain".

Sleep less than six hours Which industry is "most sleepless"?

The survey shows that from a professional point of view, 74% of the service personnel work for more than two hours to deliver takeaways at night and deliver people by car. Entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, and self-employed people have irregular work and rest accounted for 52%, and sleeping soundly accounted for 57%.

In addition, 69% of doctors wake up before 7 a.m., of which 49% sleep less than 6 hours. More than 60% of epidemic prevention personnel sleep less than 7 hours. The courier and takeaway brother work hard, go out early and return late, and sleep less than the overall crowd.

The survey also shows that more than 56% of ride-hailing drivers drive for more than 4 hours at night. Two-thirds of ride-hailing drivers consider their sleep to be "average" or "more irregular."

3.21 World Sleep Day | "Stay Up Party", how long have you not slept well?
3.21 World Sleep Day | "Stay Up Party", how long have you not slept well?

Those who stay up late for a long time, what happened to them in the end?

1, staying up late will make people "stupid"

Symptoms such as inattention, memory loss, fatigue, and lack of energy, poor sleep quality, dreaminess, nervous breakdown, and even lead to anxiety and depression.

2. It is easy to induce high blood pressure

When people stay up late, they are in a state of tension, and their blood pressure is higher than normal, which is easy to induce high blood pressure. Nowadays, the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is increasing year by year and showing youthfulness, and staying up late is also a reason.

3. Damage to gastrointestinal tract

The stomach is a very sensitive organ in the human body, and people who stay up late can easily lead to gastritis and gastrointestinal indigestion.

4. Affects vision

Not only does it form surface damage to the eyes - dark circles, eye bags, etc., more importantly, long-term overload of the eyes will cause visual dysfunction, and even lead to cataracts and blindness.

5, make people fat

Staying up late for a long time will affect the secretion of "leptin", which is the so-called staying up late for a while, and the fat meat slowly grows

6, make people ugly

Because the skin cells are not adequately nourished, aging is accelerated, making the skin color appear pale and dull.

7. Affect the growth and development of children

If the child is sleep-deprived, the secretion of growth hormone decreases, which can affect the growth.

8. Affect life and work

According to the American Society of Sleep Medicine, 250,000 car accidents are related to sleep each year, and about 1/5 of car accidents are related to fatigue driving.

Get a good night's sleep and try 6 tricks

1. Hot water bathing method

The skin of the human body will have a temperature difference, and the change of temperature first increased and then lowered by the hot bath will cause drowsiness. Insomniacs may wish to take a hot bath one hour before going to bed to let the surface temperature of the body go up and down to help sleep.

2. Bedtime recording method

People tend to think wildly before going to bed, which makes it difficult to fall asleep. In the face of this situation, experts recommend concentrating the senses by writing and recording to calm the active brain area. When writing about worrying and worrying things, stop and turn the page in time to avoid worrying things from disturbing sleep. Correspondingly, you can write about your own touched, positive little things, fall asleep with feelings of gratitude and happiness, and sleep better and dream better.

3. Environmental Creation Law

First, in terms of brightness, a bright light source can prevent the pineal gland from secreting melatonin, so keep the sleeping environment relatively dark and safe. For those who love fragrance, you can use aromatherapy in a safe situation, but avoid cigarettes. Finally, to reduce noise and reduce sound, if there is some noise that cannot be eliminated, you can take the method of turning on the electric fan to increase the stable white noise.

4. Mindfulness for a moment

After lying in bed, blindly thinking "what to do if you don't sleep well" is not good for sleep. Instead, you should feel the moment, reduce the burden on your brain, and use abdominal breathing.

5. Stimulation control method

Establish a link between bed and sleep, allowing the brain to think that bed is the place to sleep. The specific operation is: the bed is only used for sleeping, do not think about things or watch videos. Go to bed when you are tired, do not sleep on the sofa or chair, and get up when you are not sleepy. At the same time, stay away from psychoactive substances such as alcohol or other sperm anesthetics.

6. Sleep restriction method

Develop the habit of sleeping regularly and getting up regularly. Do not snooze during the day, and take a nap for no more than half an hour. Usually pay more attention to sleep efficiency.

Source: Guangming Network, Half Moon Talk, China News Network, Jiupai News, etc. Editor: Chen Mengyi, Zhang Xinyu, Zhang Long Reporter: Liu Yang Poster Design: Zhang Shuting Copyright Attribution Original Author If there is any infringement, please contact to delete

Editor-in-charge: Zhao Di Li Tongyu (intern) Review: Fan Zhao

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