
What should I do if my child does not raise his hand to speak in class?

I believe that many parents pay special attention to their children's class without raising their hands to speak, and must want to know what to do?

We must first analyze the reasons why children do not raise their hands to speak in class, and then solve the problem of children's reluctance to raise their hands to speak according to different reasons.

The reasons why children don't raise their hands in class are probably as follows, come and see which kind of child your child may belong to?

First, children are afraid of ridicule by others.

What should I do if my child does not raise his hand to speak in class?

Ridicule is irony and sarcasm.

Children are not familiar with the content of the text, they are not sure to answer the questions asked correctly, and the children do not recognize the answers they want to answer enough, and they dare not guarantee that their answers are standard.

Therefore, the child is afraid of answering incorrectly, afraid of being criticized by the teacher, afraid of attracting ridicule from classmates, so the child does not dare to raise his hand to speak.

Second, the child's self-confidence is not enough.

What should I do if my child does not raise his hand to speak in class?

Self-confidence is a psychological trait that reflects the level of trust you have inability to successfully complete an activity.

Self-confidence is a conscious trait and state of mind that actively and effectively expresses self-worth, self-respect, and self-understanding.

Is the child worried that the teacher will call me if he raises his hand? The child is worried that the teacher has only invited other students, and he will be very faceless.

This kind of worry is a manifestation of the child's lack of self-confidence, and this worry can also cause the child to be afraid to raise his hand to speak.

Third, children are reluctant to express themselves.

What should I do if my child does not raise his hand to speak in class?

Performance means deliberately showing one's strengths.

Some children are born introverted, lack of desire to show, lack of opportunities to exercise interpersonal skills.

The child in life is a child who does not like to show himself, the more actively other students raise their hands, the more they dare not raise their hands to fight for opportunities with others, so children do not dare to express themselves in such a scrambling class.

Even if some children know the answer, they do not dare to raise their hands, or even dare not show their strengths to others, so they dare not raise their hands to speak and express themselves.

Fourth, the child has too many worries.

What should I do if my child does not raise his hand to speak in class?

Concern is when you are afraid to say or do it because you have some kind of worry, or you are unwilling to do it.

The child is worried that the classmates say that I raised my hand is not a figure? What should I do if my classmates talk about me after class? This is a manifestation of the child's concern for too much.

The child worries too much, will suffer from gain and loss, worry that he can't do anything well, can't do anything, the child does not dare to raise his hand to speak, and leaves the good opportunity to speak to others.

Fifth, the child lacks exercise.

What should I do if my child does not raise his hand to speak in class?

The exercise mentioned here refers to the exercise of raising the child's hand to speak.

Exercise originally refers to strengthening physical fitness through military training or physical activities. In fact, the meaning of exercise is very wide, there are physical exercise, thought exercise, cultural exercise, will exercise, guts exercise, raise your hand to answer questions exercise and so on.

In fact, children who get to raise their hands to answer questions will not be nervous when they raise their hands to answer questions, and will cope with them more easily.

Sixth, the child's self-esteem is too strong.

What should I do if my child does not raise his hand to speak in class?

Self-esteem is an emotional experience of self-respect, self-love, self-respect, and demands respect from others, the collective, and society that is generated and formed by an individual based on self-evaluation.

Self-esteem is a psychological component of the self-regulating structure of personality. Self-esteem is divided into strong and weak, too strong becomes vanity, too weak becomes inferiority.

People with too much self-esteem are often afraid of hearing others say they are not good, or afraid of being said to be inferior to others.

The child's lack of courage, fear of being laughed at by his peers if he does not answer well, is also a manifestation of too strong self-esteem.

Therefore, the self-esteem is too strong, and the fear of no face causes the child to dare not raise his hand to speak.

Seventh, children are too lazy to think.

What should I do if my child does not raise his hand to speak in class?

To think is to think and to think about problems.

Children don't want to raise their hands, they don't want to think, they are indiscriminate, they have to get by, they just want to wait for their classmates or teachers to say the answer directly.

Children have lazy hearts and see that some people do not raise their hands and do not raise their hands themselves.

There are also some children who do not raise their hands and will not be punished, raise their hands to answer incorrectly, but are embarrassed by the negative psychology.

Eighth, the child's usual progress has not been taken seriously.

What should I do if my child does not raise his hand to speak in class?

Some parents believe that their children's progress is deserved, not worthy of attention and praise, but they do not know that praise and encouragement can enhance their children's desire to achieve.

Parents do not praise their children's success, the emotional experience of children's success is not satisfied, and the motivation for children to succeed again through their own efforts is insufficient.

Therefore, a person's success is inseparable from encouragement and praise, inseparable from the attention of parents, when the child's sense of achievement is satisfied, it can naturally increase the child's self-motivation, and naturally make the child feel happy in raising his hand to speak!

In short, there are many reasons why children are afraid to speak in class and dare not raise their hands.

Parents want to solve the problem that their children are reluctant to raise their hands, and only through observation and communication can they know which type of child they belong to, and then they can prescribe the right medicine.

How to solve the problem of children not raising their hands to speak in class?

I have carefully collated and suggested the following:

First, children should not be afraid of ridicule, prepare a good foundation in advance, and prepare for raising their hands to speak.

What should I do if my child does not raise his hand to speak in class?

