
The weekend literary | post, I want to say to you

The pace of time never stops moving forward, and does not give anyone a chance to linger. Looking up at the stars and thinking back to the past, the sentry has accompanied me through the spring and autumn. Thinking of those days with you is always unforgettable, and thinking about the days with you in the future are getting less and less, I can't help but sigh that time passes so fast!

The weekend literary | post, I want to say to you

When I first met you, I was at an ignorant age, leaving my parents and coming to the barracks. On that day, my comrades and I stepped on the train to the barracks, full of expectations for the future of military life, and my heart was full of excitement. Looking out the window, every scenery along the way made me remember it. The first time I saw you, you stood there solemnly, standing still, and I suddenly felt your holiness and was full of respect and yearning for you.

The weekend literary | post, I want to say to you

Later, I took the steel gun and became a glorious sentry, and we began to "live with each other". The first time I walked into your world, it was under the leadership of the class leader, at that time, I was like a child who had never sought the world, full of curiosity about you, and my heart was full of joy and anxiety, and my feelings were intertwined and complicated.

Outside the camp, thousands of lights, bright and warm, the first time I fought side by side with you, I could not help but clench the steel gun in my hand, the squad leader seemed to see through my uneasiness, and said to me in a serious tone: "Although our post is small, it can be a heavy responsibility, and the prosperity and tranquility of the outside world cannot be separated from our silent adherence." ”

The weekend literary | post, I want to say to you

In the days that followed, I spent more and more time with you, two or three times a day to get close to you, and the most memorable thing was every minute of fighting with you. Whether it is morning frost or cold moon, in the wasteland of time, we watch the clouds cirrus together and listen to the flowers blossom and fall. Here, we carry too many memories.

The weekend literary | post, I want to say to you

As night fell, black shrouded the earth. A bright moon slowly rises, the silver-white moonlight pours down, and the night wind on the plug also comes to join in the bustle, scavenging the barren earth, and my thoughts also return to the past.

I remembered my parents who were far away in my hometown and worked hard with their backs to the sky facing the loess, remembered the ardent expectations of my relatives when they bid farewell, and the bittersweet and bittersweet of my comrades in the barracks... Scene after scene came to my mind.

Looking at the brilliant fireworks outside the camp, I couldn't help but wrap my coat tightly and encourage myself in my heart: This square inch of land is my battle position, standing on every shift post, it is my duty, the road ahead is still very long, I must take every step down-to-earth.

The morning light had not yet penetrated the mist, and there was still a chill in the air, and the sound of getting up broke the silence of the night. You and I ushered in the morning sun in this bustling downtown, bathed in the warmth of the morning light, listening to the sonorous and powerful cries of comrades-in-arms, the original tired body was full of strength, full of hope, with confidence, an indescribable pleasure spontaneously emerged.

It turns out that it's all so worth it.

The weekend literary | post, I want to say to you

The people at the post changed in batches, but you were still standing there.

In the spring, you welcome the revival of all things and send vitality; in the summer, you stand up to the scorching sun, but you can't hide your pride; in autumn, you have witnessed countless prosperous endings, but you have never shaken your hot heart; in winter, you are wrapped in silver and become my haven from the wind.

In the long perseverance and waiting, you have been there, staying there, fulfilling your duties and missions, reverie of the poems and distant places that belong to us.

You are the place where my military dreams began, and you are also the place where I have transformed and grown. Wearing this uniform, there is no regret in dedicating his strength in an ordinary post, and there is no regret about the youth of these more than ten years of military service...

Editor-in-Chief: Shu Zhengjun

Editor-in-Chief: Wang Tao Cheng Ming

Duty Editor: Pang Hexing Zhang Mengxi

Author: Zhang Bolun Yang Bin

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