
Wuling held out a big move, mixed Capgemini debut! 2.0L plus motor, close to the people MPV spoiler

Wuling held out a big move, mixed Capgemini debut! 2.0L plus motor, close to the people MPV spoiler

Who is the king of the MPV field? Probably the first thing that most people think of is the Buick GL8, which has stable sales and is quite strong, leaving other mainstream MPV models far behind. However, if the micro-surface architecture MPV is also defined as MPV, Wuling Automobile is the real king, and the sales volume of the Wuling Hongguang series can already be counted in millions. Of course, it is not appropriate to call Wuling Hongguang MPV, and it is Wuling Capgemini that can really be called MPV, which has a more mainstream architecture and richer configuration. Recently, a new batch of declaration lists have appeared in the figure of Wuling Capgemini Hybrid Edition, and it seems that Wuling has made a new big move.

Wuling held out a big move, mixed Capgemini debut! 2.0L plus motor, close to the people MPV spoiler

With the successful attempt of Wuling Hongguang MINIEV in the field of new energy, wuling automobile will spread hybrid technology to other main models, the design of the declaration of Wuling Capgemini is actually not big, the main point of interest is the new hev hybrid system, hev This technical architecture is more common in Toyota and Honda MPV models, such as the new version of the odyssey and last year's localization of Toyota Xena.

Wuling held out a big move, mixed Capgemini debut! 2.0L plus motor, close to the people MPV spoiler

Since it has been determined that it is the hev technical architecture, it also means that Wuling Capgemini will use unplugged hybrid, not phev plug-in hybrid technology, so the probability of the declaration of Wuling Capgemini can not be on the green card, pure electric mileage should be relatively limited, because hev technology is still dominated by internal combustion engines, can be recharged through kinetic energy recovery or fuel engine idle power generation, after the speed is increased to a critical value, the engine will also intervene in the motor vehicle wheels.

Wuling held out a big move, mixed Capgemini debut! 2.0L plus motor, close to the people MPV spoiler

The exterior design does not have too many new energy logos, the front face of the front of the car still maintains the original large size intake net, and there are split squinting daytime running lights on both sides, which is a pity that there is still no side sliding door configuration on the side of the body, and the front and back belong to the swing door. The only difference that can distinguish the hybrid version of Wuling Capgemini is that it has the exclusive badge HEV blue lettering on the tail.

Wuling held out a big move, mixed Capgemini debut! 2.0L plus motor, close to the people MPV spoiler

The total length of the body reaches 4875mm, the wheelbase is maintained at 2.8 meters, compared to the Buick GL8 is obviously a circle smaller, the declaration information shows that the 6-seat configuration is provided, that is, the 2+2+2 seat layout, so that the design will make the rear row a little more spacious, especially if the last row has no passengers, it can form a 2+2 large 4-seat first-class comfortable space.

Wuling held out a big move, mixed Capgemini debut! 2.0L plus motor, close to the people MPV spoiler

The original fuel version of Wuling Capgemini is equipped with a 1.5T turbocharged engine, but this hybrid version has undergone a huge change, the fuel engine has become a 2.0L displacement naturally aspirated version of the engine, the model is LJM20A, the maximum output power is only 100 kilowatts, it seems to be much weaker than the original 1.5T engine, but in the case of motor system humidification, the comprehensive output does not worry.

Wuling held out a big move, mixed Capgemini debut! 2.0L plus motor, close to the people MPV spoiler

Small battery pack will use ternary lithium battery technology, with the motor hybrid, the cost of the car of the model will inevitably drop significantly, with reference to the Toyota Sai na 2.5L hybrid version can control the fuel consumption at the level of 5.3 liters of 100 kilometers, this Wuling Capgemini hybrid version is smaller in size, lighter in weight, it is entirely possible to control the fuel consumption of more than 4 liters in 100 kilometers.

Wuling held out a big move, mixed Capgemini debut! 2.0L plus motor, close to the people MPV spoiler

The question is, how much do you think The Wuling Capgemini HEV Hybrid Edition will be priced? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area and discuss with fans! Spend a second to pay attention and make good friends for a lifetime! Some of the pictures come from the Internet, it is not easy to write an article, and it is expected that the officials will be able to click three times in one click.

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