
Online classes again How to make children obedient?

In recent days, the situation in various places has begun to be tense again, and many places have begun to take online classes again. How do you get your child to follow the guidance of your parents? Some suggestions from relevant experts have been made:

Online classes again How to make children obedient?

Understand children: Online classes, children do not like to go to class but also be monitored by parents, easy to make children more stressed.

The epidemic has changed the habits of many people, and also made parents realize that not every child can get the first place, and not every child will agree. Understanding children is also respecting human nature and understanding oneself.

Online classes again How to make children obedient?

If you want your child to listen to their mother, you need to figure out two things:

First thing: Why listen to your parents? Parents may think they are right, but what is right: love life, respect for life and others, and discipline and law. Parents make decisions that cannot ease their dissatisfaction and anxiety. Therefore, to distinguish between your own needs and your child's needs, only if you meet your child's needs is a beneficial decision. The omnipotence and all-taking of parents is to deprive children of the opportunity to grow in the name of love. If you want to be more dominant, the child will not make their own decisions, the more parents restrain and urge the child, the more the child lacks the ability to self-discipline, the more distrust the child, the more the child may not trust himself and others.

Online classes again How to make children obedient?

Second thing: How do you make your child obedient? In fact, it is how to let children receive the education of their parents. As long as parents can think differently and children need to be educated, only parents can adjust their mentality.

To respect human nature, children have a way to relieve stress and express emotions, and having negative emotions does not mean total denial. If criticism is not discriminated against, it can be counterproductive.

Online classes again How to make children obedient?

The third thing: parents should stabilize their emotions, and children are also mirrors of the family. As long as the parents are stable, they can obtain a stable parent-child relationship. Parents should accept that their children have their own personality characteristics, their abilities are different, and self-stability is also a kind of healing.

Online classes again How to make children obedient?

Children will eventually grow up, and eventually become the parents they are now, and good education is to take a silent way to make love pass on.

Online classes again How to make children obedient?

Do you have children at home who want to take online lessons? Feel free to leave a message to express your views.

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