
100 times stronger during the day than at night? It turns out that the difference is quite large, listen to the professional sayings

Author | Inspector (total 1443 words, about 4 minutes to read)

"Birthday eight characters" is a topic that is often mentioned after the birth of a child, and for some parents, this is the basis for speculating on their future achievements and even the "fate" of their lives.

Therefore, if there is a better birthday, parents will feel that their children will have a bright future and a smooth life.

Therefore, some people will deliberately control the time of birth of children according to the auspiciousness of the birthday. Perhaps from the current point of view, the idea of the eight characters of the birthday may be a superstitious idea, but this idea is still deeply rooted in the older generation.

100 times stronger during the day than at night? It turns out that the difference is quite large, listen to the professional sayings

The elderly often say that we must insist on letting the child be born during the day, and they think that the birthday of the day is better, so they must let the child come in advance regardless of the time of the child's natural birth.

Well, putting aside the superstitious thinking, from a scientific point of view:

100 times stronger during the day than at night? It turns out that the difference is quite large, listen to the professional sayings

▼What is the difference between a child born during the day and a child born at night?

Born during the day or at night, the biggest difference is that medical staff are in better spirits during the day

Whether born during the day or at night, there is not much impact on the child, in fact, when giving birth, the most test is the medical staff.

Healthcare workers need to be energetic and fully engaged in their work, which can also help the baby to be born smoothly.

100 times stronger during the day than at night? It turns out that the difference is quite large, listen to the professional sayings

Medical staff are more energetic during the day, so they also have a higher safety guarantee when giving birth. And if at night, after a day of hard work, their energy state is lost, and if the concentration is not enough, there may be certain safety hazards.

On the other hand, there are more people on duty during the day, and if there is any unexpected situation, there will be personnel to replenish in time. There are not many people on duty in the evening shift, and if there is childbirth, there may be insufficient manpower.

Therefore, if you are born during the day, there are indeed some advantages, but if you must emphasize such a period of time during the day, it is still not necessary. After all, most medical staff have professional qualities and can handle some emergencies, and we still have to have confidence in them.

100 times stronger during the day than at night? It turns out that the difference is quite large, listen to the professional sayings

★ During the day, there is more physical strength

When mothers give birth, they need to have a lot of endurance and physical strength, and the time period when the energy is more sufficient and the physical strength is sufficient, naturally it is daytime.

But if it is at night, sleep is lacking, which leads to increased difficulty in the entire production process.

100 times stronger during the day than at night? It turns out that the difference is quite large, listen to the professional sayings

★ Preparing items at night, not so convenient

No matter what items to prepare, it is generally more difficult at night, because most of the shopping malls are closed at night, and it is very disturbing that urgently needs something to buy.

From these aspects, being born during the day does have many benefits and conveniences, but these advantages are not reflected in children. Therefore, no matter what, we still have to look at the matter of childbirth with rational and scientific thinking, and we cannot blindly believe in the impact of birthday eight characters on the child's life.

100 times stronger during the day than at night? It turns out that the difference is quite large, listen to the professional sayings

▼ The time of birth of the child is different, and it is not the birthday that is affected

Although many elderly people are convinced of the eight characters of the birthday, this is completely unscientific.

If you are born during the day, whether it is the preparation of items or the safety factor, etc., it will be more safe and convenient. But if they are born in the evening, they may have a longer production process, which is likely to cause some damage to the brain.

Of course, this is only a probability of existence, it is a small probability, so parents still have to look at this problem correctly and don't think about it yourself.

100 times stronger during the day than at night? It turns out that the difference is quite large, listen to the professional sayings

Whether it is a child born during the day or at night, as long as the fetus is abnormally developed, it will be very healthy. And, for their future future:

● As long as they do a good job of family education and correct life guidance, it will not affect their future life.

Let the child have a cheerful personality, a positive attitude, and study hard, then the future direction will naturally get better and better, and there is no direct connection with what time period of birth. Parents should calm their minds, for the delivery time, just go with the flow, to ensure the safety of the fetus is the most important.

100 times stronger during the day than at night? It turns out that the difference is quite large, listen to the professional sayings

Spicy Mom Quotes:

The birth of a child is a happy thing, and there is no need for parents to struggle with whether to be born during the day or at night. The key is that the smooth and healthy birth of the child is the greatest luck, more important than anything.

When you see the moment the child is born, there will only be a lot of happiness and happiness left in your heart, and when you were born, you will naturally be thrown out of the cloud nine.

Parents, when was your baby born?

(Image from the Internet)

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