Children should understand that everyone is learning knowledge, it is impossible to answer correctly at any time, even if the answer is wrong, do not be shy, do not be afraid of classmates ridicule.

If the child has a poor foundation and does not prepare the text enough, the questions asked by the teacher may not be, and the child may not dare to raise his hand.

If the child prepares the text in advance, familiarizes himself with the content of the text, and knows what he or she has in mind. The child is prepared for the teacher's questions, which increases the courage to raise his hand and speak boldly.

Second, children should increase self-confidence, dare to raise their hands is progress.

What should I do if my child does not raise his hand to speak in class?

The root cause of introverted and timid children is lack of self-confidence, and it is necessary to help children build confidence and strengthen courage.

Give your child more tolerance and understanding, and find ways to build your child's self-confidence.

Parents tell their children that as long as they dare to raise their hands to answer questions, it is a great improvement.

Third, children should dare to express themselves and do not worry about exposing their shortcomings.

What should I do if my child does not raise his hand to speak in class?

Children should not worry about their shortcomings being exposed to the audience, do not worry about others looking down on themselves, dare to express themselves, dare to raise their hands and speak.

Parents should let their children understand that the more shy they are, the more timid they are, the less shy they are, the more daring they are, and the more daring they are, the more dare they raise their hands to speak.

Children must understand that others point out their shortcomings, they can improve themselves, they can continue to make progress, and they must dare to express themselves.

Fourth, the child should not worry, boldly raise his hand to speak.

What should I do if my child does not raise his hand to speak in class?

If a child worries too much and thinks too much, it will lead to tying his hands and feet and achieving nothing.

Children should let go of themselves, boldly try, and face boldly.

Children should let go of their worries, let go of their own burdens, easily face and solve problems, and boldly raise their hands to speak.

Fifth, the child usually strengthens exercise, and simulates raising his hand to answer questions at home.

What should I do if my child does not raise his hand to speak in class?

Simulated raising hands to answer questions, children do not have to be nervous, can exercise children's oral expression skills, help children fully understand themselves.

Parents can also play games with their children, simulating the scene of the class, parents as teachers, children as students, encourage children to answer questions, say what children think, and do not complain that children answer wrong.

If parents usually let their children raise their hands at home to answer questions, then the children may not be nervous in class, will not talk and swallow, and will not be too nervous.

If children can boldly raise their hands to answer questions from the classroom, and gradually exercise their courage and oral expression skills, then it is a great progress for children.

Sixth, the child's self-esteem should be appropriate, and he should not raise his hand to speak because he loves face.

What should I do if my child does not raise his hand to speak in class?

The child's excessive self-esteem makes the child unable to face failure, and it will be very frustrating to face failure.

The child's weak self-esteem makes the child give up on himself and dare not fight.

How to make children have appropriate self-esteem is the most appropriate.

It is often said that "to die is to suffer from face", it is said that people with too strong self-esteem are said.

Everyone has to have a little bit of self-esteem to a greater or lesser extent, but too much self-esteem can hinder personal development and become a stumbling block on your path to success.

The basis for cultivating children's moderate self-esteem is respect for children, which is to teach children to face failure positively and gain from the process of failure.

For example, children dare to raise their hands to answer questions, and they are not afraid of answering wrongly, which is a good exercise for themselves.

Seventh, be diligent in thinking and actively participate in raising your hand to speak.

What should I do if my child does not raise his hand to speak in class?

Thinking is a relatively in-depth and thoughtful thought activity.

Reading without thinking is equivalent to eating without digesting. Children should think about problems, be sensitive to observation, be diligent in thinking, be good at analysis, and have the courage to speak.

People who are good at thinking change their minds rapidly, and people who can't think give up on themselves.

As long as you think positively, you will actively raise your hand to speak, and you will participate in classroom teaching, which is beneficial to learning progress.

Eighth, praise the child's progress, let the child experience happiness in raising his hand to speak.

What should I do if my child does not raise his hand to speak in class?

Moderate praise can motivate children, and praise refers to public praise for good people and good deeds.

Motivation refers to motivating and perceiving it, and the child's progress needs to be motivated.

Praise has great power, and he can dominate life. A good praise will surely make the child develop in a better direction.

Praise not only makes the child's personality become extroverted, but also motivates the child to dare to speak in public, and enjoy the fun of raising his hand to speak.

Progress is upward or forward development, the child's progress needs parents to pay attention, whether the child is the progress of learning, or the progress of raising the hand to speak, the parents' attention and praise, will make the children more proactive to raise their hands to speak.

What should I do if my child does not raise his hand to speak in class?

in a word. If you can actively raise your hand to answer the teacher's question in the classroom, then whether the answer is correct or not, the child's positive attitude should be commended first of all. Although sometimes the answer is wrong, it can at least show that the child is more confident.

Children who are willing to take the initiative to answer questions can get more opportunities to participate, exercise opportunities, and have a lot of intangible knowledge to benefit them for life.

From now on, please be a brave, bold, confident and knowledgeable person, and ask the children to be a person who loves to raise his hand and speak and work hard to learn and struggle!

Do you think the above is in line with the current situation of some children who do not raise their hands to speak? You are welcome to leave a comment in the comments section below.

What should I do if my child does not raise his hand to speak in class?

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