
A person, the sign of inner strength: to do three do not care

A person, the sign of inner strength: to do three do not care
A person, the sign of inner strength: to do three do not care

Yang Shuo once said: "As a person, if you don't experience the joys and sorrows of the world, and if you don't fight with life, you can't really understand the meaning of life." ”

When everyone is born, it is like a blank piece of paper. Many behavioral habits are written and composed by acquired drawings. Every word and deed determines the direction of their future life.

True strength is often not to overcome others, but to have the ability to look directly at themselves, judge themselves correctly, and overcome their own weaknesses.

Everyone's life trajectory is different, we must have our own rhythm of life, with wisdom, do not go with the flow, lose the original intention.

The mother of Avon's female president, Zhong Binxian, studied at the University of Toronto in Canada, and at that time, she was the only female student in her class to study chemistry.

Many people are talking about Zhong Binxian's mother being a sensationalist and it is difficult to graduate. But the truth is that Zhong Binxian's mother successfully graduated with excellent results.

She never pays attention to the discussion of others, but is bent on doing what she expects. She also often taught Zhong Binxian: "As long as you work hard, women can reach the top no matter what field they are in." ”

Usually, people who are strong at heart have the following three qualities.

A person, the sign of inner strength: to do three do not care
A person, the sign of inner strength: to do three do not care

Don't be afraid of people's words

Dante once said, "Go your own way and let others say go." ”

People with strong hearts rarely care about the evaluation of others, and will maintain their original intentions and move towards their own goals.

If on the way, you encounter someone who says something cool and pours cold water on you and retreats, then the last thing to do is you who stays where you are.

People with strong hearts are calm and rational, and they do not care about the so-called face, but more about "Lizi".

Do not fear people's words, people's words are self-contained.

If we live and sit upright, then we don't have to pay attention to what others say. The more we care about something, the more we will be tormented and contained by this matter.

As long as we have an opinion and the ability to judge right and wrong, don't let people disturb their hearts. In order to reach their goals faster, the higher they stand, the more they can reduce the harm to themselves.

A person, the sign of inner strength: to do three do not care

Don't be afraid of the past

Life is not satisfactory, but only by living in the present moment is the most real and can be held in the hands.

Don't care about the results that have been created, especially when the results can no longer be changed.

No one's life is all wind and sun, the years are quiet, the wind and rain, thorns carry the road, but will make people stronger.

In life, we will always meet people who look very strong on the outside, but once life is really in trouble, they are extremely fragile inside, and they will only think of escaping.

As a result, the dilemma is always there, and there is no way to resolve it.

This kind of person will only complain about the injustice of fate every day, rather than looking for a solution to the problem.

And people who are really strong in their hearts will not care about those things that have passed and can no longer be changed. It is to grasp the present, learn the lessons of the past, and take your life to the next level.

A person, the sign of inner strength: to do three do not care

Don't be afraid of gains and losses

A person with a strong heart will not care about temporary gains and losses, because he understands that life has always been high and low, as long as the heart remains calm, knows the advance and retreat, understands the gains and losses, understands the depths, and knows the trade-offs, life will go smoothly.

The longer a person walks, the older he gets, the more he worries. But no matter what, as long as we adjust our mentality and don't deal with life passively, it is good.

Only when there is a sacrifice in everything can there be gain. Loss, many times is the sublimation of the ordinary.

I have seen a story of an old man who walks through the mountains every morning and carries water from two cracked wooden barrels. Passers-by saw and persuaded him to change one, and those that leaked out were not in vain.

The old man replied: No problem, the water leaking in my bucket has been watered with flowers and grass along the road, isn't it also a beautiful thing?

When we face the confusion of life, it is better to ask for peace of mind. The human heart is not boundless, and only by abandoning some meaningless things can we better accept what we care about.

A person, the sign of inner strength: to do three do not care
A person, the sign of inner strength: to do three do not care

Wang Shuo once said in the "Letter to His Daughter": "A strong heart is more important than anything else." Because the human body can be weak, but once the spirit is destroyed, it is equivalent to losing everything. ”

Our lives are nothing more than alternating between gain and loss. If you care more, you will get less; if you adjust your mentality, you will have more.

As a person, only by cultivating the body and mind, strengthening oneself, and accepting oneself can one have the spare strength to harmonize with others.

Don't be harsh on yourself, dare to face the real self, is a subject we have to learn all our lives, and spiritually strong people are the real kings.

As the psychologist Jung said, "The person who looks outward is dreaming, and the person who looks inward is awake." ”

For the rest of your life, may you and I be a strong person at heart, spoiled and not shocked, laughing at life.


The world is so big, thank you, you can see me!

[Wen | Wei Wei'an: the pen has temperature, for the voice of emotion, an atypical writer who loves words, invites you to perceive life together]

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