
3-year-old debut was used as a "cash machine" by his mother, and 12-year-old has become popular, but his first love has become a stepfather!

The probability of nibbling on the old happens in real life is still very large, and many young people do not want to make progress and habitually reach out to their parents.

In the face of life, it is even more profligate, wanting to enjoy all the good in life, but not willing to exchange its own labor for it.

Nowadays, "nibbling on the old" seems to be the norm, but in recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet, more and more parents have become more and more lazy.

Let children debut through the Internet and become uncompromising child stars.

3-year-old debut was used as a "cash machine" by his mother, and 12-year-old has become popular, but his first love has become a stepfather!

Japanese child star Anda Yu, in order to earn tuition and living expenses, debuted at the age of three, initially just shooting commercials, until the age of 12 became popular.

As Andayou's fame grows and his income rises, in fact, Andayou does not like the complicated entertainment circle, and he is not allowed to enter it because of family reasons.

Because Andayou's income increase became more and more luxurious, her mother seemed to use her as a "cash machine", which made Andayou unacceptable and completely broke the relationship between Andayou and her mother.

Andayou, who had just opened her heart, met someone she liked, and after several turnovers, her first love actually became her stepfather, which once reduced the relationship between mother and daughter to a freezing point.

It wasn't until Andayou found someone he loved that the relationship between mother and daughter gradually recovered.

After seeing Andayou's experience, many people have condemned their mother's practices, believing that this kind of "nibbling" behavior is incomprehensible.

3-year-old debut was used as a "cash machine" by his mother, and 12-year-old has become popular, but his first love has become a stepfather!

The harm of "nibbling" behavior to children

1. Incorrect values

Once the parents have the behavior of "nibbling on the small" in life, it can be largely explained that the parents' values are problematic, and the children who have lived around their parents for a long time will also be affected.

Whether it is entering the entertainment industry, or through other ways of "nibbling on the small" will give children to develop bad values.

Distorted values are easy for children to immerse themselves in the material world, and the behavior of "nibbling on small" has no benefit to the shaping of children's values.

3-year-old debut was used as a "cash machine" by his mother, and 12-year-old has become popular, but his first love has become a stepfather!

2, too precocious

When parents have the behavior of "nibbling on small", it shows that they attach more importance to material things and hope to reduce their own labor, but they can also change the status quo of life.

Children who have been in this situation for a long time are relatively precocious in their hearts, because they see through the warmth and coldness of the world too early, and they will be more indifferent when they grow up.

3-year-old debut was used as a "cash machine" by his mother, and 12-year-old has become popular, but his first love has become a stepfather!

3. Physical effects

When children enter the entertainment circle at a younger age, because the pace of life and work is very fast, they lose a stable rest time, which will affect the secretion of auxin in the body, so that the child misses the best growth period.

And their delicate skin will suffer from the long-term effects of cosmetics, which will cause harm to the child's body.

3-year-old debut was used as a "cash machine" by his mother, and 12-year-old has become popular, but his first love has become a stepfather!

4. Interpersonal relationships

Children who have been in a working state for a long time, they seem to have become working machines, in their small hearts there is only work, and they are in a state of distrust of anyone, resulting in their lack of stable and harmonious interpersonal relationships in adulthood.

The first thing that comes to mind when dealing with anyone is profit, and it can make their lives very lonely.

3-year-old debut was used as a "cash machine" by his mother, and 12-year-old has become popular, but his first love has become a stepfather!

5. Knowledge structure

Children who have been working for a long time will make them lose the best learning time, other children of the same age are increasing their knowledge reserves in the school, and they are far behind in the learning period, which will affect their accumulation of knowledge.

This is also a feeling that many stars give people a "no culture", because they have not undergone systematic learning in their youth.

Child stars are of course very beautiful on the surface, but the bitterness behind them is unimaginable, if parents treat their children as "cash cows", the harm to their children is very large, and distorted values will affect their children's lives.

3-year-old debut was used as a "cash machine" by his mother, and 12-year-old has become popular, but his first love has become a stepfather!

The responsibility of parents is to take good care of their children and use their own labor to create a good growth environment for their children, which is the responsibility that parents must bear, and any behavior of "nibbling on the old" will make children bear endless pressure.

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