
【Health Science】How does the baby's skin turn yellow?

【Health Science】How does the baby's skin turn yellow?

Every parent who conceives a new life hopes that his baby has charming big eyes, blown skin, thick hair, smart and clever, lively and cheerful, etc., but after experiencing a painful birth, parents will feel that the baby's health is the most important. But there is a small baby, after a few days of careful care, the original pink and tender skin began to slowly turn yellow, and even became a "golden doll", what is going on? Please follow the pediatric nurse of Hongjiang Hospital of the Second People's Hospital of Huaihua City to explore this question, how does the baby's skin turn yellow?

【Health Science】How does the baby's skin turn yellow?

The yellowing of a baby's skin is actually what is medically known as neonatal jaundice. Neonatal jaundice is due to the accumulation of bilirubin in the body, causing the blood content to be higher than normal, resulting in yellowing of the skin, the white part of the eyeball (sclera) and mucous membranes, so from the appearance, it will feel that the baby's skin has become yellow.

Neonatal jaundice is generally divided into two categories, physiological jaundice and pathological jaundice.

Physiological jaundice: usually occurs 2 to 3 days after the baby is born, resolves in 5 to 7 days, and generally lasts no more than 2 weeks, but premature babies may persist until 3 to 4 weeks before resolving. In addition to the skin turning yellow, the baby's mental condition, sleep quality, development and bowel movements will not be affected. In this case, there is generally no need for special treatment, and you can seek medical treatment in time if you find abnormal conditions.

Pathological jaundice: jaundice within 24 hours of birth; serum total bilirubin value has reached the criteria for phototherapy intervention at the appropriate day-age and corresponding risk factors, or exceeds the 95th percentile of the hourly bilirubin risk curve or bilirubin rises by more than 85mol/L (5 mg/d) or >0.5 mg/dl per hour; Jaundice lasts long, > 2 weeks in term infants and 4 weeks > in preterm infants; jaundice recurs; serum-bound bilirubin > 34 umol/L (2 mg/dl). Pathological jaundice, if not treated in time, is prone to bilirubin encephalopathy, which is mainly manifested as poor mental health, spitting up, moaning, screaming, drowsiness and even convulsions. If parents find that the baby's skin is yellow, they need to seek medical treatment in time and actively intervene, blue light treatment is currently the safest and most effective treatment for neonatal jaundice and the least side effects. In addition to symptomatic blue light treatment, it is more important to actively look for the cause of increased bilirubin.

What are the main causes of neonatal jaundice?

1. Excessive bilirubin production: such as polycythemia, internal bleeding, infection, hemolysis, breastfeeding, etc.;

2. Hepatic bilirubin metabolism disorders: such as asphyxia, hypoxia, congenital UDPGT deficiency, drugs, hypothyroidism, etc.;

3. Bilirubin excretion disorders: such as neonatal hepatitis, congenital metabolic defects, bile duct obstruction, etc.

What is breast-milk jaundice? Can breast milk jaundice be fed breast milk?

The answer is definitely to feed. Breast-milk jaundice refers to breastfeeding newborns who still have jaundice within 3 months of birth, the cause of which may be related to the high level of β-glucuronic anhydrase in breast milk and increased liver and intestine circulation, but its diagnosis needs to exclude other pathological factors, no special treatment, stop breastfeeding for 24-48 hours, jaundice can be significantly reduced.

Jaundice doesn't matter, just bask in the sun, is it true?

Studies have shown that sunlight does have the same wavelength as blue light, theoretically effective for jaundice, but to achieve the purpose of jaundice, at least 3 conditions need to be met: 1. Continuous exposure for a long enough time (more than 5 hours), to ensure sufficient sunlight for 5 hours, the weather requirements are relatively high; 2. The temperature is suitable, the baby can completely expose the skin, the effect of dew is not good, the dew is more unstable and prone to cold /low body temperature, etc 3. Filter ultraviolet rays, avoid sunburn, and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays increases the risk of skin cancer. It can be seen that basking in the sun is like chicken ribs, or the blue light treatment temperature of the hospital is suitable for safety and effectiveness.

【Health Science】How does the baby's skin turn yellow?

Baby skin yellow is not terrible, found abnormal timely medical treatment, with the help of doctors, the baby can grow healthily!

Correspondent: Wang Xiu

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