
What should I do if I encounter a neck bottle on the way to learn the piano?

What should I do if I encounter a neck bottle on the way to learn the piano?

I believe that many piano children have had such an experience: a piece of music is always not played well, the more practice the more mistakes; in recent times, I do not like to practice the piano, I can't get interested... Why? In fact, this is the neck bottle period encountered.

On the way to learning, any homework or instrument is likely to encounter the neck bottle period, and the piano is no exception. When encountering the neck bottle period, if it is not treated correctly, it will lead to stagnation of piano level, and even some children will give up halfway. The road to learning the piano is not easy, if it is a pity to give up, today I will tell you what to do when you encounter the neck bottle period on the way to learn piano.


Keep a normal mind

First of all, we must maintain a normal heart, understand that this is a very normal phenomenon in the learning process, especially parents, do not put too much pressure on their children. You can tell your child that other people learn piano and show understanding of your child's fear of difficulties. Communicate with your child often and actively encourage your child to practice, and don't let your child have a negative attitude to resist the piano.

What should I do if I encounter a neck bottle on the way to learn the piano?


Ask your piano teacher

Some children play a song repeatedly, there will still be a lot of problems, the best way is to ask the teacher, listen to the teacher's explanation. Because the teacher can clearly help you point out the problem and tell you the correct way to play, under the guidance of the teacher, it will be easier to get through the neck bottle period.


Listen to good music

Parents can take their children to listen to some concerts, or often let their children listen to the excellent works of piano masters, create a good musical atmosphere for children, feel the charm of music, re-stimulate interest in piano, and stimulate children's desire to learn piano, which is very beneficial to help children get out of the neck bottle period.

What should I do if I encounter a neck bottle on the way to learn the piano?


Targeted exercises

Children touch the neck bottle, sometimes because the practice method is not right, blindly practicing the piano is very undesirable, and the practice should be targeted. For example, some children always play the wrong sound, so when practicing, we must pay special attention to the correctness of the fingering, and we can use the method of slow training to ensure that each tone is played accurately and clearly, rather than knowing the existence of the problem and choosing to play randomly. Targeted exercises can make you better learn the piano and improve your piano level.

The road is long and the road is long, and I will seek up and down. Learning piano, will encounter many different difficulties, I hope that every piano child can bravely overcome and overcome it, in the piano road has been moving forward.



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