
Children go to school by themselves, are you afraid or not?

Let's start with a small question:

Will you let your child travel alone?

Will the child help you run errands at a nearby store?

Will the child be left alone in school and out of school?

Both parents know that it is important to exercise their children's independence. "Children will play soy sauce" is also a joke that everyone often hangs on their lips. But sometimes, it is not that parents are reluctant to let their children "play soy sauce", but they are really worried:

It is very hard to take turns with the child's father to pick up the child to go to school every day, and it is best to let him go to school by himself, but when he thinks of safety, he still grits his teeth and insists.

Now everyone in society has it, and they are afraid that their children will encounter bad people on their way to school, which makes us how to rest assured!

Even if you don't meet bad people, children crossing the street is very worrying, and the consequences of a traffic accident are too terrible.

So, if you want your child to go to school independently, after school, and go to the downstairs store to "play soy sauce", what skills should parents help their children develop?

Children go to school by themselves, are you afraid or not?

Raise your child to go to school on their own

You can do that

Learning to recognize the way and some emergency help methods are important skills for children to go to school alone, and parents can do this:

Teach your child consciously, and pay attention to the buildings you walk by (well-known fast food restaurants, newsstands, etc., where there are memory points). Even if you get lost, you know where you've been.

For example, when taking your child to a convenience store near your home, you can remind your child when you go:

Baby, see what we'll go through later? Mom will test whether you can remember or not.

Then on the way back, you can verify the accuracy of your child's memory with your child:

Did we pass by here? Where do we go at this intersection?

Memorize the adult's name and phone number, as well as the address of the home.

Learn to ask for help – parents can "practice" with their children at home how to ask for help if they get lost. Children should also be told who to turn to for help:

Uncle of the policeman on patrol;

Uncle of the security guard at the entrance of the mall and the community;

Aunt with small children;

The cashier aunt in a passing shop;

Older siblings in school uniforms.

If possible, you can give your child a phone watch, and if you get lost, you can call the "110" police.

Try going to school with familiar seniors who live nearby, so that your child gets used to going to school without their parents.

Children go to school by themselves, are you afraid or not?

The love of parents for their children is to worry while watching their children move forward. Such experiences, as children grow up, will be more and more.

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